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durendal last won the day on November 8 2024

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  1. Well, now I'm glad that I have a subscription for Amazon Prime. Is it true that this iteration won't be "Peter Parker" but a completely different character?
  2. durendal

    Guyver Midnight

    Looks very "Fan-ish" to me. One that I'll choose over any Hollywood version anytime. Still, good job.
  3. Very impressive collection. I guess obsessed would be an understatement 😄. By any chance you also have the Robosen?
  4. Just recently finished a quick kit, the SD Sinanju that my Daughter gifted me. Had no choice but to assemble this, less my kid get upset. Paint job is not so stellar given how much time and materials I had on hand, didn't even bother to paint the rifle anymore:
  5. There are a lot of different ideas and I'm sure everyone of those will work great. As long as they have good writing, then I'm sure the audience will be receptive of them. Lately, it seems like they plotted everything and removed the flexibility of the film makers which is why I think the later movies feels so rigid. In the case of D&W, they mentioned that they approached the studio without even a finished script, and just made up everything along the way. Something that is parallel to the first Iron Man movie. This, I hope, will also launch another renaissance for the MCU. I guess Passion and Fan boy-ery is also a necessary trait to make a good Marvel movie.
  6. Yeah, if you're saying that Doom is just a Tony Stark without morals, we already have that in Superior Iron Man. But then Tony Stark's morals in the comics has always been questionable for me. I'm definitely sure RDJ can act differently. how else would he have won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an Oscar?
  7. It seems to me that the plan is to bring in the mutants from the other universe, as hinted by the post credits in The Marvels. Or that Reed Richards could be heavily involved with this. Who knows? It's either Marvel has been intentionally misleading us or they're still trying to figure out things. My bet is the later.
  8. One nitpick I found was that Wolverine is missing his shoulder pads. Also, doesn't Channing Tatum looks kinda fat for Gambit? I'm not talking about his build, I mean, look at his round face. But then, that's probably just me.
  9. Wow! The movie has now grossed over $1B. I really enjoyed seeing a lot of the variants, especially the Cavillrine. But noted that despite his frame being very impressive, there seems to be something off with the way his face looks. I don't know if it's because he only shaved his moustache, which seems to be a dig at DC, but I feel that he looks too hairy? The phrase "Avengers..... Flame On!!" and the expression that followed was priceless. I loved Chris Evans as Captain America, and I'm glad to see him as Johnny Storm here instead. And because of this movie, Bye Bye Bye has been stuck on my head for weeks. The Dance scene at the opening was really great and refreshing.
  10. Yeah, I'll wait one more weekend before saying anything. It's cool that this may become the highest grossing R-rated file ever. I'm planning on watching it again.
  11. Do you mean Wonder Festival 2025? 2026 seems to be way far off to be planning now. Looks like it's scheduled at February 9 (based on the official site). I would want to go, but my Japanese Visa expires this year, and it's a pain in the @$$ to get visas for the entire family. Well, hope you have fun.
  12. So, are we allowed to talk spoilers now or do we wait until next week? (as if Social Media hasn't already)
  13. It has been established that Marvel have retconned Dr. Doom many times, and one of my favorite iterations is his relationship with Valeria Richards. It clearly shows that despite his megalomaniac tendencies, he has a softer side when it comes to Valeria. This highlights Doom's multifaceted nature beyond being a villain, which I believe is what the MCU needs as the big bad. Kang is just a conquerer and I don't see myself rooting for him, unlike Thanos, being the main villain, despite trying to wipe out half the universe, turns our he was actually trying to save it. Doom is a very tricky character and he will either make or break the future of the MCU. I really do hope they do Justice to Doom. I'm also in the opinion not liking Pedro Pascal as Reed. I mean, he was great in Game of Thrones and definitely good as the Mandalorian. In fact, I love him in his movie with Nick Cage. But I just can't see him as the intellectual type (probably because I've seen him goofy too many times). Marvel's casting has always been questionable but they always tend to pull it off. I do hope they also pull it off this time.
  14. If that's desperation, does that mean they don't trust Ryan Reynolds? Like Deadpool said, he is Marvel Jesus, and his movie just revived the MCU. In just 3 days, his movie already exceeded the entire box office run of the previous Marvel movie. It's not superhero fatigue, it's just poor writing. So no matter who they cast as Doom, as long as they present it to be palatable to the fans, I'm sure it will be a success. And unlike other villains, I actually respect Doom and rooting for him.
  15. Haha, Tropic Thunder. I still don't understand why people are so offended by this. It's a fricking parody. In any case, I'm sure RDJ will do a great job, like he said there, he's a dude playing a dude that's playing another dude. But I certainly wish that Marvel is trolling us, because it would have been dope if Cillian Murphy was cast as Doom instead and simply using the bait and switch with RDJ. Doom and Stark did have a history in the comics where they switched roles, so maybe that's where this is going?
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