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durendal last won the day on July 16

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  1. This is a bit part of my childhood, and them bringing back the whole cast, and I mean the original voice actors, like Megumi Hayashibara and Inoue Kikuko, is just so great! Hopefully this time they were able to finish the whole story.
  2. What? Part 3 is already out? I haven't even watched part 2 yet.
  3. Really can't unsee this. Ketchup and Mustard! Genius marketing indeed.
  4. This feels... different. I just hope they have a very compelling story for this, as I have to admit, I'm not a fan of Sam Wilson as Cap. I'm in more favor of Bucky being the next Cap, which they completely skipped.
  5. durendal


    Lots of really nice looking Countach. The 2021 version looks very similar to the Aventador. Nice, you even have the Transformers Masterpiece version.
  6. Season 2 is about to start. I wonder up to which ending this season will reach.
  7. Three weeks to go! I have a very strong feeling that we're all being trolled by all these trailers.
  8. Yeah, just saw the trailer. Everyone seems to be very hyped about Terry Mcginnis. I did notice that the Flash is missing. I haven't actually read the whole Crisis on Infinite Earth (since I can't find a copy and couldn't be bothered to look for it), but I do know the gist of it and the Flash is central to the story and heavily influences his own origin. I actually saw the first part and it's a bit underwhelming for me. There were some touching moments, but overall, I still feel something missing.
  9. Wow! They retained the animation style but it's now crisper. Perhaps this is their piece to go head to head with DC Animation, who has been faring better than their contemporaries. Interesting to see where the story leads to.
  10. I fear that this movie may be riding on the success of its predecessor and might not be able to hold its own. Everybody wants to go on the Cinematic Universe Franchise that most of the time it feels forced.
  11. Haha! Marvel Jesus! Now that Ryan Reynolds have a lot more material to work with, who knows where this will take us.
  12. Well I do think that for casual drivers, automatic would be the preferred choice of the majority. But for motorsports enthusiasts, I would guess they would prefer to drive Manual. There is just this satisfying feeling of control on how you rev the engine. Especially for racing drivers, they need a certain amount of precision in gear ratio to exact accurate control of the speed especially when turning corners. I'm very sure that it's very difficult to drift using an automatic transmission.
  13. From where I come from, this question is rather strange, as I grew up in a place where manual transmission is a standard, and automatic transmission are more geared towards luxury vehicles. I learned to drive using stick shift, and have been driving so almost half my life. Of course right now I drive a CVT because of issues with my knee. Not to mention this is a godsend during hour long traffic jams. There are less vehicles coming out now with manual transmission. So, I was wondering, in your part of the world, what type of transmission are most commonly used? And what would be your preference?
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