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adulphos quote; Also am I the only one who noticed that the Gigantics have never killed a single enemy with the Giga-Smasher?


didn't sho kill off neo-zxtole with the gigasmasher?


As far as we know it was destroyed but then we all thought Guyot died that day so it is possible that the remover is still intact and in Guyot's possession.


We will just have to wait and see. 

Here are some points of the technology creators,


1, the organic parts, either reinforcing the creature, or meat by calling somehow relics may die, not by the passage of time, but with extreme damage, in spite of its ability to cure,


2 crystalline parts, as the medal control or navigation can be destroyed more easily but, and this is my theory, is an independent living creature, a crystalline organic being, which can regenerate very slow and very limited,



3, the stripping unit continues that pattern, organic parts for the body, but with a number of crystals for regulating the function, so Haver fallen into the lava with guyot is likely they have suffered slight damage and has been delayed all this time to regenerate



Guyot so I hope both to reappear, that telling their own Wounds,


Guyot may or may not strike after the climax of this battle. I suspect something will eventually happen that will change the rules to the game in a monumental way. I don't think anyone will be prepared for what is probably coming. I recall seeing something in a previous chapter some time ago that really caught my attention. I remember seeing Apollon casting his gaze upon something deep into the night and beyond our stars. Something's coming. I have no proof other than a gut feeling. I hope Sho and Agito will be ready.

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I wonder if maybe Kahn ruined the direction fights in the series will go. The only way to up the stakes is to get bigger and bigger now - almost as though Takaya has made it so that he has to keep outdoing that one battle. I know Kahn was designed (or at least conceived) as far back as Volume 9, but I thought that with the introduction of Guyver 2-F he was gonna bring things back down to earth a little bit. Oh well


This new  Zoalord combo design is pretty interesting. I wonder if it's a product of Takaya needing to speed up his drawing process since there's never been anything like it in the series so far. I would be heartbroken if it was more detailed at one point, but he then realized how uneconomical it would be to keep drawing both it and Dark Exceed.


I wouldn't be surprised if Agito killed Jabir and wounded Luggnagg. I could see Luggnagg detaching himself to save his own hide and leaving Jabir to fight Agito alone (maybe then Jabir would transform into his own Zoalord form). I could see Luggnagg returning back to his base wounded and hurt to find a Guyot waiting for him, and then reveals some sort of new power and killing him.

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I get the feeling the huge devil form isn't real or at least isn't actually a solid mass since the Exceed can't scan it and Agito noticed it felt strange when he grappled it.  Maybe it's some sort of energy construct created by Luggnagg and Jabir's combined powers or something like that?


oooohhhh wwwooooowwwwww, just got the translate, thanks everyone.

i'm excited to find out what other knowledge agito received while unlocking the secrets of exceed,.... very excited


It is certainly a Guyver and genre thing. It happened to Gregole in the first chapter, Agito tried to kill Guyot like that, Darzerb grabbed Guyver I in the OVA 6. I'm really not complaining since it is pretty cool but just once can't they grab the other's wrist for variety?

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