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Batman V Superman

Matt Bellamy

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All said and done... I thought the film was a success. If they didn't have 'vs' in the title, I think a lot of negativity could have been avoided. I wasn't expecting much from Ben Aflek as batman, but I feel he played the part well. So a thumbs up from me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw iton Sunday.

Lex might as well been the Joker in all but name.

The intro with the death of the Wayne parents could have been cut if they decided to do short flashback scenes instead of weird dreams. Bruce flying up the the light by bats should have been cut. Bruce dreaming of the weird dimensional rift should have been cut because he doesn't even use the advice. The dream before that should have never been there, but done for Batman in a trench coat and goggles look.

Superman needed more time as Superman. His death was hollow. Doomsday grew on me and his origin is OK.

Wonder Woman is too skinny but was very good especially in the fight. She got the better of Doomsday alo and she was enjoying the fight. She seemed to be warming up.

Batman was Batman for the most part. Batman as in the comics. Perhaps exaggerated with his focus on killing Superman and his trash talking.

I love the new Alfred.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys this movie is stupid and rushed, Batman has gun's and he kills people. honorery mentions include Batman using his grapple hook to shoot a guy though the stomach, running over random people be it pedestrians or thugs. My favorite Batman is a veggie moment would be that, you know how he hates Superman for 'destroying' half the city, Killing innocent people and the like? but the first thing he says when he sees Doomsday is and I quote "I'm going to lead it into the city!" where, guess this; innocent people are! Batman is meant to be the world greatest detective, not an idiot. Superman's death was drenn, they could of waited till all the Justice league was there and formed because that would make it  a more emotional and an overall better scene. And don't get me started on Mad Bat-Max shooting Geonosians and Superman Nazis. and yes I know they are not Geonosians they are Parademons.

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Yeah but Fantastic 4's movie rights are not owned by Marvel so therefor there is no quality control by people that know about the source material (e.g. the comics) like Marvel studios does. I haven't even seen it so I can really Judge the movie, but from what I heard its pretty awful.

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8 hours ago, Prometheus Guyver said:

Well there goes any hope I had for a Shazam movie, oh well better luck next time.

Well, bad reviews don't necessarily mean anything.

BvS still made a lot of money, and so far, all the projects they had planned are still greenlit.

Whether or not we will get a GOOD Shazam movie however...

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I don't see how you could make a dark and edgy Shazam movie. That franchise just isn't meant for that. It's something they should aim at the younger segment. Maybe animated? And you could easily make it a trilogy. Villains (in order): Doctor Sivana, Black Adam, Mister Mind.


...Then again, those guys have become fairly edgy of late.




Black Adam.jpg

Mister Mind.jpg

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I'm not real knowledgeable on Shazam other then he originally was called cpt Marvel and was owned by some other company that DC bought. That he his a child and stuff, I know that but I do find the character interesting and cool. With DC characters, I am more knowledgeable on Green Lantern, Batman and Superman with Hal Jordan being my favorite DC Hero, don't care if everyone else says he doesn't have a character, Geoff Johns made him have one haha. I prefer Marvel because I grew up with Spider-man. My favorite superheros of all time would be Spider-man, Daredevil (This going to sound hipster but I liked him way before everyone jumped on the bandwagon) and Green Lantern.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Civil War now stands at 1.063 billion. Dawn of Justice, 871 million (which is enough to cover the costs). Marvel wins.

I fear for 'Suicide Squad'. Word is they put all the jokes from the movie in the trailer to up the appeal, and even tried to increase the humor in the movie because of the Deadpool Effect.

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  • 2 months later...

I finally saw the (Ultimate Version of the) movie. It looks beautiful and the acting is good, but what a clunky, over-long mess of a movie. It should have been two-thirds as long. And after the climactic battle a 15-minute epilogue? I would have been in the foyer or possibly on the train well before the credits began to roll.

The 'alien invasion' subplot was so... hamfisted. It was meant to provide motivation, but it felt like someone "wearing a hat on top of a hat". It was a reference to a looming invasion by the forces of Apokalips, the world ruled by the evil god Darkseid, but while geeks understand this immediately, it must have been pretty puzzling to normal moviegoers. Same way with the Flash suddenly appearing to warn Batman: that was taken from 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'. Which means that this movie has to carry the heavy burden of referring the three seminal comic book series from 1985/1986: Batman: Return of the Dark Knight, Crisis on Infinite Earths and Watchmen, because Snyder found it necessary to use grafitti to refer to his earlier (and, through no merit of his own, superior) comic book cinema effort.

What certainly does not help is the characterization. Put it like this: the title should probably have been "Two superheroes dressed as Batman and Superman fight". Superman, agonizing? Batman, killing as enthusiastically as the Punisher (segue: Daredevil season 2 is much, MUCH better than this)? Wonder Woman was pretty much perfect, but that's pretty easy if you have about 5 lines.

