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what is kinetic armour

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well as the title says what is kinetic armour as we have in the data files in zx-tole how it is bio armour that is both powerful and flexible able to adjust it's hardness to a wide range of attacks.

thus how is it doing so, is it using chemicals or energy maybe both to adjust the hardness, then also how does it tell how powerful the attack is as i would assume it changes to a level that can stop or slow down the attack.

but then you would assume that the armour could go to even greater levels than it could normally by detecting the most powerful weapon the guyver has and adjusting for it.

though it says for when damage does happen it uses energy to rapidly regenerate the damage.

then if you remember in the old guyver ova zx-tole when hit with the head beam then pressure cannon had a strange effect on the armour like it had some form of energy shield or field dampening the attack, until the use of a double pressure cannon over came the armour.

though i haven't had the chance to check the new anime or the books that i got my hands on yet so i can't tell if they have the same affect or something else.

as you would think that in some of chronos zoaforms such armour woud find it's way on to some zoaforms maybe a limited group but to see how well that type survives with it.

that and how well a guyver with it on do?

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I might have this one. Look up Dragon armor. Basically is is small platelets overlacing one another so when one is hit it presses againstfour or so more distributing the impact and restricing the damage done. The space between the plates would alow for flexibility especially if the plates are flexible themselves. (Dragon armor is not very flexible in its current form)

A good example of this is to take a yard stick and place it on a table leaving 1/4 to half of it overhanging. Apply some weight to the stick (Hit it with your hand). Stick goes flying moms screams cause you just broke the ceiling fan lights, ceramic bells and knocked the hot pot of pasta out of her hands......

Now replace the stick and place an unfloded newpaper over it. Hit it again. Most of the time. Stick will break.

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Yes, this was shown in greater detail in the recent anime series.

Bullets slammed into G1 and they can be seen indenting the armor and then flopping to the ground just before the armor returned to its original shape.

Generally speaking the Guyver armor has always been described as nearly unbreakable. It takes high exposives just to damage the exterior skin of the armor and vibrational weapons to penetrate deeper.

It's just examples like Enzyme's that make it seem easier to damage.

However the unit is designed to assimulate the properties of the host and Zektole does have an advance kinetic absorbing armor, which the Unit could integrate and combine with its own properties to make even stronger.

So a Guyver Zektole would be impervious to pressure cannons and with the power of the Bio-Boost, since Zektole gets stronger the more energy it has infused, means it could even become Mega Smasher proof... At least enough so it would take the Giga Smashers to take it out.

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  • 14 years later...
On 3/23/2008 at 6:32 AM, zeo said:

Yes, this was shown in greater detail in the recent anime series.

Bullets slammed into G1 and they can be seen indenting the armor and then flopping to the ground just before the armor returned to its original shape.

Generally speaking the Guyver armor has always been described as nearly unbreakable. It takes high exposives just to damage the exterior skin of the armor and vibrational weapons to penetrate deeper.

It's just examples like Enzyme's that make it seem easier to damage.

However the unit is designed to assimulate the properties of the host and Zektole does have an advance kinetic absorbing armor, which the Unit could integrate and combine with its own properties to make even stronger.

So a Guyver Zektole would be impervious to pressure cannons and with the power of the Bio-Boost, since Zektole gets stronger the more energy it has infused, means it could even become Mega Smasher proof... At least enough so it would take the Giga Smashers to take it out.

I don't think that Guyver Zektol would be Mega-smasher proof: You need some energy shield to protect yourself from it. Because the Megasmasher is an Particle-Accelerator, as like antimatter.

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