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Website Update Thread


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On 28/01/2016 at 11:59 PM, Bio-Boosted Dude said:

9 years of Japan-Legend coming up! Where do the years go. I shudder thinking that I joined theguyver.net over 10 years ago now.


Has it really been 9 years? I still remember when I had the original idea for Japan-Legend on Jess's old Guyver Board.


For those who don't know or may not remember, I am Jess's big brother (literally, not figuratively) and she gave me some space to do what I wanted at the bottom of the Guyver Board. I created a Japan-Legend sub-forum, and it was so popular that we expanded it into the fully grown site we all enjoy today. And Sully is an old friend of ours who we used to know in our home town.

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11 minutes ago, DekaRed said:

Has it really been 9 years? I still remember when I had the original idea for Japan-Legend on Jess's old Guyver Board.


For those who don't know or may not remember, I am Jess's big brother (literally, not figuratively) and she gave me some space to do what I wanted at the bottom of the Guyver Board. I created a Japan-Legend sub-forum, and it was so popular that we expanded it into the fully grown site we all enjoy today. And Sully is an old friend of ours who we used to know in our home town.

I still have fond memories of Comic Book Dave's little market area. I still have loads of comics from those days. Most of my Guyver comic collection is thanks to him and that shop. I still remember talking with you two there about Guyver. That and what's her name that was super cute / attractive that used to hang out ... was it Shelly?

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On 18/05/2016 at 10:19 AM, Sully said:

I still have fond memories of Comic Book Dave's little market area. I still have loads of comics from those days. Most of my Guyver comic collection is thanks to him and that shop. I still remember talking with you two there about Guyver. That and what's her name that was super cute / attractive that used to hang out ... was it Shelly?

It's kind of a shame, the shop is no more. It got shut down many years ago, and Dave never bothered with a new one. I spent a lot of time there, and it was Dave that sorted my 21st birthday, pretty much an all day event. And the other thing you mentioned... She stayed in our lives for a very long time, but we don't really talk about her anymore, as a lot of screwy things happened. We both had a lot of mental trauma due to being "friends" with her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Japanese text is working again, but topics and posts pre upgrade to IP Board 4 will keep the broken text. These need to be edited again, ガイバー is working though again :)


Jess if you get a chance can you please put up the Japanese text that was beside the old ranks again?

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  • 3 months later...

FYI guys, large sections of WarriorGuyver.com's website might be down this weekend as I get the next update ready.

There will be a a large amount of fixes going up (the last major update had a lot of broken links due to a lot of file movement and moving old websites into the Guyver Fan-Archive). 

This will not be just an update of fixes but new content as well will be going up and it will also be a last major update before I get to work on theGuyver.Net full time. 

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got some time to push out the update yesterday:


Unfortunately this was one of those updates that didn't have a lot of content but was to address the issue of "Web Rot". What that basically is that over time large sites get more and more broken links between pages. With warriorguyver.com this wasn't helped by the fact the last 2 major updates involved me moving a lot of content into the newly recreated Guyver Fan Archive, linking it to the forum then the Japan-Legend forum unexpectedly had to be moved as part of updating it to take over the domain....  Lots of work had to be done to fix this and during that I discovered just how badly Stars Guyver page worked. The core of that old info site that old timers will remember well is now being rebuilt and put back up.

Anyway for the most part it is done. None of the work was wasted as it's made clear in my head the way I want The Guyver.Net to work. This will be the focus of the next big update as it's about time the site was back on-line fully. This will defectively be the merger of 3 websites, Star's Guyver Page, TheGuyver.Net and info recovered from Japan-Legend's Wiki.

in terms of new Content for WarriorGuyver.com a new gallery has being added to the GFA:


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  • 1 month later...


I've finished reworking the Calendar for the Fan-Fiction so that it now matches up with the 2005 Anime. The Great War of the Guyver's fan-fiction has also being updated so it now reflects the same dates that we worked out when the Anime takes place.

Going forward this will be worked into my fan-fiction and the others on the website so that Fan's get a better experience from fic.

I'm still working on other things for the website and TheGuyver.Net.... hopefully some more cool stuff will be going up soon (and possibly more stuff today).

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, sorry real life has sucked lately for me being unemployed so I've not being with it to visit and keep things up to date.

Started back work this week and finished the template I'm going to use for TheGuyver.Net. I'm currently working on the menu system so should hopefully get a working version of the site up soon.

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The Alpha version of TheGuyver.Net is going online at the moment. This is basically a menu test to check that things are working.

All going to plan this will then be filled in over the next few weeks with Guyver info an stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over the weekend the messageboard was updated to the latest version.

This has given more LIKE options for posts. Note there has being an unexpected result from this.

People who use the old "RED" look for their view have being given HUGE like icons. The theme hasn't being updated yet. The Default standard theme updated automatically and is working fine. 





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The option to change should be at the bottom of the front page of the site. Though it's turned off at the moment. 

If they update / fix it I'll put it back up as an option. At the moment it looks very bad and basically 5 massive buttons take over every post.

Can't say when this will be though as I'm not the creator of the theme. I'll check again this weekend though and let ye know here if it is fixed or possibly replaced. 

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Hopefully it's being updated. 

Though I'm open to the option of more themes (as long as the people who designed it keep it up to date). Anyone with some graphic design skills (and more importantly a love of Guyver) want to join in on making a Japan Legend theme and make this more Guyver like is more than welcome.

I am thinking something on the lines of a few themes, for the board to give the community a few choices. e.g. while the domain is Japan-Legend this board now is also the combined with that of the 2 message boards of warriorguyver.com so I'm thinking of a warriorguyver theme too to as an option. So there will be at least 3 for people to chose from. This the "default", Japan-Legend and then Warrior Guyver. If someone wants to add to that it's not a problem. 

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