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Alien Covenant

Shin Mefilas

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On 03/04/2017 at 10:15 PM, Salkafar said:

I'll await the first reviews, just like I will with ''Transformers: the Last Knight".

Fair enough, I'll be going opening night good or bad. I'll post about what I think, doing my best to get round my bias, asap. But as always what we like is subjective.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Huh. But why through the back? How is that even possible - what is it pushing against? The rib cage? That would give way much sooner than the spine.

When I first saw that image, I assumed he was turning into a Neomorph, like Fyfield from 'Prometheus' was supposed to.

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8 hours ago, Salkafar said:

Huh. But why through the back? How is that even possible - what is it pushing against? The rib cage? That would give way much sooner than the spine.

When I first saw that image, I assumed he was turning into a Neomorph, like Fyfield from 'Prometheus' was supposed to.

For the why I think its something to do with the delivery system. Animal life infected by Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15 (the black goo) undergo a mutation and life-cycle that mirrors that of the xenomorphs, all be it virally induced and less efficient. Going by what we see with humans, the local populace becomes infected, Males become more sexually active and over time either die from the mutation or change in to a berserker "combat" form and try to kill everything around them, while we dont know what would happen to an infected female, impregnated ones become hosts for creatures that mirror the Facehugger, the Trilobite and I also believe the Hammerpede for the worms although thats pure speculation on my part. These creatures then seek to infect another host to spawn a more dangerous "Combat" organism. This processes if very messy and unstable but the first stage offspring do have an identical deliverable system to the xenomorphs, they implant embryos directly into the hosts chest cavity via the mouth.

However these "Neomorphs" began life as plant spores. Its possible that plants cannot replicate the same life-cycle or have mutated and developed a new one. Either way these spores are a completely different delivery system, being absorbed through through orifices such as the ear, mouth and such. Because of this the spores do not a set location from which to grow, they are not placed anywhere and travel around the body until they find a suitable location and start to grow.

There is evidence for this as there is an image of another Neomorph birthing from.... 



As a result the creatures do not have a set birthing process like the Xenos do.

As for how it gets out of there, well the young Neo is fare more developed then any human spawned Xeno I have ever seen. It might possess enough strength to push its way free and it also seems to be be using its spines to penetrate the host which may aid the birthing. 

They also grow very fast according to this weird VR trailer....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw this movie just now pretty much.

I been having small flashbacks of the evil white imps. DX


So Anyhow, my favourite films of the franchise, Alien and Prometheus, are very character driven films, this one was heavy on the violence.  I personally feel it was quite hectic so I can't currently say I thought it was awesome. I mean, I am glad I went to watch it. I may need to watch it again at some point to get a better idea.

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On 02/05/2017 at 0:30 PM, Salkafar said:

Huh. But why through the back? How is that even possible - what is it pushing against? The rib cage? That would give way much sooner than the spine.

When I first saw that image, I assumed he was turning into a Neomorph, like Fyfield from 'Prometheus' was supposed to.

maybe it used his spine?  It had to grow so maybe his back area was weakened by the imp eating his bones.

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Ok I've seen the film. I'm going to give you my score and  none spoiler review.

Score 10/10


To give this  review I think it best to do it in comparison to Prometheus since its what most will judge this film against.

Over all  Covenant makes far superior use of its run time then Prometheus did. While both had grand ideas and scope, Covenant dose not loose itself in them while Prometheus often allowed its themes to take the for front at the expense of the films narrative. Covenant is a story first and for most. Unlike Prometheus no shots or scenes feel wasted and the over all narrative flows much more smoothly. Also Covenant dose not have that sense missing story elements that it's predecessor did. However the story can be a bit fast paced and hectic in places.

We spend a far greater amount of time getting to know the characters and they seem for more realistic then their Prometheus counter parts. While not on pare with Alien and even Alien 3, Covenant allows us to get to know caste enough that you know most of them by sight and see them a people much like Aliens....and like Aliens your not going to get so know some of the caste as well as others if at all. All of the actors provide great or at least suitable performances with no real stand out weak points or contradictions. The real show stealer is once again Michael Fassbender, who's performance here eclipses his one in  Prometheus.

The special effects for the film are easily equal and maybe a bit superior to those in Prometheus. I'm not a great judge of CGI but I personally didn't see any-problems.

The creatures of the film are truly amazing, beautiful and terrifying. This film explores a number of aspects to them, not just the one everyone's thinking of when they walk in.

The music is fantastic blend of both Alien and Prometheus's scores with some of its new music of its on.

For an over all tone Covenant has the most kinship with Prometheus however it also clearly displays its connection to Alien. In terms of spirit this film is very much in-keeping with the Alien franchise


On the whole this is a vast improvement over its predecessor and and a very welcome step in the right direction for the franchise. It easily stands alongside Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 for me and while it dose not fix Prometheus's flaws, Covenant gives Prometheus's ideas more value and allows them to be continued and developed in a superior film. Because of this Prometheus can now be a solid part of the franchise to,



Edited by Lord Belmod
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53 minutes ago, Lord Belmod said:


For an over all tone Covenant has the most kinship with Prometheus however it also clearly displays its connection to Alien. In terms of spirit this film is very much in-keeping with the Alien franchise


I felt the tone was a bit colder than previous films. For me, the scene at


the beginning where Daniels went back to her quarters, and was looking at the photos,

seemed to set the tone for the film.

Edited by Tora Tan
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10 minutes ago, Tora Tan said:

I felt the tone was a bit colder than previous films. For me, the scene at

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the beginning where Daniels went back to her quarters, and was looking at the photos,

seemed to set the tone for the film.

Thats entirely my point wit that statement. At its core this film's tone is the same as Prometheus however there is a much stronger Alien vibe to this film which gives it that colder feel you describe.

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Saw this today.....and.....i don't know guys, i guess it was alright. I liked it, the effects were amazing. But i honestly didn't like the ending. Also the suggestion that david was responsible for the genetic breeding! C'mon.

It definitely leaves it open for another prequel to the original movie aswell.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I thought it was one of the best Alien films next to Prometheus. Better than both AVP films and Alien Resurrection. So I think people who didn't like it as much could think of how bad those movies were and than give this movie some credit it actually deserves.  

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It was pretty bad. All the good scenes were scenes with Walter or the flute scene. Every time an alien was on screen I was bored. The last twenty minutes were just 'remember this from that movie? Or this from that movie!?' I laughed at the lengthy failure death Ferris, along with the stupidest captain in the universe. A whole lot of neat ideas rushed along with a plot twist I saw a mile away and have no idea how the writers or director thought no one would see it coming.

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On 02/08/2017 at 9:35 PM, Salkafar said:

I don't understand that statement.

he means that out of all the alien franchise, all films set in that universe, this one was on equal footing as prometheus in terms of how much he enjoyed it and both being put ahead  of most other alien franchise films.

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