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this is a question I've had for a very long time, 


how old is alkanphel? 


the question is that I do in this manga is awake prior to the start of the oldest human civilization, 


so you can have 


30.000 years 


300.000 years 


or 3 million years, 



so here I would like to know your opinion, for me I think it's been close to 300.000 years

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I think you must be right. The people depicted when he first appears look pretty primitive, but they do look like anatomically modern humans. That would suggest no more than about a quarter million years ago.


On the other hand: the Creators left and Archanfel stopped their planetoid attack, leading to the Ice Age, suggesting the Ice Age, not just the most recent one... and that began 2.6 million years ago.

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That's a very difficult question to answer, Alk.  I don't know if even Takaya knows his exact age. 


Still, there have been archeological finds that suggest that the ancestors of homo sapiens were around during the big Ice Age.  Those primitive looking humans might be from the species that evolved into today's homo sapiens.  If Alky was created a little before that time period, that would place him around 2.6 million years old as Salkafar suggested. 

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Looks wise Alkanphel is very modern, so that puts him as being quite young - comparatively, which leads to a question of why other humans looked so primitive. So perhaps Alkanphel just remembers them.

One of the implications I'm remembering though was that the Creators were here and created all sorts of life forms - lots of them! Some of which I believe went through several mass extinctions, which to me would imply that the Creators didn't like their first attempts and wiped them out. This is shown when Murakami is explaining the history of Chronos, which you could say is a human misconception of time but it also happens when Sho is in the ship in Mt Minakami. The ship shows him a lot of different life forms, including dinosaurs and life from the ice age about 10,000 years back. Then it shows him ape like humans. It's hard to say what they are. They could be Australopithecus afarensis which are about 3.5million years old. If you wanted to push it, you could say they were Homo erectus but I'd probably say Homo habilis. (yes, I went to Wiki for a quick time line search of human evolution.) The next page shows a bald modern human, but with a lot of species in the background, species that definitely have mass extinctions between them.

Why do I bring this up? Just to say that the Creators were on Earth for a very long time and if they were responsible for one attempted mass extinction, then who's to say that they weren't responsible for the others? Whatever survives those mass extinctions has to be stronger than the others species that died. And that's what they wanted. (Which leads me to an off-topic and disturbing thought that there could have been several versions of Alkanphel or an Alkanphel type being to lead the others. T-Rex Alkanphel anyone?)

What does this say about Alkanphel? I'd say that he's definitely not 3 million years old, unless they somehow came up with a modern human then had to evolve the rest, or the Creators evolved Alkanphel with the rest of the humans so that during Homo habilis' time, that's what he looked like.

As has been said, it's difficult to say and I'd have to look through my manga a bit more to see more references. I know I'm forgetting some useful pages.

Based simply off the way he looks, 300,000 years with the Ice Age that the asteriod caused being the most recent one, which doesn't necessarily fit with other evidence. But to take a bite at the cherry each way, you could say he's 2-3 million years old too but that makes him very young when he stopped the Asteriod. The implication from the what I got to check, is that it was a modern human with a Guyver that caused the Creators to leave. Which doesn't invalidate Alkanphel being 2-3million years old, just means that either they created him to be modern or they evolved him with the rest.

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I think this line is more successful is considered that the ice age started 100,000 years ago and ended 10 000 During this period the species Homo sapiens is the survivor turned this period, 



this medice the human species from the creators is not necessarily homo sapiens or some other similar species, and that may have Mesclado with creating this kind Prebia current branch of the human species, that would explain why so few humans experiments relics ships, from the creators 


mutiplicarse during the age given as ORIJEN ielo the current species about 195,000 years ago, which I think puts insist alkanphel in a radius of 300 or 200 thousand years

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Humans are roughly half a million years old, but we've changed over the two million years due to various racial and regional factors causing a diverse gene pool. Human when first in existence were more closely resembling of the neanderthals about 500,000 years ago is when modern humans finally diverged from Neanderthal. 

We know that Waferdonus is older than Alky, but Alky is based some time after the first homo sapiens were created which means he's potentially 500,000. However, during his time period, there was no ice age, I believe a major ice age took place after he destroyed the interplanetary object hurtled at earth. So his age should be closer to that period when one of our ice ages hit the last half million years. There have been several. Roughly every 80 thousand years there was one, but get then nearest one next to the dawn of humanity, and you'll learn the answer. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Humans are roughly half a million years old, but we've changed over the two million years due to various racial and regional factors causing a diverse gene pool. Human when first in existence were more closely resembling of the neanderthals about 500,000 years ago is when modern humans finally diverged from Neanderthal. 

We know that Waferdonus is older than Alky, but Alky is based some time after the first homo sapiens were created which means he's potentially 500,000. However, during his time period, there was no ice age, I believe a major ice age took place after he destroyed the interplanetary object hurtled at earth. So his age should be closer to that period when one of our ice ages hit the last half million years. There have been several. Roughly every 80 thousand years there was one, but get then nearest one next to the dawn of humanity, and you'll learn the answer. 

This. Alkanphel is old and I'm not sure if he's effected by time itself.

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btw in book 11 Agito says Advents left the Earth 20000 years ago.




My Russian friend Onami who learn Japanese says so.----2万年 - 2X10000 yearsand I guess that 百万 is for Japanese million http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000000

on the issue of advents, I have a question, how long was the fight alkanphel and guyver zero, ie hard story and caunto ground and encompassed the fight,if we see in the manga the ship that attacked this guyver zero in Arizonamxlg_book15_12.jpgwhile the ship was damaged slightly protecting alkanphel was in Japan which then conbertiria in minakami relic of the mountain,fought so long and how extensive grounds in that fight and how long fought,?mxlg_book15_22.jpgis a considerable distanceMapa+Expansionismo+EEUU+y+japon.jpg

Edited by alkanfel009
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