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Spider-Man: No Way Home


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Crap, spoilers are getting harder and harder to avoid nowadays.  Even just looking at thumbnails in youtube are already spoilers.  Though spoilers don't bother me much, I wanted to feel the hype when I finally get to see this. 

Well, if you guys are gonna put spoilers, I'm not gonna hold it against you, especially by the time I see this, the 1 week grace period for spoilers would have already lapse.

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 [spoiler] does this work? [/spoiler].

 [spoiler/] does this work? [spoiler]

 [spoiler] does this work? [spoiler/]

 [/spoiler] does this work? [spoiler]

 [spoiler] does this work? [\spoiler]

 [\spoiler] does this work? [spoiler]

 [spoiler] does this work? [spoiler\]

 [spoiler\] does this work? [spoiler]

[spoiler="This is the title they will see on the tag"]This is the content that will be hidden[/spoiler]

[spoiler="no spoilers here"]This is the content that will be hidden[/spoiler]

Edited by Larz Zahn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I guess now it's official spoiler time! 😁






Not going to say much, only that it did bring that realization that this Spider-man had not "grown up" yet. I know a lot of us just assumed that he had already went through the "Uncle Ben incident". Now we have proper Spider-man, instead of hand-held Spider-boy.

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I never liked the current theology that heroes can't operate on their own either. Practically every hero media now has to have "a guy in the chair" and fail horribly when they try to go it alone.


Flash on cw is a prime example if that. I loved the show when it first started, but it slowly got more tough to chew then just dived off the cliff. After 5 seasons, I cant even watch it anymore.


And Tom Holland spidey is the same with him needing help. He even asked for it this movie.. dude has an actual wizard, right there... "nah, need help from senior high school students who can check facebook".


And im a bit surprised at how glossed over they did the whole, you killed mysterio bit. I guess they had a really good lawyer.

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Well, Matt IS a really good lawyer  - but they really should have spent a LITTLE more time on a court scene, if only to have posed some critical questions.

"So, the suggestion is that this 17-year-old boy - a personal friend and confidant of Tony Stark, to whom he bequeathed the most powerful weapon of mass destruction ever created - is in fact a criminal mastermind? A criminal mastermind who spends his days swinging through the city, saving people from muggings and potentially deadly accidents? Who risked his life several times during the Thanos war, and was in fact among the Disappeared? Whereas Mysterio was a super-hero - although he has now been positively identified as Quentin Beck, a former Stark Industries employee with an expertise in hologram technology and, if this employee record I hold is correct, a history of mental issues? His own associates describe him as a violent and domineering personality, displaying qualities of a paranoid psychopath, not to mention a habitual liar. Your honor, I move to throw this case out, because frankly, it's an embarrassment."

Anyway, they probably did arrest some members of his gang, but it would have been nice to have SOMEONE squeal.

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Its suppose to be the 1st 1 billion movie this year too.


It doesn't make since to me, how people are almost ignoring who Peter is after the initial shock and people reactions...


And I don't like flash... I would love to see a flash venom movie, but not with this kid.


Gawd, im trying not to go too indepth. Durendal, how we doing? Seen it yet? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally!  After waiting ages, I've finally managed to see the movie.  It was awesome.  Tugs at your feels most of the time, and it was great.  if it weren't for the pandemic, I would believe this would become one of the highest grossing films ever.  Sony really sucks at keeping secrets.  Now Sony has no choice but to heed Marvel if they want to rake in the money.

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6 hours ago, durendal said:

if it weren't for the pandemic, I would believe this would become one of the highest grossing films ever.

..It already is. It probably won't make it to two billion, but...

In fact, taking into account that there is a pandemic going on (I missed it in the cinema for that reason) it probably would have made even more.


Edited by Salkafar
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Yes!!  Way to go durendal!


Wasn't it just "amazing"?  Sorry bad pun, lol.

So like there's not much about this movie I'm upset or even have minor issues about.

I am curious about how venom and electro showed in the universe because neither knew about Peter. Heck, venom didn't know what a spider-man was.


But I loved the goblin, my God, Dafoe did an amazing job here.

And I loved how doc oc was played out. 


Mwahaa! Perfection.



But my eyes, Andrew Garfield was the real mvp! I was geeking out when I first saw him, and he had every scene he was in, even if he was in the background. 

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Yes!  It's wonderful how much attention they pay to the smallest detail.  This definitely gave closure to the previous Spider-men, and the heroic save from fall left we with goosebumps.  I haven't felt this emotional since the first Captain America movie where Steve Rogers dived to the grenade.  And the chemistry between the character is very real.  Hopefully this will pave the way for the Spiderverse.  

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So I'm throwing this out there, I hope not. And only cause we are getting miles morales on 2 other platforms. He has the spiderman Playstation game, and then the sequel to into the spider verse is coming up. 


Granted the game already came out.


I'm a little upset with miles in the comics, as I said before I'm a huge spiderman fan. Peter Parker is my boi.

And at times it feels like miles only job is to make him look like a incompetent moron. Actually, Bendis has said similar things when asked why he created this character.(hearsay, mind you, a friend of a friend told me this) 


And even his power base and his ease of skill I take as a slap against Peter. When he 1st came out it could deal with the venom touch and visibility, but now he has so much more expanded powers with the venom touch, he's almost a saiyan. 


Which is sad, cause when its not  bendis who is writing them together, they mesh sooooo well together. 

Its only when bendis writes them together is Peter barely capable of walking in a straight line with out something screwing up.

Edited by Larz Zahn
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