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Website Update Thread


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Hello all,

The warriorguvyer.com website will be getting a major change done which will break links.

This will be happening soon and the new url will be https://www.warriorguyver.com (we're going secure!). This will be the first of the 3 domains I run to get it and will trigger a massive project of having to update all links contained within the website to no longer use http:// . This though is the perfect time to do this as we're mid updating templates and would have had to update all html pages within that to match up...

Lots of work ahead but when this is all done it will be the start of a great new decade for these websites and what we do.


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Yup, the links from warriorguyver.com point to were the new links will be (and are not there yet). At the moment, TheGuyver.Net and Japan-Legend.com are not certified sites.

First I'm fixing up WarriorGuyver.com (which became a secure / certified site for the first time today) and then the other 2 sites, once done everything will work nicely, until then there will be some broken linkage like the above.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

There has being some issues with the message board  (part of the Database is 15 times what is should be so the ISP keeps turning off theboard).


As part of the fix to this I've upgraded the messageboard, which has turned off the chat box... it will be back later.

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  • 3 months later...

Giving you guys a heads up, over the next month or so there will be some updates done to the other 2 sites (wg.com and theguyver.net). Links between the sites might get a little dodgy.

In Japan Legend I plan on archiving any content older than 5 years to the Archive section of the forum unless it is a current topic / still important. FYI nothing will be deleted, just moved. 


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I've updated the layout of the Forum.

Some forum sections have been given new icons.

I've had to delete the Desert Theme as it was out of date and couldn't find a current version of it that supported menu's (the bit at the top of the forum). At the moment I'm sticking with the default Theme as simply put, it's updated as the forum updates.

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:monkey-z043:Ok done with Emoji's for the weekend. Got a huge amount fixed and uploaded there. I'll look at this some more next weekend along with why the auto-correct isn't catching cuss words any more like it used to.


There is a decent change past posts will be affected by next weeks changes to emoji's. E.g :) will possibly be no longer a cat but a normal smiley. We'll see how the changes go but changes will be happening. :onion-pool:

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6 hours ago, Tora Tan said:

oh no! not the desert skin!
that was the forum's personality! I hope it's possible to get a replacement easily.


I looked at the new forum icons but they seem to be faded?

Hopefully it is just a case of finding a new current version of it (or one close to it). Either way, any theme we find has to be updated  to work fully after the forum is updated. But yeah, the Brown / Red will be back at some point.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

This weekend coming there are some major upgrades going theough the planning stages as the websites are upgraded so they can run on the laltest PHP.. expect down time and a lot of head scratching... 

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  • 1 month later...

The Messageboard and sites have had some major changes.


The server is now on PHP8. The messageboard in Japan-Legend is on the lasted new version just released tonight.


The Chatbox though is a little out of date compared to everything else around it so is acting a little funny.


More updates this weekend I feel. But the worst of it is done and the messageboard seems a lot more stable. 

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I'm glad the server will be more stable now. it was offline for almost a week last time ^^

it looks like the ranks have all been turned into rockets on our avatars though. it looks a bit ugly covering our avatar like that and it's more difficult to look at what somebody's rank is. would it be possible to restore them to under our icon, as words?

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On 6/27/2021 at 1:21 PM, Tora Tan said:

I'm glad the server will be more stable now. it was offline for almost a week last time ^^

it looks like the ranks have all been turned into rockets on our avatars though. it looks a bit ugly covering our avatar like that and it's more difficult to look at what somebody's rank is. would it be possible to restore them to under our icon, as words?

Part of that was I didn't want to turn it back on for it to just fall over again during that week (it had gotten to the stage where if I done the temp fix, that only lasted half a day or less). I found the part to get it fixed but getting it setup was something I didn't do before so waited until the weekend as there was a hole series of updates and changes I wanted done and out of the way and if things went to hell I wanted time to focus and trouble shoot it properly.


Part of that is the Message Board is now on the latest version which has given us new "Features" like the rank icons which involved resetting stuff to match old settings... 


I've not had a chance to play around with it yet but this weekends focus will be on the Chat box first. Then getting other tasks the new version of the board wants setup done next, then I'll worry about making things pretty


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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The upgrade over the weekend was a pain in the arse. Still more work to do to get some other parts of the board back up and running again.


FYI Chat Box is currently down and will be looked at this coming weekend. 

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  • 2 months later...

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