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Superman: Doomsday


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When lexcorp accidentally unearths the intergalactic serial killer Doomsday, Superman battles the creature head on in the fight of his life. . .literally. The world collectively mourns their fallen hero; humanity realizes it will never feel safe again. Superman's enemies rejoyce - all but Lex Luthor, who grieves the loss in his own demented manner, setting off a chilling chain of events that even he couldn't foreseen.


Is anyone else looking forward to this animated movie? :D

We'll finally get to see Superman and Doomsday duke it out the we never got to see the Justice League series! :twisted:

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Yes this will be a good watch i wonder is it till his death or till his return where he destroys the Cyborg? :roll:

Speaking of Guyver.. have they released any new episodes/ season or the last episode was of the Gigantic fighting Neo Zektole?

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When lexcorp accidentally unearths the intergalactic serial killer Doomsday.

Why couldn't they keep it back to the roots? I mean the original Doomsday was a experiment by the Kryptonians to make a unkillable weapon. That's why Doomsday was able to kill Superman because Doomsday is in fact part Kryptonian and part adaptive, meaning you can only use a weapon or ability once before he is nearly immune to it. Perfect example is that Superman when he first eno****ered him took a full force punch from Doomsday without flinching but then got a full force kick that literally took the air out of him. From there Superman started to lose the battle.

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Well that was because the containment suit was dampening Doomsday power and as they attacked him they actually freed him from the suit and that freed his power.

The adapting at that point was still limited to whatever killed him was what he would adapt to, which is why in the rematch (after both had resurrected) heat vision and such became useless and Superman had to resort to sending Doomsday through a boomtube to get rid of him, but of course Doomsday always managed to survive and return later.

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Well first Doomsday was not created by the Kryptonians he was created by Bertron a scientist with his team on Prehistoric Krypton because it has a hellish climate and had the fierciest creatures known.. once Doomsday destroyed the Lab and went off planet the research of Bertron was used by the natives to pursue the path genetic perfection something like that..

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Why dont these guys stick to the original story line to the T? i mean why the changes i have yet to see a movie in which they followed the entire original story line :(

i like Smallville :) last episode i saw was of Season 6 episode 22 have they released any more?

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To McAvoy:

My good man, the new season of Smallville begins on Sept. 28. Be ready. 8)

To Frost:

Saw it last night, had to buy it cause the nephews/godsons love the comics & the animation. :) Thought it was decent, knew it would be different, but it was decent. As for Marvel movies having more animation tech, just the way they work, I guess. :roll: Also, keep your eyes open for Justice League: the New Frontier. Looks sweet. 8)

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Why dont these guys stick to the original story line to the T? i mean why the changes i have yet to see a movie in which they followed the entire original story line :(

i like Smallville :) last episode i saw was of Season 6 episode 22 have they released any more?

Because sticking directly to the original plot would have required a LOT longer piece of work to flesh out characters and whatnot. You may forget that despite it being a Superman story... it moved into other comics as well... like Green Lantern.


Overall: 3/5 - Nothing spectacular, but overall pretty decent.

Some of ther revamping was ok, but some of it was kinda iffy. I was a fan of the 4 Supermen from the comics, and, admittingly, was dissapointed that none of the character actually apeared.

Doomsday was pretty close to what they did in the comics. Granted, it wasn't perfectly the same, but still, he didn't speak, and his only goal seemed to destroy. That part was pretty accurate. And with the PG-13 rating, people weren't crawling out of vehicles that he destroyed. He was clearly killing. The fight with Superman was pretty well done too. Lots of collateral damage. Supermans death wasn't as dramatic... but still... pretty well done.

This is of course where the movie starts to differ quite a bit from the original plot. The Clone idea that they did use however, seemed to take from 3 of the characters anyway ( with Steel being left out).

Superboy - Being a clone of Superman

Eradicator - Being "right minded" in his actions, but much more violent

Cyborg - The actual fighting with Superman, and noting his weakness'

Lex Luthor's plot in this was kinda tacked on I felt. But they clearly showed he had ulterior motives... and also proved that you may be able to clone Superman... but you won't be controlling him for long.

I also liked the fact that, when Superman returned, he used a variation of the black suit, as well as a Gun ( despite it being a Kryponite gun) as per what happened in the comics as well. That and he had his long hair.

Overall, it was pretty enjoyable. I would have liked them to use the cast that they had used for the Superman Animated series ( and thus Justice League after), but the more famous cast did a pretty good job too.

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Why does it always have to be Luthor? that bald eagle is always there couldnt they use some other villan for a change? Mongul would have made a good change anybody heck i would settle for a rabbit on steroids but luthor man.. :roll:

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