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Lolz, and here's an English version fandub which is surprisingly very good!


BBD, you got me hooked man!!! I speant three hours-not one, not two- three, trying to find this anime!!!

Which, thank god, I managed to do. It's interesting how the show doesn't run in order...

Edit: stumbling across the internet I ran into an old song I happen to like and haven't heard in ages: here's the link to the vid

No worries though, I did the trans already lol.

Subway to Sally - Sieben (Seven) trans. by Zerrei?en

Ich habe sieben N?gel - I have seven nails

die schlag ich f?r dich ein - I hammer them in for you

und schling dir sieben Ketten - And bolt you with seven chains

um H?fte Arm und Bein - around your hips, arms and legs

mein Haus hat sieben T?ren - My house has seven doors

Ich sichre mein Versteck - I secure my hiding place

mit siebenfachen Schl?ssern - with seven locks

und die Schl?ssel werf ich weg - And I throw the keys away

Nicht eins, nicht zwei, nicht drei und vier - Not one, not two, not three and four

nicht f?nf mal still ich meine Gier - Not five times stills my greed

auch sechs ist nicht genug - Even six isn't enough

Sieben mal flecht ich dein Haar - I braid your hair seven times

um den alten Apfelbaum - Around the old apple tree

sieben mal - und es wird wahr - Seven times, and it becomes true

du hast keine Wahl: - you have no choice

Denn die Sieben ist meine Zahl - Because seven is my number

Ich habe sieben Hunde - I have seven dogs

die wachen vor dem Haus - They awake in front of the house

und sieben Raben singen - And five crows sing

Ihr Lied tagein, tagaus - Your song day in, day out

Nicht eins, nicht zwei, nicht drei und vier - Not one, not two, not three and four

nicht f?nf mal still ich meine Gier - Not five times stills my greeed

auch sechs ist nicht genug - Even six isn't enough

Sieben mal flecht ich dein Haar - I braid your hair seven times

um den alten Apfelbaum - Around the old apple tree

sieben mal - und es wird wahr - Seven times, and it becomes true

du hast keine Wahl: - You have no choice

Denn die Sieben ist meine Zahl - Because seven is my number

Sieben Lieben sind gekommen - Seven loves came

keine ist mir lang geblieben - None are going to stay long with me

sechs mal hab ichs hingenommen - Six times I have accepted it

doch du bist die Nummer Sieben - But you're number seven

Sieben ist die Zahl! - Seven is the number!

Nicht eins, nicht zwei, nicht drei und vier - Not one, not two, not three and four

nicht f?nf mal still ich meine Gier - Not five still, I mean greed

auch sechs ist nicht genug - Even six isn't enough

Sieben mal flecht ich dein Haar - I braid your hair seven times

um den alten Apfelbaum - Around the old appletree

sieben mal - und es wird wahr - Seven times, and it becomes true

du hast keine Wahl: - You have no choice

Denn die Sieben ist meine Zahl - Because seen is my number

Edited by Zerrei?en!
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I think it's very interesting what he does.

I read the comments on the thing apparently he fills the peoples minds with different pieces of information so they lose their concentration on the money.

Well I can say with some confidence that he wouldn't catch me out with that trick.

not that I am any better than the average person.. quite the opposite in fact...

because of my dyslexia I am incapable of storing the amount of things that normal People do.. so if he started filling my head with things like that, I can't cope like normal People so I either A) get frustrated or B) slow down and concentrate on everything and take my time. so I basically wouldn't handle the money full stop until i could concetrate on it.

kinda feels good knowing that :) heh heh

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haha, derren brown is totally awesome.

Here's one of my favourites from him:


This is from one of his tv shows "Trick or Treat".

He gets volunteers to choose a card, which say trick or treat (they don't know which they pick). this woman got trick, and so he plays a nasty trick on her. :)

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the bmx bike thing was very interesting!! I thought it was a very clever way of programming his mind.

funnily enough though..

I never even thought of a BMX bike.

maybe thats my dyslexia again, but I never even considered a bmx, or wanted one at all.

did anyone else? if you guys dodn't want one either, then it's probably because we were wtching out for it. :D

the trick or treat thing....

that was ... very very cruel... she volunteered for it... but that is a very .. distressing thing... I feel very strange about that...

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Guest DekaRed

i didn't want a BMX either, but thats probably coz we weren't in the room with him touching us...

that sounded a bit wierd....

as for the woman, they did say they psychologically tested her before hand to make sure she could take it, and they said they had a counsellor on hand jus in case.

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as this isn't really japanese, and never happened in sentai, i didn't want to post this in the toku forum, as it mite insult our "japanese-ness" but it is so cool, nonetheless

who remembers green ranger vs white ranger?

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