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About W'Kar

  • Birthday 10/02/1983

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Proto-Zoalord (18/20)



  1. That was no bot.... Skype should be the same... though I don't use it much.
  2. ERMEGERD... I Gotz itz!
  3. ::sniff sniff:: I smell something fishy.
  4. Indeed, you make perfect sense. They aren't clones... at least not in any normal sense of the world. Literal divergant copies. Though I would argue that Ira and W'Kars kid is just as much Ira and Anubis child, perhaps more so than you realize.
  5. I've considered adding a roleplay section for GWOTG, based off the setting itself. My wife is really into online roleplaying, and has done the Forum-RP thing alot. Still does in fact. Course it raises all sorts of questions. 1. Posting Rules 2. Player Character Rules 3. Setting Rules 4. Art 5. Who can be a moderator. Personally, I wouldn't mind doing it, but I'd have to delegate someone to handle the day to day activities. With writing itself, it kind of leads less time for moderating in such a way. Of course it would also have to be set on it's own separate board as well. Not a big deal, but it can't be on part of this board itself. Were I to do so, would anyone be interested in RP'ing on a board set in the GWOTG setting? Of course questions like when the RP takes place will have to be addressed.
  6. I've debated doing that actually. The major concern I have is that it will deprive time from pushing the story ahead. I've personally always felt it's best to just let it roll, if you know what I mean. I'd rather make new, than rehash old stuff. Heck I'd have to reread them for some of the details. If I had to, characters would be cut. Some plotlines would be trimmed out, names of certain things changed, a whole slew of things. Not enough to make it a brand new story or anything, but enough that it would severely change the appearance of it. For example the Pirate/Energy/Phantom Guyvers would probably be just Phantom. Probably would remove the Dark Unit, Assassin type 2 as it's vaguely purposeless in some ways, and drastically alter the background for the Black Units. Certain old characters like Darkness would be revisioned as well, and definitely Nano-Guyver would need a major change. But to do all that would take alot of time, time I could devote to furthering the story instead. So... it's a debate.
  7. Yeah give or take, exact dates will be released in the story itself. I've been considering splitting it into two parts for the simple reason that it's pretty big, and I'm taking my time with this one to make sure all dates and events go by as exact as I can figure them. It's also taking time because I am putting a great deal of effort into the dialogue and characterization. There is a good deal of information and even more foreshadow in this story. I want people to pick apart all of the little hidden bits of info and find the details and answers to questions I never answered. Because of that, this is more of a project than just a random story.
  8. Perhaps time will tell
  9. Behind Venus <”Report.”> Turning on the balcony and looking up into the massive sphere which allowed the Kavzar Commander to contact his master, the flashing from the Kavzar Commanders Control Crystal signaled his telepathic link forming. It was a dizzying effect, sending ones thoughts across the boundaries of space. But the details were unimportant to it. <”Recent skirmish on Terra appears to have concluded. Our presence is so far still undetected. Neither the rogue group of Chronos, Horus, Seraph, or the Grakken, nor Krullnar’s team has detected our presence. They are aware of the test subjects, however.”> Silence across telepathic communication feels momentary and eternal. As though thoughts themselves had only the slightest momentum. The Kavzar Commander had a dreadful feeling, the emotional seeming of the Gen. It felt… empty. <”Unavoidable. Failure of Lar’Cass Aceaer Battle Unit A-1 was expected. Report on the status of both test units.”> <”Test unit 12 has proven reliable. Current information shows that the test unit returned to full powered state in the appropriate amount of time as calculated. Test unit 13 bonded at full potential, but is failing to alter the host’s genetics in an appropriate amount of time. Host of Test unit 13 appears to be genetically altering at 23% slower of a rate.”> <”What of both subjects environmental performance on Terra?”> <”Both subjects appear to surviving and adapting to the genetic alteration. Terra contains all necessary factors for continued functionality and both hosts are adapting in time scales deemed suitable by the tests parameters.”> Silence took hold for another moment of eternity. <”Have subjects been active?”> <”Subjects activities limit optimum observation. Test unit 12’s host is 67% less active than expected parameters. Test unit 13’s host is current 58% under expected time.”> <”Have the two tests units engaged each other?”> <”Negative.”> The Kavzar Commander worried about the response now. <”Activate Protocol 3. We must see the results of a conclusive test with the two test units.”> <”As you command.”>
