Enzyme-eternal Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 First off this isn’t a…boys are better then girls or vice versa, thing! It’s a childish argument and its not worth having. Anyway, now that we officially have a female Guyver on the cast (I don’t count the OVA) what do you think the differences between a male and female Guyver are? Just to get the ball rolling I’ll point out that the physical structure of the female Guyver is different (other than the female body frame). For instance, some of the armor plates are different shapes, there are only two side rib structures connecting to the megasmasher’s protective plates and the joints at the hips seem to allow for the better range of movement. This is a common trait that women can move their legs easier in angles men tend to find difficult or impossibly. Quote
*Jess♥ Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 there are only 2 'rib structures' on Guyver 3. there were only 2 and a bit on Guyver 2. the armour structures are different on each guyver. the only real notable difference i can see with regards to cosistencies i hte armour.. is that the armour structure at teh side above the hips is missing. there may be others, it is good to study like this Quote
*V Guyver Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 the only two things I notice different is the obvious hips and umm.... chest plates? Quote
Larz Zahn Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 not to play doubting thomas... but would there even be a difference? its still a biobooster on a bioweapon. i can see the armor behaving different towards females than males. on stargate, the goa'ulds need to go dormant in order for the host female to be pregnant and stay that way. if it wakes up and takes control again, the baby is born... no matter far along the infant is. course goa'ulds are mean people so they dont let their host get control of the body long enough to get pregnant. a Guyver may have to do the same thing for the female host... it could lock down so the pregnancy can run its course. Quote
*Jess♥ Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 there has to be a reason why teh shape is different and teh waist armour is more open. I expect this female Guyver would be more agile t hat male guyvers and less strong. Quote
Larz Zahn Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 speed at the expense of strength? just like a woman compared to a man? still the basic transformation rules apply tho. it amps up the abilties of the host. i dont really pay much attention to the looks of the way the Guyver appears, the powers are still the same. i just assume the looks dont mean nuthin and are mainly cosmetic in nature, but im open to corrections. Quote
Lyphforse_Guyver Posted August 5, 2008 Posted August 5, 2008 I really don't think there would be any difference at all as far as abilities. If the woman could beat the man in a fight outside the armor she could do it in the armor as well. I would think is more cosmetic then anything else. Quote
*V Guyver Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Lisker was a guy that was bigger, stronger, and faster then Sho. Yet when it came down to it, it was combat skills that mattered. Maybe it's the same with females. Either males vs males (thus females vs females too) are equal no matter how they are fit, or males and females don't have a difference because of the suit. It can be either one. Though I honestly expected when I heard about how the Guyver function that difference in fitness & mass of the user would matter. Quote
Enzyme-eternal Posted August 6, 2008 Author Posted August 6, 2008 Well I dug up the data-files on Guyvers 0-3 and I compared their armor layout to the female Guyver (are we calling her Guyver 4?) and the armor is essentially the same. I realize that all of the Guyvers are slightly different but its more the head or to be precise the layout of the vents and sonic orbs (Guyver 1 and 0 are almost identical otherwise). The only difference is the lack of side armor plates that would allow for more flexible movement. As for the rib structures, I was trying to remember if Guyver 3 had two or three of them but the only thing I could remember at the time was of him with has arms folded but Guyver 2 did appear to have an unattached set in the data-file. I guess the rib structures don’t matter. I may as we get this out of the way, the crouch armor is different to the male Guyvers that have a more codpiece look but baring a slightly easier range of motion its probably just decorative like the breast plats. Someone at some point would have went there I just beat you to it. As for strong, well bare in mind that a Guyver increases it’s host strength 100X so the difference between a male and female Guyver’s strength only really becomes an issue if they are fighting each other. Plus, and this is just my opinion, the Guyver also increases its hosts physical perimeters to optimal level, not superhuman stuff but if it can regenerate your entire anatomy then I’d imagine it keeps everything running right as well. I would guess that a female Guyver would have more agility as the female frame is lighter and more flexible (note the arc in her back when she uses her megasmashers). Also, though it is generally true that man have more physical strength then women, it is entirely possible for a women to become as strong as any man however due to their physiology it is harder for women to develop and maintain muscle mass. I don’t think this would be a problem for a female Guyver as the Guyver would most likely override this biological limitation. As the Guyver atrophies all non-essential aspects of the host, such as the digestive system, when it is equipped the same most likely occurs to the reproductive organs. Thus a pregnant women would be unable to bio-boost in much the same way as Sho was unable to after he killed his father. The Guyver would sense the thetas and the host’s maternal instinct to protect it and would not equip. I think this is the most likely scenario but then again, maybe the Guyver would recognize the foreign DNA required for conception as some sort of fret and attempt to protect the host by altering her immune system to attack it. Or that the thetas is some sort of new organ and alter it resulting in a bizarre mutant. There is only one other difference between a male and female Guyver that I can think of, when a male Guyver uses his megasmashers its cool and when a female Guyver uses her megasmashers its cool and slightly erotic… yeah I’m weird. Quote
