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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts


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I'm confused.  Does this take place in 1994 basically retconning all of the bayformers (or I guess they practically did that with Bumblebee)?  Or is the 1994 just a flash back thing?  Nice that they stuck with the much more classic-er Optimus Prime look.  So they asked Ron Pearlman to do the voice of Optimus Primal instead of Gary Chalk?

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I think this is fantastic. They are totally retconning it, or rather, this is pretty much saying outright that Bumblebee was a reboot.?

I have to say, I'm here for this. 100%. The movie may be good or bad, but I just love the intent behind this.

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17 hours ago, Salkafar said:

Unfortunately and to my bitter regret I have to add that this is not only not a reboot, but meant to lead back into the first five movies.


wow... How can they do this? It's kinda like a bait and switch, right?

Well, I'm taking this off my watch list.

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6 hours ago, Salkafar said:

I was going to as well, but now it turns out this guy is gonna feature in this movie and now I guess I have to go just to see him on the big screen.


Yeah that is a good point. I guess I should wait to see reviews then. I'm really torn about it.

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  • 1 month later...

I feel like this is the first transformers film done right. It seemed to do the kind of things the first movie wanted to do, but it did them well. I think the fact Mirage could actually talk, made the relationship between him and Noah way more believable and relatable than the relationship between Bee and Sam. Also, Noah had real life issues that really drove his character, whereas Sam was just a douchebag who inexplicably managed to woo Megan Fox....

I loved it and I couldn't identify a single thing wrong with it... except for the thing right at the very end, which is uncalled for.

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw this the other night.  It was alright, I guess.  No annoying humans or transformers.  Unicron was a let down.  Or maybe I was too influenced by the voice of Orson Wells.  Then again, so much material was wasted.  Also just found out that Pete Davidison did the voice of Mirage.  So I guess that explains a lot.  So Hasbro-verse?  A post credit scene that would probably lead to nowhere.

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