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Im not sure if this belongs here but ...anybody here is a fan of Godzilla movies? i am , i cant get enough of him , im almost completing my collection of godzilla movies soon , so far i have all the millennium era movies ,about half of the heisei and almost all of the showa era and ....yes even that abomination of a movie that is the american Godzilla movie....

Favorite Godzilla Daikaiju :


2.King Cesar


4.Jet jaguar(cause he reminds me of ultraman in a way and i love ultraman)

5.Gigan (ever since Final wars ,that costume is kick ass)

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Oh, I'm sure there are quite a few fans of Godzilla on this board. Especially with all the Guyver fans here, Takaya did base the Mega Smashers off Godzilla's Atomic Breath after all.

Hell, considering the shear number of movies made to date, I'm sure pretty much everyone has seen at least a few of them growing up. I know there are even some fans that will argue technical details :mrgreen:

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Guest DekaRed

i've always wanted to see a modern eastern godzilla movie, but never really had the chance. i believe i once saw the classic vs mecha godzilla movie, and another one which had an ultraman look alike in it. this is when they were being shown in the uk on ch4. i also once saw a fairly modern gamera movie (90's i think). but i wouldn't know where to start with modern stuff.

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i've always wanted to see a modern eastern godzilla movie, but never really had the chance. i believe i once saw the classic vs mecha godzilla movie, and another one which had an ultraman look alike in it. this is when they were being shown in the uk on ch4. i also once saw a fairly modern gamera movie (90's i think). but i wouldn't know where to start with modern stuff.

The one you mentioned with mecha godzilla is probably the semi-last one of the heisei saga were king cesar is godzillas partner ,if not then its got to be terror of mecha-godzilla were godzilla faces mecha-godzilla and tytanosaurs alone witch i think is the last one of the heisei series if im not mistaken . those 2 are classics , the other one the you saw with the Ultraman look-alike is jet jaguar ,he appears in Godzilla vs megalon , Jaguar teams up with Godzilla to beat Megalon and Gigan.

Edited by odin
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The one where Godzilla fights Zilla is "Final wars", The last Godzilla flick to date and unfortunately absolute crap. But yes, it is a remake of "Destroy all monsters".

I like:


Destroyer (Not 'Destoroyah' or 'Desturoia'. Destroyer.)

King Ghidorah (of course)



All in all, Gamera has better monsters recently (Gyaos? Legion? Irys? They all looked, well, better than anything the big G had).

Godzilla never fought Ultraman, but in "Godzilla vs. Megalon" he both fought against and alongside Jet Jaguar, who was a definite Ultraman knockoff.

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sal... dude... final wars rocked! i could of done with out the whole sayian deal... but final wars made my dream come true... it pitted godzilla against that stupid wannabe american giant lizard... and you know what?? that fight was just what i had always imagined! American godzilla is crap! hahahahahaha. that made me feel good

that latest godzilla/ mechagodzilla... the one where they use the bones of the first godzilla to base the robot around? anyone else thing the face looks like silverbolt from beast wars?

i like most all godzilla movies. i have the complete heisei version, and im tryin to find final wars.

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I am a big Godzilla fan considering I own all 28 Godzilla movies plus the American Film (unfortunately). My personal villains are:

1. SpaceGodzilla- He was evil and totally badass, too bad he starred in a crappy movie.

2. Biollante- I loved the final form to this kaiju. Her body maybe weak, but her insane regen makes up for it.

3. Showa Mechagodzilla- I don't think I need to explain why...

4. Destoroyah (This is how it is actually spelled)- The final form was absolutely badass. Too bad that it suffered the same thing as many of the Heisei suits, it was extremely stiff. Before anybody brings this up. Destoroyah is NOT a female, there has not been any confirmation that Destoroyah is a she. Therefore, Destoroyah should be referred to as an "it" considering it is made of countless microscopic organisms.

5. Hedorah Showa- one of the few kaiju that have come close to killing Godzilla.

Millenium series sucked for the most part, the only ones I liked were GMK and Megaguirus. Heisei had King Ghidorah, Biollante, Destoroyah, and RoG. Showa definitely had some of the best movies from the three series. Gojira, KKvG, MvG, GTTHM, Monster Zero, Ebirah, DAM, Heddy, GvMG, and ToMG.

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I've always wondered why they neer did a Gamera VS Godzilla movie, like they did with Godzilla VS King Kong.

Probably the same reason why didn't do the KKvG remake in 1991. The owners probably asked too much for the character or Daiei didn't want them to use Gamera. Of course, the GvG could've just been a rumor. I do wonder why they never did the sequel to KKvG. I wanted to see who would end up winning since Godzilla won the first round then Kong won round 2 in the first movie. Since both monsters won one match, they need a tie-breaker match. Give us a KKvG remake/sequel dammit! I am also planning on creating a Godzilla-Guyver fanfic. Featuring the return of a bigger, badder version of one of my favorite Zoanoids; Bonga. Godzilla vs. Giga Bonga (name of the new Bonga), ftw

Edited by Purgstall
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Guest DekaRed

lol, ok, when i said i wouldn't know where to start i was kinda hintin at gettin some direction in this... but neva mind i decided to try one myself, an so i downloaded the most recent one, final wars. not watched it yet, gonna try an find time, but some pointers would be nice as to which the fans like the most.

preferably a modern-ish one. :)

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final wars is massive free for all monster melee movie.. basically godzilla fights pretty much all the monsters he ever fought. not all of them, but most...

a good series to go with is the toho co... sorry if they do all of them, im not that informed on godzilla.

and the american godzilla.. u'll have to watch that one first. its a must see to fully appreciate this movie.. at least... a small part of it anyhow.

i have the toho series that include the biolante the destroyah the space godzilla and such.. i dont know if they appear in other series... if they do sorry.

um.. i would watch the orginial godzilla movie, the black and white one, then the 1985 just to get a good idea, then the wonderful (gawdawfulestpileofcrappiestgiantlizardmovieever...) american godzilla move, and then any series really, the final wars doesnt hint to any specific series that i can tell.

ok i just looked at my vhs's... they didnt have a series name but biolante vhs was released in 1989... dont know if that helps you out or not but i hope it does. good luck dude, maybe one of the big G experts can help you out. pretty sure i just confused you.