The 'Martha' scene was cringeworthy.

Oh, and the elements from 'The Dark Knight Returns'... they don't work here. And why don't they work here? Because when they were first used, they were used by a Batman who was known to us very well, because we had read about him for decades. He was familiar to us. He was a hero who did not kill, on principle. This guy? We know nothing, because we only get to see him after his career is pretty much over. The indication is that in this universe, Batman responded to the death of Jason Todd at the hands of the Joker by giving up on his non-killing policy, but it seems kind of silly to play it that way, because only a geek would understand that reference - and the average movie-goer not at all! And his conflict with Superman in TDKR was also far, far more complex and nuanced because they had known each other and had been allies, friends, for decades. And that battle also ended so very differently.

I'd have to say the movie started out pretty great, but it slowly, unsteadily got worse, picked up for the Doomsday battle, then crashed and burned along with Superman. Oy, gevalt.

A minor (?) peeve: Batman manages to weaken his opponent, twice, by dousing him with aerosolized Kryptonite, or Kryptonite-laden smoke, which Superman breathes in. Okay... in both cases, he gradually recovers after a few minutes. Um... how? Isn't the Kryptonite inside his bloodstream now? Did it magically stop affecting him? He didn't sweat it out, and in any case it would still be on his skin. And anyway, it should have outright killed him while it was passing through his organs... it didn't just disappear, that's for sure. So what happened?


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1 hour ago, Salkafar said:

A minor (?) peeve: Batman manages to weaken his opponent, twice, by dousing him with aerosolized Kryptonite, or Kryptonite-laden smoke, which Superman breathes in. Okay... in both cases, he gradually recovers after a few minutes. Um... how? Isn't the Kryptonite inside his bloodstream now? Did it magically stop affecting him? He didn't sweat it out, and in any case it would still be on his skin. And anyway, it should have outright killed him while it was passing through his organs... it didn't just disappear, that's for sure. So what happened?


Depending on the toxin and its concentration, it is possible for the body to both deal with it and expel it even if it's breathed in as that's one of the things our bodies are doing all the time... It becomes more easy to understand once you understand where this Kryptonite came from... The World Engine, not because it was a part of the machine but because it was created in order to replicate Kryptonian atmosphere!


Put simply, all Kryptonians on Krypton were already exposed to Kryptonite in the air... In this version of Krypton they strip mined the planet to the core, which means many elements from within their planet was then in their atmosphere, just like you'd find such elements around the area of any mining operation on this planet... Like did you know their are trace amounts of lead in the atmosphere?  Among other elements we may otherwise consider toxic to life...


It also helps to understand that even elements that are technically poisonous can be useful to a organism... Like oxygen is such an example, we evolved from life that not only adapted to oxygen but learned to use it for extra energy production...  This is one of the reasons it's dangerous to give oxygen to someone who has stopped breathing for too long as it would cause toxic shock that will kill off too many cells for the body to recovery... So oxygen has to be re-introduced slowly to avoid this... 


This would also explain certain characters in DC Comics that even make Kryptonite a beneficial part of their metabolism.  While, also remember, certain other types of Kryptonite are not lethal to Kryptonians, like Blue Kryptonite, which in some versions can even reverse the effects of other forms of Kryptonite.  Though, some versions also still de-power Kryptonians.


Anyway, this is why Superman collapsed and even bled when he first breathed the Kryptonian air on Zod's ship, with Zod stating he'd either adapt or die... So he basically adapted and started to develop a tolerance, and like the second movie this exposure was through the air he breathed...


But Superman didn't actually fully recover right away... Note, for example the cut on his face from the spear tip didn't heal right away.  Just because he recovers most of his power doesn't mean that the Kryptonite poisoning was fully dealt with... So he didn't fully heal until he was exposed to sunlight and his body could fully recover...


Btw, there's a uncut version of BvS that adds 30 minutes of footage... Seems the editor left out things like Superman saving lives, lots of details that shows how deep Lex manipulations went, the fact the wheelchair bomb was lined with lead and thus Superman couldn't have known, shows more details about Diana, etc... May not change anyone's minds who didn't like the ending but does address some of the perceived negatives that the theatrical cut gave...

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Well, I saw the Ultimate cut, and it didn't help.

And Kryptonite, green Kryptonite, has consistently and pervasively been shown to be completely lethal to Kryptonians in all media about Superman I have ever taken in. It was a major plot point of the 1978 and 2006 movies. And Kryptonite is not deadly because it is toxic - although it might be - but because it is radioactive. Exposure immediately weakens Kryptonians, and kills them in minutes - and Superman had it inside his body, in his lungs and possibly his bloodstream. He couldn't metabolize it, like a poison, because radioactivity is a quality of atoms, not molecules. Notice also the material destroyed the cells of General Zod, who, you reason, should have developed a tolerance for it. It did the same to Doomsday, whose ability to adapt to any threat is his defining feature. He was exposed to a relatively low dose of Kryptonite, but he didn't develop a defense against the spear.

it's dangerous to give oxygen to someone who has stopped breathing for too long as it would cause toxic shock that will kill off too many cells for the body to recovery...



