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Dark Nova vs. W'Kar

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When W'Kar fought Dark Nova before, she was weaker, and known as Black Nova. He beat her around pretty badly. Does anyone have any new ideas on how the outcome would be if he fought her now, as Dark Nova?


Hopefully when things calm down, she will want a rematch against W'Kar....before he evolves again of course...

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Hard to say. Power isn't everything. Dark Nova does have a higher average power than W'Kar does right now, but W'Kar is far more experienced in war and combat, and is WAY more violent than just about any character in the story.

Dark nova is more powerful, and a good martial artist. W'Kar really has skill in combat, not a trained martial artist. His is mostly from experience and pure street fighting.

Really it's a toss up. Given more access to a good supply of gravitational energy Dark Nova is nearly a shoe in. If not, good chance on W'Kar.

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She'd really have to concentrate on eliminating w'kar fast before he finds a way of beating her. Trying to fight him toe to toe would only see her end as w'kar would only get more stronger when he gets angry at the fact that she's tossing him around like a 12 yr old girl.

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Hard to say. But the fact is that Dark Nova is around Dreadnought's power range. Now she doesn't have the Warrior tech in, it does make her stand a much better chance

True, I don't know if she would actually beat him, but she damn sure has a chance with her new abilities now. I hope they have a re-match. Her gravity powers have greatly increased. She could do alot more damage to W'Kar this time around.

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Hard to say. But the fact is that Dark Nova is around Dreadnought's power range. Now she doesn't have the Warrior tech in, it does make her stand a much better chance

True, I don't know if she would actually beat him, but she damn sure has a chance with her new abilities now. I hope they have a re-match. Her gravity powers have greatly increased. She could do alot more damage to W'Kar this time around.

He would never kill her. Remember he likes to fight, but he has never intentionally killed anyone if they are a supposed ally. The closest I think he may have came to killing anyone was Ira or Dreadnought.

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W'Kar has been known to beat someone to 'NEAR' death for no reason, but never to actually kill them.

Ira, if he didn't catch himself in time he would have killed her. Which is what damaged their personal relationship for then on.

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True. I think W'Kar has been beated to near death as well for being exactly causes him to do that.

For example, Dreadnought had a couple of chances to actually fully kill W'Kar. I think that's why W'Kar respects Dreadnought so much because of the fact that Dreadnought has to my knowledge able to make W'Kar incredibly vulnerable.

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i agree...there hasnt been alot that can match up against W'Kar so the fact that dreddy can match and in sum cases top W'Kar he respects him more than ne1 else...dreddys and W'Kar i fink understand each other more than most...they both strive to keep there friends safe buh in there own different ways

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That is also true. I think with W'Kar undergoing his next evolution, might make it more interesting.

Though I think Dark Nova would give a hell of a fight since she has proven to even stop W'Kar for at least a little bit. Though, since that upgrade of hers seems to be a little more advanced than the basic Black Nova unit, he might not be able to adapt to it as quickly as before.

On top of that she has proven to be able to create incredibly powerful gravitational explosions...

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Very true McAvoy, plus, like W'kar said before, he's never fought a temperal being before.( I think that's how he put it). Now, with her being even more powerful, with more powerful attacks as well as new ones, it would be interesting.

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Or he could just feed off of all that gravitational energy.

I knew he could feed off of energy, but I didn't know he could feed off gravitational energy? But if so, that would definately be his way around her gravitational abilities.

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I think it varies between 15% to 20% according to the WG datafile on him. His old GWotG does not show this.

But I'd imagine that the more powerful the weapon or energy he is draining, the less of a percentage he can actually drain. Afterall he wouldn't be able to drain 20% of the Matrix Bomb assuming if he could.

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I think that if W'kar could keep the fight going he could win after all Nova still has a limit to her stamina. So eventally W'kar would be able to over power her. And with his next evolution coming I think her chances of winning go down even less.

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