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Guest Weregild

Another thing to consider is whether or not the zoa crystal will accept the guyver organism. Since the crystal has the ability to thwart any organism which leeches or sickens a zoalord, it may well fight off the guyver.

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I doubt that will be a problem since the zoa-crystal has never be known to have a self-defense backup like the control metal.

What about Aptom? He said himself that he couldn't absorbe Zoalords or Guyvers because of their Zoa-crystals and Control Metals respectively, though that doesn't exactly mean a Guyver couldn't bond with a Zoalord with a Zoa-crystal but it is something to think about.

Just a thought, what if the Control Metal replaced that Zoa-crystal and fused with the Zoalord rather than return to the boost dimention with the rest of the armor?

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What about Aptom? He said himself that he couldn't absorbe Zoalords or Guyvers because of their Zoa-crystals and Control Metals respectively, though that doesn't exactly mean a Guyver couldn't bond with a Zoalord with a Zoa-crystal but it is something to think about.

Just a thought, what if the Control Metal replaced that Zoa-crystal and fused with the Zoalord rather than return to the boost dimention with the rest of the armor?

I think the zoa-crystal is under the complete control of the zoalord, so the only reason Aptom can't absorb a zoalord is because they don't want to be absorbed and the crystal has the power to prevent that.

Interesting thought about your replacement idea.

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Guest Weregild

Actually now that i think about it, Guyot no longer has a zoa crystal, that we know of, so if a guyver unit were to be freed up, thanks to the remover, he could readily bond to a guyver unit. Question is whether or not his gravity weapons were driven by his zoa crystal alone and could the guyver unit embody these weapons without a crystal?

My thinking on this is that since Guyot's optimisation followed thorough testing and prototype studies , his weaponary was more skillfully woven into his genome and thus did not rely as much on his crystal as much, as say Shin and Carleon. The former was wearied by a short but sudden transformation and the latter was withered by his Zoa crystal's theft, admittedly he was in the middle of his replication ability which worsened his wound.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Diabound00

When Murakami explained to Sho and Co. about the Creators and Guyvers, he mentioned, that the G-Unit was a standard equipment that could be used by anybody. Thus I think that the Control Metal somehow fuses with the Zoacrystal, thus granting the Zoalord-Guyver the abilities of both.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Which makes me wonder if a Zoalord-(i'm talking about a Zoalord case)Guyver will become several times stronger. The Guyver unit only gives physical enhancments, not mental, so i wonder whether a zoalord-guyver will be several times stronger (it would suck if he has just the normal guyver weapons, but i guess the megasmasher will be more powerful) ot not.

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Guest Darklighter137

I think that Zoacrystals were actually standard technology that--like the Guyver--were used by the Creators even before they came to Earth. Since Zoalords need the Zoacrystal in order to control other zoanoids, it's likely that the Creators themselves all had them too (only of a different frequency that would allow them to have power over Archanphel and the other Zoalords they planned to make).

It is stated that a bio-boosted human is hundreds of times stronger than a bio-boosted creator. In turn, even normal humans would probably be far more physically robust than the Creators. Given that fact, it is likely that all of the Creators are physically very weak and thus might have originally developed the Zoacrystals to sustain themselves and extend their psychic abilities (perhaps to ease the difficulty of communicating with so many diverse forms of life). Further, when Sho joins with the Relic at Relic's Point, you are given a peak inside the structure of the Control Metal: the center portion appears to be something like a small, blue Zoacrystal.

My point in stating all of this is to put forth the idea that the armour was designed to be able to integrate with Zoacrystals, and may have already been doing so in the case of at least some of the Creators.

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I think that Zoacrystals were actually standard technology that--like the Guyver--were used by the Creators even before they came to Earth. Since Zoalords need the Zoacrystal in order to control other zoanoids, it's likely that the Creators themselves all had them too (only of a different frequency that would allow them to have power over Archanphel and the other Zoalords they planned to make).

It is stated that a bio-boosted human is hundreds of times stronger than a bio-boosted creator. In turn, even normal humans would probably be far more physically robust than the Creators. Given that fact, it is likely that all of the Creators are physically very weak and thus might have originally developed the Zoacrystals to sustain themselves and extend their psychic abilities (perhaps to ease the difficulty of communicating with so many diverse forms of life). Further, when Sho joins with the Relic at Relic's Point, you are given a peak inside the structure of the Control Metal: the center portion appears to be something like a small, blue Zoacrystal.

My point in stating all of this is to put forth the idea that the armour was designed to be able to integrate with Zoacrystals, and may have already been doing so in the case of at least some of the Creators.