  10. Depends on how you run your games. As far as keeping for suspense I would say yes.
  11. Could always treat it as Spell Turning spell-like ability, if your treating all energy based attacks as 'Spells' for the purposes of the system.
  12. Heh, plenty of magic already placed in d20 system to be used as spell-like abilities to mimic some of the zoalord powers. Waferdanos could use Entangle for example. Just make it that its described as hair rather than as roots and vines and such. With the plethora of options available out there it's easy enough to flesh them out. I'd classify them as Abberations... maybe even outsiders. Definitely not shapechangers despite the obvious choice. Shapechanger statistics just don't fit. Zoanoids, yeah, but not zoalords. I'd also definitely consider a pretty unique option of making XP not part of the system. Huge deviation from the norm, but let me explain... Basically you could treat a standard guyver as say... a level 5 character. That way all your basic zoanoids types could range with CR's around 1-2, a group or a single guyver would be more than enough to defeat them even en-masse to a point. You could then make the Hyper Zoanoids say CR's between 3-9 or so. Zx-tole was an extremely dangerous adversary for a standard guyver and should be up there in range. This makes the Team 5, CR's ranging between 4-7 or so a real huge danger for one guyver, but a group of 3 or 4 guyvers should be able to handle them fair enough with some danger. Now say one of them becomes a Gigantic, you could make a new sheet with a guyver being a level 20 character, or even higher depending on how you want to go. That would make the Team 5 not nearly a threat, but if the zoalords are CR's 17-24 or so, a real danger for the gigantic and a death sentence for the standard guyver who's a level 5 character. Were you to apply new guyvers in the scenario they could come really anywhere between a standard guyver and a gigantic. For example a Warrior Guyver could be rated at a Level 10 character, I'd have to run though the math to be sure but 10 sounds about right. Able to take the Team 5, but is still a dangerous task, but likely ain't gonna make too much of a dent in the Zoalords without serious luck or backup. Of course could rate Alkie up at like CR 35 or so, making him an extreme danger to everyone. The individual statistics are up to you.
  13. Well if you were going to go ahead and develop a full fledged game based off of guyver, and not just use it as an add-on, classes and prestige classes are the way to go. Allows far more options. But... if you were just going to go with a one shot thing as a more 'Canonized Representation', or as an option for characters I feel that a template is the way to go. A race... well... that just get complicated when you start to consider the LA and all that, then trying to balance it properly with a party. Basically a template. Much like Half-Fiend or Half-Dragon, or one of the other dozens of others that are out there. That way it could be applied to a character of any race. But hey, I'm definitely not the D20 aficionado given flesh. I'm willing to see other options out there.
  14. Not bad, but this um... well looks like a base class to me... doesn't follow the standard Fort/Ref/Will on level nor BAB. And let's not mention just by looking at it I can tell it way overpowers any other class. And plus making it a class seems... well... kind of breaking the entire point. Personally I think a Guyver would be better expressed in D20 by a template, not a class. But still, pretty neat looking
  15. I have to say if one were to try and get the stats for a Guyver into D20 style roleplaying it would be way overpowered for the system itself. I'd treat it instead as a template added to an existing creature complete with Hit Die and Level Adjustments rather than just an item to be picked up. That way proper XP penalties should apply for a highly powered character. Not to go into way too much on this board concerning a topic that doesn't entirely belong here, the basic idea would be to add a template kind of like the Half-Fiend, Half-Dragon, whatever on there. Template would alter the creature to gain bonuses to statistics, damage reduction, energy resistance and so on and so forth. Depending on whether you wanted to use it in a modern or classic style game, the exact nature of the template would be different. I'm far more knowledgeable in the classic sword and spell kind of RPG than Modern style ones, and frankly a Guyver Unit would have to be dramatically altered story wise to really fit a medieval setting properly. Maybe a kind of like... Godly Artifact, or something like that. Would be fun as hell in epic campaigns. But statistically tricky to balance for fairness. Fighter type characters with high attack bonuses would benefit FAR more in my opinion than Wizard types.
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