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Revision3: AnimeTV Reviews Bio-Booster Armor


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Just to warn you, it's mostly negative. But despite having a point about the problem with the lack luster animation and movies, you can easily catch how clueless they are about the Guyver. Like the comment that Chronos created the Guyver :shock:


We should all post comments on their site telling them how they gave a too lopsided review, as this is very negative press for the Guyver. :evil:

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Yeah, kinda reminds me of the so called fan experts shown in the anime Bio Booster Armor DVD extras.

Great post btw, though he basically just dismissed it and didn't address the inaccuracies in their review.

Overall, the show isn't terrible but with reviews like this one they definitely aren't helping promote the spread of anime.

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I'm not gonna bother with a follow up post. Your right, he failed to address anything. And he put words into my mouth. I never said the guy was fat, only he had similar measurements. While I myself am not a die hard fan of anime (And a lot of what I know of the guyver came from this site and a few others as before the movies I never knew of the anime) I do feel if one is to review something, at least get the facts straight. And picking on what Tetsuro would look like in the armor. They make what if comics for that.

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Yup, well I left my own comment in reply to his last to you.

In a way they are lucky their show is new, with reviews like this they are bound to anger fans of other series as well. Really, they come off as just some friends who happen to like anime and not professional reviewers.

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Agreed...after like the first few minutes i just wanted to shut it off but tried to swallow my gag reaction until i heard what they said about Guyver. I doubt these people even read the original mangas for any series and like you said zeo, they're just a bunch of buddies that "review" animes they watch and not fully research on as a whole. One of the things they failed to realize is that mangas like guyver and others were some of the first ones that many "old school" fans first saw so regardless of its national/international success or failures it still holds a special place in their hearts and collections.

I'd try to post but i might just come across as one of those angry raving fans..

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Alright just got around to reading what you guys posted on their (comments) section and I have to say we really shouldn't get that annoyed with what they said. I only say this because they are for the most part self important blow hards so I say meh to them and move on with my life.

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saw this ep awhile ago on youtube, and have to agree with how little research they did for this review. I always belive if you going to review a whole series then you need to do some actual research, their reviwing method came off appearing very lazy with the same sort of comments being repeated througout. Its not hard to do a little research these days with the power of the internet, fan sites and wikis

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