*V Guyver Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Zoanoid: Heym it's a female guyver. She's scary and sexy. But I can beat here... oh wait a minute, she's taking off her bioboosted bra! I can't believe it, she's gonna flash me instead of fight me. *Nose bleeds, imagining woman boobs, but then get's vaporized by bathing light as she uses megasmasher.* Quote
Guest guyver1988GR Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 lol well that just might be the next book's humorous spoof. Quote
Moonraker One Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 I would imagine that since the Guyver enhances the host's physical strength one hundred times, it would only matter if the male Guyver was dramatically more powerful before bioboosting than the female was before bioboosting. Lisker would probably be more physically powerful than this female Guyver, because hey, his arms weren't small. But I'm willing to bet Sho would probably be almost equal to this female Guyver in physical strength because Sho is no Dave Batista. And about the pregnant woman with a Guyver thing, I highly doubt Takaya will touch on such a thing or explain what would happen. But here's how I would imagine it. Maybe if the woman who had the unit had just had sex, then bioboosting right then would act as a morning-after pill kind of effect. However, if the woman was somewhere about seven or eight months pregnant, where the fetus had already developed a beating heart and brain wave patterns, perhaps the Guyver would somehow recognize that since it has parts of the DNA of it's host, it's an offspring of the host, and it would surround it with biobooster tissue and protect and feed it until the woman went back to her human form. Or maybe it would simply see it feeding off the blood supply of the host and kill it as a harmful parasite. We aren't going to know. But, I'd hope the former of those two options. Quote
*Jess♥ Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 I just thou8ght about mitochondria and also teh bacteria that llive in our digestive tract. I do not think hte Guyver organism would view a foetus as a foreign body.. the Guyver seems to know how the body works to an extent further than simple DNA. since teh body is an ecosystem, the Guyver must analyze teh ecosystem and figure out how it works. I think the Guyver would recognise any changes in the repriductive areas as normal. Quote
durendal Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 But then, we had this debate about the internal organs regressing in the old Guyver board. If the female Guyver is pregnant, what would the effect be on the fetus when she bio-boosts? There are developmental stages in pregnancy, and how would the boost armor react so such developments? Would the control metal recognize this as part of the body or would the armor reject this and reset the body of the female guyver? And could the boost armor save miscarriages? Quote
Larz Zahn Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 considering how the Guyver system literally rearranges the hosts insides, the fetus in any stage would either have to be moved, or worked around.. example would be to morph all organs and tissue around the womb, but leave the womb and the umblical cord an all necessary things needed available. with the cord and all the nutrients coming from the newly morphed body. so you'll have a Guyver with a pregnant belly. but considering how the Guyver monitors the host physical body and how fickle the hosts mental state is... the hosts state of mind might prevent the armor from activating, even if she called out to it. kinda like not wanting to endanger her baby in her subconscience would act like sho did with his mental block. im still for the idea that the Guyver would go into a state of selflock down to keep from harming the hosts offspring. Quote
Moonraker One Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 In the end, though, I highly doubt any of this discussion will matter because Takaya is probably never going to touch on the subject. I had several ideas, though. The idea of the woman's desire to protect the baby, if she thought the unit would harm it, would probably be strong enough to prevent bioboosting. But here's a thought: what if the woman thought the Guyver would serve as the ultimate protection? What if she thought, "hey, it can prevent me from dying. I can bioboost, and it will prevent my baby from miscarrying!" Think about it this way: how did Sho gain each of his weapons in the new anime? He wanted something that would help him in a certain situation, and the control medal responded. Why couldn't the woman think, "My baby MUST live until I can give birth to it, it MUST be protected," and the unit would protect the fetus as well? The point of debate here should not be, "DOES it do this or not?" because we're never going to get an answer to solidify one side or the other. Rather, we should be focused on, "This is a possibility, DOES it make sense?" Maybe the unit would atrophy all of the reproductive tissue, but put the fetus in a special casing of biobooster tissue, fed with energy from the boost dimension? Or maybe if a woman bioboosts during her pregnancy, the unit fully develops the fetus into an infant, so that it'll be as if she were nine months in already when she goes back to human form? Quote
durendal Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Well, good point. The control metal does seem to have some work around it. And even if Mr. Takaya would not like to tackle the issue, there are still discussions bound to surface from this. Beside, since there is already a female guyver, I'm sure many "otakus" would like to make a H doujin about this. Quote
*V Guyver Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 yeah, with the whole transforming monsters thing, way too much material to be used on a female character. On the bright side, Guyver would probably become even more popular thanks to that hentai/doujin stuff. Quote
