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Eliminator vs Zygote


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Who would win. I think that it would be a pretty evenly match fight. Since zygote doesnt have an HSL, eliminator cant draw power from her.

It would be a pretty good fight, but Eliminator would have her as she does have an HSL, but it's limited to feeding her armored form indefinitely when not in battle. He could probably feed off that and not to mention if he got close enough to inject his poison into her and weakening her. Though, she does have that ability to make clones out of herself, so if she made enough of them, she could stand a bit of a chance.

Let's see what Zeo has to say :twisted:

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It will be a good fight but end of the day Elimanator will win as he was designed to take out a Warrior guyver which is superior technology.The clones may have advantage in numbers but he has speed and stealth on his side.

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Well Conan the Barbarian is also a warrior bred so by Crom and Mithra he breeds :D i think Elimanator can breed its just that he is too obsesed with killing FWG.. maybe once he has fulfilled his mission he might consider.. :roll:

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As for my view Eliminator is incapable of much human like function. I personally think that the matrix upgrade its "unit" with an AI to replace that of the human mind, since the host was quite literally dead, and his body is just being used as a skeletal base for the unit to gain its form.

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Well Conan the Barbarian is also a warrior bred so by Crom and Mithra he breeds :D i think Elimanator can breed its just that he is too obsesed with killing FWG.. maybe once he has fulfilled his mission he might consider.. :roll:

How can he breed, if the host was dead? :?

As for my view Eliminator is incapable of much human like function. I personally think that the matrix upgrade its "unit" with an AI to replace that of the human mind, since the host was quite literally dead, and his body is just being used as a skeletal base for the unit to gain its form.

Exactly what I think! :D

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It could honestly go either way, since his power level directly relates to who he is fighting. So he could be 8x or 20x when fighting Zygote Guyver. However, Zygote Guyver did fight him once already, and it involved a Gigantic Warrior Guyver to take him down (both times).

Like zeo said, Eliminator is at his core a Warrior Guyver, so she'll have to deal with that little quirk as well.

A better fight would be Zeus and Eliminator I think.

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  • 2 months later...

Either way it would be a good fight. Zygote very well maybe immune to the venom like substance the Eliminator uses as it is designed for Warrior Guyvers, plus she could make like 10,000 clones and swarm the Eliminator. If she directed the clones to directly attack the CMs they could possibly destroy Eliminator. Likewise if the Eliminator got all hyped up and killed Zygote directly no screwing around and what not it could be over before Zygote even knew there was a fight. A major question is would the toxin or venom or whatever even effect Zygote? It was designed to hinder a WG regeneration not a mutation like Zygote. In the end the Eliminator does have the upper hand with the more advanced survival technoligy and fully fuctioning HSL unlike the one used by Zygote, but I think there would still be a good fight and Zygote could give him one hell of a show.

Eliminator breeding.....hmmmm now there is a weird twist in the story line. On the one side he maybe based off the Kavzars and very well may lack a human (or humanoid) body, but the lack of any crystal like elements within the CMs may indicate the opposite. Plus he was dead, although the matrix had already begun the process to revive the man before interupting or altering the process to make him the Eliminator. So either way there is a possibility although if I had to guess I would say no.

Another fun thought though, what would the Eliminator do after it had killed all the WGs? Would it reinstate the human's mind or simple remain standing there waiting for new instructions? Ultimately I think it would depend on rather there is anything remaining of the host's mind. If he is like the other Kavzars he still is himself, just with free will removed. As the Enforcer Prime showed to be physically able of hating Isis's father but unable act on those emotions do to the creator programming. The Eliminator could decide to return to his creator (parrellel Alkanphel aka dead guy) or he could seek out the Alkaphel of the WG reality, and yet another possibility being a second generation creation of the Creators he could seek them out for further orders. Any thoughts?

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I haven't heard a limit yet but it could be the amount she can personally control I guess.

Zygote Guyver is about 8x to 10x and the only thing she has going for her that exceeds Eliminator is her regeneration which is among the quickest in the world at 1,000x a normal Guyver.

I doubt her HSL is powerful enough for the Eliminator to feed on to give him a good boost in energy. More like stimulate him alittle.

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