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Website Update Thread


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34 minutes ago, Tora Tan said:

is there any chance of the text being fixed in the user titles? they used to be japanese characters but they have been garbled for ages!

If someone types up the Japanese text, sure.

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I've changed them for now, but am thinking of removing them entirely, as they are just random terms that have nothing to currently do with the forum or the general theme of the site.

As it stands, after 100 posts, members can make their own titles anyway, so it really shouldn't effect much if we default them to Guyver terms instead.

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FYI at the moment I've being adding new icons to the different sections of the board. E.g. Cartman saying "Whatever" for the Whatever / Entertainment section. 

As I find ones I like I'll add them to the board. Note if anyone had a picture they think suits a section let me know (though whatever it is needs to be the same size as the Guyver picture in the Guyver section). 


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  • 4 months later...
On 04/08/2017 at 8:57 AM, Sully said:

FYI at the moment I've being adding new icons to the different sections of the board. E.g. Cartman saying "Whatever" for the Whatever / Entertainment section. 

As I find ones I like I'll add them to the board. Note if anyone had a picture they think suits a section let me know (though whatever it is needs to be the same size as the Guyver picture in the Guyver section). 


I've noticed the little icons, they add a nice touch. Perhaps a vault door for the vault section icon and the corresponding front cover of each of the volumes for each of chapter icons?


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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Last weekend was a bit of a learning curve. The import tool sucked giving me 1000's of pages that we useless. So will have to do this manually and am learning my around the application at the moment. 

So far though I really like the application, it's just a case of getting the most out of it and transfering stuff so nothing is missing. Lots of work ahead, but when this is finished it will be worth it. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Progress with the WarriorGuyver.com site has being a little slow. Mostly it has being me learning how the Wordpress system works. Yesterday though I finally got tables to work properly which is a big thing for the design of that site :)

I can no push ahead with getting back up a lot of the important sections of the website and go from there. 

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I'd a really happy moment today as I was testing out the WarriorGuyver.com website with actual content with my mobile and seeing how well it formatted there. It really is worth it to see it that way and also means that when it's TheGuyver.Net turn I know the site will also benefit from me using Wordpress instead.


I've still though a crap ton of work though it getting all the old content back up.

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  • 1 month later...

The last month has being interesting. Experimenting a lot less now and simply getting content back up onto the website. The Fan-Fiction section is now finished and I'm now working on getting the data file section back up and running fully.  Its a lot of time though as each section of the data file has to be manually entered and fixed up for data file and there are a LOT of data files.

It's getting there though and the basic structure of the website is almost done. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Busy last few days.

Great War of the Guyvers has being fully restored as to what it was before the change over to Wordpress. This also has a fully working Gallery section which is a nice upgrade to the way pictures used to work on the site. Note if you want to save pictures move the mouse to near the top of the picture when the mouse icon changes from a hand to a pointer. Rightclick and then you can save the picture. 

Along with that the Links section has also being fully restored and updated. 

There's still a lot of left to do. The ACTF Data files along with the other data files are still on going. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday I managed to finish all the data files. Working on the Calendar now and then the rest of the site. Hopefully should be finished with WG.com this side of the year :) 

Still got to fix up the Guyver Fan-Archive. It has a fair amount of  of broken images and links. 

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  • 8 months later...

The messageboard has being updated to the latest version, got a new anti spam setting so hopefully this will make a difference.

On the bad side it looks  to have disabled Chatbox posting..... Hopefully the next update will fix it.


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5 hours ago, Tora Tan said:

Oh right! I see it now! I usually land on the main page 'japan-legend.com and go into threads from that page.
Am I wrong to do it that way?

Nope, over time that will be kind of the info page that shows news and links.

Both are correct, but the Forums link is the only one that loads up the Chatbox.

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  • 4 months later...

TheGuyver.Net had some very important steps in getting back to being an active website this week :) While the content at the moment is lacking, that will quickly follow once I get the basic structure of the website up and running.

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