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Venom 2018


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I've had to chill out on these comic book adaptions. I would live to see a literal translation to film, and it used to really get to me that the stories have been changed. I can handle small transgressions like mispronouncing a few words. Who knows, maybe carnage and even toxin may make appearances further on down the line.

If Disney and Sony could put differences aside and make a reasonalby faithful maximum carnage trilogy, i would die a happy man.

A man's got to have a dream...

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i'm bummed that they didnt go the spidey route, its hard to imagine venom with out spiderman. kinda the reason he went all killy and hateful.


but that said, a part of me is eager to see how they intend to... bridge that gap in his origin story. 


so i am optimistically.... disappointed.

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This is going to be a must see. I remember when I was just a little kid, 7 I think, and everyone loved Venom back in school.

We all thought he was the most powerful character in Marvel back than. 

By the way.I have a question. Does anyone else think that Tom Hardy's lips remind you of a gold fish?

Edited by Mercer
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13 hours ago, Matt Bellamy said:


The Rotten tomatoes score is pretty accurate.

About 30% of the movie is kind of good. And that is only the scenes with Eddie and Venom. Everything else is just bad.

You don't like this film at all do you? Theres nothing wrong with that. 

I didn't like the first three Spiderman films that Sony did back in the early 2000's. I felt they were cheesy and really stupid. I felt that they were horrible. But Sony made 3 of them because people went to the theater to see them causing Sony to make profit off of those movies. Now if people had just refused to see the 2000 Spiderman movie, than it would have bombed at the box office and went no further than one movie. 

I'm not going to defend VENOM because I've never seen it. The film made over $205.2 million in the box office.  And according to Sony, they're making two more of these because Tom Hardy has signed a contract to do a trilogy. As bad as the movie was, people still paid vast amounts of money and as long as they spend money to see this film, they are encouraging further production of it, sequels if you will. 



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13 hours ago, Mercer said:

You don't like this film at all do you? Theres nothing wrong with that. 

I didn't like the first three Spiderman films that Sony did back in the early 2000's. I felt they were cheesy and really stupid. I felt that they were horrible. But Sony made 3 of them because people went to the theater to see them causing Sony to make profit off of those movies. Now if people had just refused to see the 2000 Spiderman movie, than it would have bombed at the box office and went no further than one movie. 

I'm not going to defend VENOM because I've never seen it. The film made over $205.2 million in the box office.  And according to Sony, they're making two more of these because Tom Hardy has signed a contract to do a trilogy. As bad as the movie was, people still paid vast amounts of money and as long as they spend money to see this film, they are encouraging further production of it, sequels if you will. 



Don't say I didn't like something when I actually saw the thing and clearly posted my opinion. I clearly liked part of the movie.

I said it was 30% of a good movie. And most critics (good or bad review) agree that the Eddie/Venom interaction was the best part.

The problem with Venom is that it REEKS of studio interference. Which hurts the overall movie with a weak villain, weak love interest, and a story so bland that doesn't even involve his greatest rival. Plus, the PG-13, despite Venom clearly eating at least one head directly off of a guy.

What I hope happens, is that the Studio takes the reviews to heart, maybe talk with Mr.Feige and Marvel a bit abotu forming a story, and allow a sequel to be something better.

But next time, before you jump all over someone for an opinion on anything, remember: It is an OPINION. Going at someone's opinion is a shitty thing to do that happens far too much on the internet, and I will NOT allow it to happen here. Fact of the matter is, you are trying to prove that my opinion of Venom is wrong because (without seeing it) of the box office.

Bad movies make money all the time. This is nothing new.

Come back when you see the movie and post your opinion, or ask questions of people who have seen it. But do not attack people because you disagree with an opinion.

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6 hours ago, Matt Bellamy said:


But next time, before you jump all over someone for an opinion on anything, remember: It is an OPINION. Going at someone's opinion is a ****ty thing to do that happens far too much on the internet, and I will NOT allow it to happen here. Fact of the matter is, you are trying to prove that my opinion of Venom is wrong because (without seeing it) of the box office.

I'm sorry. I wasn't attacking you at all, nor was I disagreeing with you. I don't know what gave you that idea that I was trolling you.

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I found it entertaining, it could have been better but it's pretty fun.

The highlight really is Brock and Venom, such great characters and interactions.

Biggest weak point? The main villain/s are rather bland and stereotypical. Their the oppasite of the main character/s in the wrong way.

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i wasnt happy with it... but i am a die hard spidey fan so feel free to ignore my rantings.

so im trying to get the spoiler tags to work anddddddd, im a little rusty.  Tips on what i did wrong?






<spoiler> ok so here goes.

first of all, every time someone gets a symbiote, they are covered head to toe instantly, except in this movie. i can forgive this due to dramatic emphasis, wanting that slow-big reveal. but it felt painful waiting for venom to show itself.

the symbiotes need to feed constantly. normally they feed off the host, hence the term, symbiote/parasite. in this movie they physically need to eat. i guess this is to explain the constant venom eating people in the comics ploy, but it was kinda sad here. and the part where Eddy dove into his trash can for leftover fish... no lie. made me gag.

i did enjoy the back and forth between Venom and Eddy, even tho at times it was a little forced.  and the symbiotes script sounded like it belonged in a micheal bay transformer movie. but how Eddy was portrayed... i honestly wondered if he was supposed to be drunk the entire movie... even after he had a handle on things, drunk. he just didnt act like Eddy from the comics, moody, grumpy, angry and classic tough loner guy... (i know, i know, its a movie not the comics, but gosh darnit. the comics made this movie possible so i will hold it to that standard)


and then theres Cleatus Kassidy... when i heard that Woody Harrison was going to play him, i was optimistic... but then i saw him in the credit scene and NOPE! 

i literally had to fight myself from laughing to loud... that wig was so awful....i like Woody as an actor, but he just couldnt pull of a convincing Kassidy.</spoiler>

Edited by Larz Zahn
goofed up
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