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US Election 2020


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Okay, this may sound really out of place considering the type of forum this is, but is anyone monitoring the 2020 US election?  For me, it really has no bearing since I don't live in the US, but I find it interesting due to the on-going drama.  I'm not a Trump supporter and I barely know anything about Biden, but my take is that Biden might actually win this.  As of this posting, Biden just needs to win any one of the four key states to be declared President.  I think Biden's key is either he keeps his lead in Nevada (by 11k votes), or he overtakes Georgia (which trump is only leading by 1.7k votes).

For those living in the US, have you casted your votes?  And what do you think about this election?

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Last I checked, Biden was getting a faster increase in votes in pennsylvania. Trump had the lead but Biden was catching up quickly. the trend looked like he would pass him. I haven't checked today.
I am also not a US citizen, but I am concerned about Trumps behaviour, not just now but for as long as I can remember. His divisive nature is bad enough but he actually promotes division and 'othering' and creates a very tense situation.  America is in turmoil and it is in part his fault.  he has riled people up consistently.
On the face of it, people think it's fine because it only effects America, but these things can and do effect the world. Especially if his policies result in the environment being damaged beyond repair.
It worries me that he got so much of the vote anyway. I don't really understand it.
I am certain there may be trump supporters here and I don't want to upset anyone so I apologise if my words have been hurtful.
I just don't understand it though. Is it through apathy, or protest against corrupt politicians, or something else?

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We'll it looks like Biden has indeed won.  Winning in both electoral colleges and the popular vote.  Despite his triumph, he will be inheriting a Trump-era America, so it's interesting to see how/if he pivots most of the policies created during Trump.  It does seem logical he would restore some of the policies created under Obama's administration seeing he was his VP.

On 11/6/2020 at 10:58 PM, Tora Tan said:

It worries me that he got so much of the vote anyway. I don't really understand it.
I am certain there may be trump supporters here and I don't want to upset anyone so I apologise if my words have been hurtful.
I just don't understand it though. Is it through apathy, or protest against corrupt politicians, or something else?

There is this saying "Camaraderie through adversity".  Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, there are still a lot of Americans who are racists.  Mostly closeted KKK or something similar.  Why do you think there is such a movement of "Black Lives matter" if it wasn't?  Well this idea isn't actually limited to the US, but are prevalent in some parts of the world.  Trump knows how to use this to his advantage.  Why else would he be successful in most of his business ventures?

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Trump mainly lost because of the pandemic. That's what everyone's saying and that was Biden's power play through out his entire campaign against Trump. It didn't help matters either when Trump and his staff got sick with COVID. 



“If he loses, it’s going to be because of covid,” Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, said shortly before Election Day.



The speech that won Biden the White House. 



The coronavirus inevitably changed the calculus, especially for those (justifiably) fearful of the virus (those people broke Democrat). It became impossible for Trump to play down a disease he had caught. In a more recent blow, a number of his close aides, including chief-of-staff Mark Meadows, tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday, after attending an election party.


Edited by Jupiter
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