Thank you, that is extremely interesting.

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19 hours ago, Salkafar said:

And Kryptonite, green Kryptonite, has consistently and pervasively been shown to be completely lethal to Kryptonians in all media about Superman I have ever taken in.


No, it's not that simple as if that was the case then Superman would already be dead... He would never have survived his first exposure to Kryptonite, no matter what form it was applied. 


In Superman Returns, Superman still retained enough power to push away that Kryptonite island despite still having a small splinter shard embedded beneath the skin in his side that can be seen being pulled out by the doctors.  While the original movie showed him exposed for a few minutes, yet once it was removed he regained his power and fully recovered...  So the movies definitely don't support your contention as he would be dead already if that was the case...


In other media, like both the comic and Smallville TV series, Superman has even been injected with liquidated form of Kryptonite... While the idea of developing a immunity/high tolerance over time goes back to at least "The Great Kryptonite Mystery", (Superboy (volume 1) #58, July 1957 issue where Superboy developed immunity to small chunks of Kryptonite by repeated exposure...


The simple fact Superman has repeatedly survived exposure clearly shows it's not instantly lethal but rather requires a certain amount of exposure before it reaches lethal effect...  It's just capable of being lethal if given both enough dosage and long enough exposure.


It helps to understand how Kryptonite actually works on a Kryptonian... Kryptonians basically have the ability to process various forms of ambient radiation.  The specific radiation from a yellow sun is what empowers them but they still process other forms of radiation and is one of the reasons why they're immune to most other forms of radiation and would never get cancer from exposure to those other forms of radiation like we would.


Kryptonite just throws a wrench in the works as it is a form of radiation they can't process but also has the property of replacing the normal solar radiation their body does process... So it's a bit similar to how Cyanide effects humans.


Low levels of cyanides are found in nature and in products we commonly eat and use. Examples include foods such as spinach, bamboo shoots, almonds, lima beans, fruit pits and tapioca.


The body handles small amounts of cyanide differently than large amounts. In small doses, cyanide in the body can be changed into thiocyanate, which is less harmful and is excreted in urine. In the body, cyanide in small amounts can also combine with another chemical to form vitamin B12, which helps maintain healthy nerve and red blood cells. In large doses, the body’s ability to change cyanide into thiocyanate is overwhelmed. Large doses of cyanide prevent cells from using oxygen and eventually these cells die. The heart, respiratory system and central nervous system are most susceptible to cyanide poisoning.


Similarly, low levels of Kryptonite poisoning are survivable, and Kryptonians in the Man Of Steel universe have even a normal level of tolerance because they have to breath trace amounts of it in their home atmosphere, which is a tolerance that thanks to Zod Superman also has.  So they likely developed a natural process to deal with the toxin and expel it in at least small amounts like our bodies can deal with Cyanide.  The process just can't help against high/concentrated dosages and that's when Kryptonite can be lethal...


Kryptonite can also be broken down into other elements and certain forms of energy can counter its effect... Like Superman's heat vision


If Superman was exposed to a chunk of Kryptonite the size of a hundred ton boulder then he'd likely die near instantly... But aerosized amounts are close to trace levels and would only be lethal if there was no tolerance at all but that wasn't the case here and unless the whole body is overcome then there are still cells infused with solar energy and thus once the metabolism kicks back in so too does a Kryptonian's powers...


This is also why it can take minutes to hours of exposure for smaller amounts of Kryptonite to be lethal as it takes awhile for smaller amounts to fully deplete all the solar charge and completely replace it with the Kryptonite radiation/poisoning... but it basically has to completely deplete his cells to be lethal and is why lethal dosages is accompanied by a Kryptonian developing a greenish complexion...


It also helps to understand how limited Kryptonite effects can be, a small amount doesn't emit radiation very far.  The scapel only effected the area it cut into... Similarly, examples from the animated movies and comics shows a Kryptonite bullet only effects the area it penetrates, the rest of his body remains invulnerable and makes it hard for a doctor to help him...  In the animated movie it required the Martian Manhunter to shapeshift through the wound to pull the bullet out as they didn't have time to get a Kryptonite scapel.


The Kryptonite also gets used up, just like a poison... The dead cells that had absorbed it can be rejected by the rest of the body... In Smallville, injected Kryptonite got rejected and expelled from the body before Clark could die...  and there are many other examples... In the comics, if the exposure is slight then he regenerate instantly, like a Kryptonite bullet shot through his hand and the hole would heal within a second after it had passed and he was no longer exposed...


So don't think of it like how radiation would effect humans...

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