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lol, ok, when i said i wouldn't know where to start i was kinda hintin at gettin some direction in this... but neva mind i decided to try one myself, an so i downloaded the most recent one, final wars. not watched it yet, gonna try an find time, but some pointers would be nice as to which the fans like the most.

preferably a modern-ish one. :)

Final Wars is not a very good Godzilla film, the only things that I liked about Final Wars was:

- The new Gigan suit (very badass)

- Monster X (the transformation looked awesome but once he became Kaiser Ghidorah, the suit became crap)

- Don Frye

- Zilla (American Godzilla) vs. Godzilla fight

And that's about it. Nothing else is good about this film. Probably the best modern day Godzilla film would be Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack or GMK for short. If you don't mind the rediculous plot line, I would also suggest Godzilla vs. Megaguirus even though it would be best to get a foreign dvd copy since the region 1 dvd is brightened a bit, so it reveals some of the wires on the Megaguirus prop.

For those of you who don't know, the Godzilla series is divided into 3 sections, the Showa era, the Heisei era, and the Millenium era. The Showa era started off with the first Godzilla movie and stops at Terror of Mechagodzilla. The Heisei Godzilla films began with Godzilla 1985 (Return of Godzilla to some people) and ended with Godzilla vs. Destoroyah. The Millenium series started with Godzilla 2000 and ended with Final Wars. To be honest, the Millenium series was the worst of the three. The only good movie in the Millenium series was GMK. Any other questions?

Edited by Purgstall
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sweet purgstall thanks a bunch. in that case i have all of the heisei series.

and if the giant monsters attack is the one with the blocky godzilla head.. then the godzilla attitude in that one rocked.. but the suit sucked... but there was an awesome godzilla king ghidorah fight there.

my personal favorites was the two revamped mechagodzilla movies where they use the bones of the first orginal godzilla, and he gets a jet pack. every time i see that i yell...

hey look! its silverbolt!!

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sweet purgstall thanks a bunch. in that case i have all of the heisei series.

and if the giant monsters attack is the one with the blocky godzilla head.. then the godzilla attitude in that one rocked.. but the suit sucked... but there was an awesome godzilla king ghidorah fight there.

If Godzilla had milky white eyes, then yes it was GMK if not then it was probably Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah. Honestly, I loved both the GMK and Heisei Godzilla suits. The bulk made them look powerful and I don't get the complaints about GMK Godzilla's beer belly. Heisei Godzilla had thundertheighs and nobody seemed to care...

my personal favorites was the two revamped mechagodzilla movies where they use the bones of the first orginal godzilla, and he gets a jet pack. every time i see that i yell...

hey look! its silverbolt!!

The Kiryu Saga? Design wise, Kiryu is cool but he is also a weak mech. The previous Mechagodzillas would easily thrash him. That fact kinda pissed me off a bit because it has the bones of the 1954 Godzilla in it, he should've stomped the GXMG/GMMG Godzilla easily. Stupid japanese people making such a weak ass mecha. Fun Fact/Goof: In the original Gojira, the monster's bones were dissolved by the oxygen destroyer and yet in GXMG they recover it's bones.

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well.... my complaints about the suit in gmk was this...

the limbs were a bit on the thin side... and its head was very boxy and almost t rexish.

as for the thunderthighs. hehe. i never even looked at them like that... there may be big but its in porportion with the rest of the suit tho, start of small on top, then like a mountain gradually get bigger as the suit gets lower.

but the gmk godzilla was pure evil tho. i liked seeing that side of him.

as for the mecha...

i dont know if i liked the fact the robot had its own mind after awhile.... it was sorta lame...

but i loved that girl pilot!!!! cute cute.

Edited by Larz Zahn
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well.... my complaints about the suit in gmk was this...

the limbs were a bit on the thin side... and its head was very boxy and almost t rexish.

but the gmk godzilla was pure evil tho. i liked seeing that side of him.

I think that was Kaneko's goal. To make Godzilla look supernatural yet natural. Pretty much the first time he was pure evil too. Most of the times he was just pissed at us or came to defend us from giant monsters.

as for the mecha... but i loved that girl pilot!!!! cute cute.

Yeah, Akane Yashiro is smokin' hot. :Runnykine:

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Guest DekaRed

oh don't worry, i have seen the american godzilla, lol, seen it in the cinema hoping for something i could enjoy as i knew i enjoyed other godzilla's.

curse matthew broderick :mad:

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you know, they really should just switch godzilla into an anime TV series. Considering how good the American series was with Zilla Jr. You'd figure that a new anime would work well in Japan. All you'd need to do is redesign the monsters a bit.


Edited by V Guyver
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you know, they really should just switch godzilla into an anime TV series. Considering how good the American series was with Zilla Jr. You'd figure that a new anime would work well in Japan. All you'd need to do is redesign the monsters a bit.

Only problem is that Toho are afraid to try new things. For example, Godzilla vs. Biollante didn't make much money because of how unique the movie was. Toho probably wouldn't try to do a Godzilla anime. Plus, you would need to make new human characters for the story. Character development is an important part in most animes, and there aren't a whole lot of recurring human characters in the Godzilla series.

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