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Why did Archanfel only choose male zoalords?


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On 8/1/2022 at 4:10 PM, MrDawn said:

All of Archanfel's zoalords serving under him are male. Why did he only choose men? 


I would assume that it is because even when Guyot was chosen, Men were always only known as the stronger sex throughout history. It only makes sense he would choose male individuals who likely were succeeding in whatever field they were in when they were chosen.

Remember, we're not talking decades. We're talking centuries ago when most were picked.

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On 8/2/2022 at 12:10 AM, MrDawn said:

All of Archanfel's zoalords serving under him are male. Why did he only choose men? 


Actually Barcas is to blame :mrgreen:

Archanfel wanted to go to war and usually men are the ones who do it, the women stay at home 🤰 with the kids and the old people. :shooting:

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Well, you guys sure do make a lot more sense.  I mean, this was a time before #equalrights were in existence.  Not to mention that it was not until early 1900's that women's suffrage was established.  Humans did started out as a patriarchal society, so it's only logical that they had the same way of thinking then.  They would often think that only men are strong and that women are trophies. 

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There is also the practical aspect of reproduction.

I wonder if female Zoanoids breed in litters. That would make sense.

Anyway if Archanfel ever beats Apollon (or if Barcas manages to organize the others into a task force capable of taking him down) maybe he can use the recovered Zoacrystals to introduce some new blood.


Heh. I made these ladies in 2008, but they inevitably remind me of the vampire queens quartet from 'Castlevania'.

Zoaladies col.jpg

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  • 4 months later...

I am fairly certain if two zoalords reproduced they would do it the old fashioned human style. As in one baby per couple, but with the off chance of having twins or triplets and the even rare quadruplets. 

Afterall zoanoids and zoalords at their base is human. Assuming they can reproduce of course. 

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