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jerrygoodman last won the day on February 11

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About jerrygoodman

  • Birthday 05/17/1986

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  • How did you find us?
    By chance, through my myriad travels thru cyberspace...
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    Guyver 1

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  1. I do wonder what's in the remaining five percent... I feel like Deadpool's gonna come in saying, "It's a metal arm, it's not like we're trying to remove a MUSTACHE!!!!"
  2. Part XI is now up! Careful...this one's gonna be a little brutal.
  3. Just found this off of their FB page, looks like we'll have to wait a bit...
  4. Looks that way from what I've read...
  5. Apparently there's gonna be a live action series on Amazon Prime, and Nicolas Cage is reprising the role from the Spider-Verse movies.
  6. HEADS UP, the movie is hitting YouTube on October 31st!
  7. I am gonna watch the hell out of this when it comes out.
  8. Okay, I have to post this now...
  9. "Captain Rogers." "Mister Lisker." "Do you think you actually have a chance against me?" "Only one way to find out."
  10. Btw, if anyone is interested in being a producer for this series, check out this link: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53896865
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