You got a point there Biggs. The creators were probably psychically inclined and developed zoacrystal technology to store power and to adjust to be in perfect sync with the Creators' minds, and utilized it for Archanfel(ie: Like the Protoss from Starcraft being mentally attuned to the Khaydarin Crystals of the Xel'Naga).

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  • 11 months later...

I believe it is highly possible for a Zoalord to bond with a Guyver unit. Even though a Zoalord is a fully realized human, they are similar in power to a Guyver. The Guyvers can become even more powerful by going Gigantic. So why can't a Zoalord who is as powerful as a regular Guyver bioboost into something as powerful or more so than a Guyver Gigantic.

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Maybe the Zoa-Crystal would form a ring around the control medallion, like happens with the Gigantic. Or maybe it would take the place of the Head-Beam; we already know the crystal can act as a beam weapon, too.

Or did I misremember that...? :redface:

The location of the control medallion has always puzzled me. Why isn't there a nice layer of armor over it? Yes, it needs to be able to expand for interfacing with a ship, but how about a folding panel or something? Aptom has one covering his head beam weapon...

Come to think of it, why aren't the wearers capable of altering their armor's layout and functions? Their brain and the medallion are connected. And I'll bet you anything Agito has TRIED...

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Zoacrystals are just batteries where as the CM is a powerful computer and would work out a way of bypassing the auto imune response of the crystal.

I doubt it would be visible on a Guyver zoalord hybrid as it is a part that is vulnerbale to damage but having said that so is the CM.

I wonder how placement would work as they both occupy the same part of the forehead, perhaps with the CM directly on top of it.

The more fascionating idea is a Guyver Zoalord Gigantic.

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about that... i'm not sure we can say the zoacrystal has any immune response, or reaction to outside body etc. we saw aptom's response to his attempt to control part of khan, but it may be an assumption on his part that he cannot get any zoalord. i think we didn't really get enough information on that.

and as you said, and what i also believe the zoacrystal acts as a battery and amplifier and is otherwise rather simple?

salkafar, i believe the CM is left open to the air like that to aid in its operation somehow. if it were covered, it may interfere with it's operation. i had an idea in the past that i think may still work, the CM communicates via subspace to gain information for it's abilities. i think that in order to do this it need to be open to air like a transmitter? i'm not totally clear why but the other operational parts are also open to the air like the gravity globe and the hyper sensors.

i like the idea of the zoacrystal forming a ring around the CM but personally i don't think it would happen. we were showed the navi spheres being malleable but the zoacrystal hasn't appeared that way so i think it is fixed as that configuration. i think it would just remain hidden like most of them are when they are in human form.

i think that the crystal in terms of what it would give the guyver, it would give it more capacity for energy storage.

it was suggested recently by dr hekkering that the giant CM is dealing with a lot of combat data, so i believe the normal CM can only handle so much data so the weapons of the guyver would still be of same level as the regular guyver, but it would likely be of a higher energy state. it may incorporate a few more weapons or unique abilities from looking at the dna of the zoalord, but i actually think it would no be that much more deadly.

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The Zoacrystal is still biological in Nature. Though I think the control Medal forming around the zoacrystal is kinda good look. I actualy wouldn't be surprised if it didn't just fuse within the crystal itself. I mena, it does that with Human skulls and hte brain. It probably wouldn't be any different with a zoacrystal. But there really is no way to tell, we may never see a Guyver Zoalord in the manga.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's also possible the CM would integrate the zoacrystal inside of itself, but that is a bit far-fetched. I personally suspect the CM would sink into the crystal, or else split the crystal to either side of it.

But the guyver unit would definitely power up a zoalord. The creators were terrified of that happening, after all. Just adding the power of a guyver to a zoalord wouldn't be enough to scare them that much - not when they had the technology to shoot a moon at the Earth. The guyver would have to increase the zoalords powers beyond what it does for a normal human to make them that terrified.

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Well.. I think they were mainly terrified because they could not control the bio-boosted human. They knew how powerful Archanfel was. They were not afraid of him because he was totally obedient and could be directly controlled if need be. But as a Guyver, he would be free of them. Let alone what might happen if a Guyver-Zoalord went into the automated self-defense mode.

But Murakami believed that a bioboosted Zoalord would be a "super-existence"... something far greater than a Zoalord.

I mean, I have heard it said often that the Unit would not increase the power of a Zoalord by much because their potential is already fully realized. Suppose that's not how it works? What if it's the exact opposite?

A normal Guyver is one hundred times as powerful as its human host... perhaps a bio-boosted Zoalord would have its power magnified by a hundred times one hundred times.

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i think i have said something like that in the past, but i was referring specifically to physical strength.

I believe that the zoalord is increasing physical strength equal to what a guyver does because the technology can only make muscles of that strength.

that was the logic behind it.

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