Enzyme-eternal Posted September 27, 2008 Author Posted September 27, 2008 Well it’s said that if it exists there is pornography of it, so I doubt Guyver is any different. Now that I think about it the scene were Valcur (is that her name?) merges with the Guyver is essentially a soft-core quasi-tentacle rape scene but that was the OVA. Still, with such a small female cast I imagine it doesn’t get as much “attention” as similar Manga do. There is one thing that occurs to me, assuming that the Guyver doesn’t somehow end the pregnancy, a pregnant female Guyver may not look any different from a non-pregnant one. If the Guyver degenerates the host’s digestive system then there would be no visible bulge as there would be no organs to push the expanded womb out. I know that doesn’t seem important but it would mean that even advanced pregnancy wouldn’t hinder a female Guyver like it does normal women. I don’t think there is any performance differences between male and female Guyvers but it stands to reason that as there are fundamental physiological differences between men and women then that has to translate to the Guyvers. The best example is the pelvis, a women’s pelvis is shaped differently to a man’s allowing for greater range of movement and flexibility. Of course these differences only count if the host knows how to exploit them, being ably to bend a certain way is only good to a Guyver if it equals an attack. Quote
*Jess♥ Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 if the Guyver is in the boost dimension, it can do the same thing, then the baby is stored. it is safe. a protective bio boost bubble in another dimension.. but it's difficult to do that. the Guyver can't bend in hte middle very easily if it has a baby there. the womb is like a separated ecosystem. I think Guyver would maintain that separate ecosystem. Quote
*zeo Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 That or just regress it to a remnant and then restore it like it does all the other internal organs that aren't considered important by the unit for combat. Quote
durendal Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Actually, there is a point to that. Since the baby would be a hindrance during combact, a weak point actually, and the armor might take that to the boost dimension. But I wonder how the organs are stored. Are they in suspended animation? If that is so, then that would mean if the female stayed in Guyver form for a very long time, the lenght of the pregnancy would exceed the usual nine months. Quote
*Jess♥ Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 That or just regress it to a remnant and then restore it like it does all the other internal organs that aren't considered important by the unit for combat. I have a issue with that idea though. although I did consider it at first. what i consider very carefully, is teh link of teh control medal with hte hosts brain. now teh growing baby iside teh mother has it's own mind developing inside there. gathering experiences ( no matter how small) etc. it's own body, it's own ecosystem. far more complex than the hosts own body and how small the body may have changed between bio boosting. I feel that if the Guyver were to regress any part of that baby, it would need to have the CM connected to that brain in order to fully analyse it. and that would take a full length of the initial bonding to gather that much data and adapt to it. I don't think this is feasible. please tell me if i have been unclear. I thik i have explained fully enough, but i can lay it out far more clearly if needed. Quote
Enzyme-eternal Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 I think the Guyver effecting the baby directly is unlikely as it isn’t part of the host’s physiology so I don’t really see how the Guyver would have a connection to it. That aside there are a number of factors that would probably effect the Guyver’s reaction to the baby, unlike the bacteria in our digestive systems babies offer no benefits to their host essentially making them parasites. However, the baby does have some of the host DNA and it is widely believed (though I’m not sure if this it a fact) that after a point in brain development external stimuli is prosest as a form of early cognitive function practice. That basically means the baby hears a sound remembers other sounds and notes if and when (whatever concept of time a baby in the womb has ) it heard it before. Of course just because it’s a “smart parasite” may not make a difference to the Guyver, but under ideal circumstances pregnancy is harmless to the host. Then there are the host’s natural maternal instincts, which would probably effect the Guyver considerably since it largely draws from the host’s subconscious. Then there’s the fact that it is widely known that childbirth is the most painful experience women (I say women because it just seems stupid to say person when only women can have children) can have. That knowledge might effect the Guyver as well, which razes more questions like would a woman be able to give birth or would the Guyver automatically activate due to the host’s distress? It’s probably best not to get into this to deeply otherwise we could end up digging ourselves into a hole we can’t clime out of. Remember this entire line of thought is ultimately academic as, as has been point out, these are thinks that will never be dealt with though it would be a good dramatic device I don’t see the story going that way. Quote
Moonraker One Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I like the idea that the woman would bioboost, and the baby would be stored in a protective shell of booster tissue in the boost dimension, fed by energy. And another thing, we have to stop thinking of the parasite as the main entity here. Yes, the parasite itself is what does 99 percent of a Guyver's functions, but remember, the parasite has a mind of its own and the control medal is what's suppressing that. If the control medal is capable of adapting to almost any situation-like Murakami said it was-then certainly it can find SOME way of protecting the baby if the mother wants it protected. Here's an idea: maybe the unit would develop the fetus' internal organs as if the woman were already nine months pregnant, and the unit would keep her from disengaging until it sensed through what she was seeing and hearing that she was out of danger, because she would have to give birth shortly after disengaging the unit. Quote
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