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Black Adam


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I like Black Adam, particularly about the story of his adopted family in the storyline I can't recall, the setting before World War III.  I believe this was under the 52 storyline?  I might be mistaken as it's been a long time.  Pierce Brosnan is a good choice for Doctor Fate, but I'm wondering how Nabu will come into play.  I can see Dwayne Johnson being typecast (sort of) and I do hope that he plays Teth-Adam well and doesn't emit his "The Rock" persona as showcased on most of his films.  

So this ties to Shazam?  I guess I better watch it then.

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I just don't find it interesting. I don't see any reason why this would be different from Shazam, Suicide Squad, etc. Back when the trailer dropped for Watchmen, it had an unmistakable style and identity. This just looks like a product. There's no interesting visuals, no decent lighting, no intriguing movement, no standout characters or abilities, no hint of original concepts. I see literally zero reason to go see this.

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One thing that DC is known for is their compelling story telling.  I myself find the DC characters not that interesting, but it's their story that keeps me coming back for more.  DC's Identity Crisis is the best example for me, in which they took an obscure character and turned them into the central piece of the plot.  Then again, I guess Alan Moore was right that it is very difficult to transition comics into the big screen, which is why he distances himself from his works that were made into movies (League of Extraordinary Gentleman, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, etc).  These movies by far has been the best stories told in comics, but nevertheless failed in their theatric debut.  Who is to say that this won't happen to Black Adam as well?  

I find it strange that executives from DC don't listen to their fans much.  The Snyderverse has become so divisive among fans, and yet the numbers have shown that despite the criticism on the Snyder-cut, a lot of people still watched it.  And then they shut it completely down.  I'm a fan of Henry Cavill, so I'm not happy that Dwayne Johnson dissed him during comic con.  This is probably part of the reason why I don't pay much attention to this movie.  I feel like the face is now turning into a heel (WWE reference in case anybody wonders).  Like I previously said, if Dwayne Johnson cannot keep his "The Rock" persona out of the character, I most likely will hate this movie.  Black Adam happens to be one of the characters I find interesting, so if he was played wrongfully, this will affect my entire opinion of the movie, even if Pierce Brosnan is in it.

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I feel what you're saying there. On a few occasions, I have gotten the sense that there are some good stories to be had. I appreciate what they did with Joker and the most recent Batman film. In fact Batman was fantastic. I have hated everything they did with Batman because it always came across like *technology* and *violence* but I have felt this to be a rather bad portrayal of he who is said to the 'the great detective'. after all, DC means 'detective comics' and yet they make so many films with poor writing and not much in the way of msytery or intrigue. They seem to retread the same things over and over again, I'm so sick and tired of seeing harley quinn for example, and why have we had constant Joker roles, isn't there about 15 of them by now? I only liked the Joker movie because it was a character study and Joaquin Phoenix was fantastic.

I've also been really enjoying Superman & Lois, finale is on TV next week!!

If Black Adam has the story than I'd watch it, but I just don't get that impression.

Edited by Tora Tan
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Well, I might be making some spoilers, but unless you've been living under a rock, you would have probably already heard.


Looking at various news outlet and reviews for Black Adam, it is confirmed that Henry Cavill will cameo as Superman in the post credit scene.  It is also confirmed that the DCEU will be restored via Henry Cavill's return to the role of the man of steel.  I guess I'll be watching this after all, which means Henry Cavill just saved this movie for me.  :mrgreen:

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I almost feel the same way. I was thinking about going to watch it anyway.. like i wasn't interested in it for a long time, but talking about it has made me more interested and I was thinking about going. Henry Cavill has made me much more interested, mainly to see what flavour of superman they are going with. I would hope that they try to make him more like the original superman instead of the violent and negligent version that Cavill has been so far.

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Yeah, I think the direction Zack Snyder wanted to take for Superman is to be a relatable human.  But that is not what Superman is.  He is supposed to be the boy scout.  And the alternate version in Batman's dream didn't help that image.   I actually felt the producers didn't do Superman Justice because of how they highlighted Bruce's angst in BvS (which didn't let them explore Clark much), and his little screen time in Justice League.

The clash between Black Adam and Superman would be more interesting if it were to be the boy scout vs the anti-hero.  Black Adam would have the edge though since Superman is weak against magic, which Black Adam derives his power from.

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