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Halloween is coming up soon. So what are you guys and gals going to do? Most tricker-treaters I've ever had was 3. -_-;;; I think I'll get a 6 pack of beer (I turn 21 on 10/25) and play video games to entertain my self. ^_^


Happy Early Birthday then! :D

Toilet paper $5, Paint balls $10, A bland Holloween Costume $20, Getting back at the guys who did it to your house the year previous to Priceless! :twisted:


Paper bag free, poo free, Flaming bag of poo Priceless.

Naw, I feel like being good this year. I'll just terrorize small children who come to the door with my rendition of Bruce Campbell's Elvis from Bubba Hotep. :twisted:


I, will be doing what I do every halloween.

Waiting at the door to scare little kids senseless when they come to my door, :twisted:

I have monstrous groilla suit with bits of bone seemingly sticking out of the skin and revealed inners, plus beautiful sharp fangs. I hide in the shadows next to my door and when they arrive, I pounce and chase them for about half a block like a demonic grollia :twisted:


I'm hoping I don't have to work, but seeing as I just started my new job, I'm not really in the place to start asking for random days off.

I'll probably be in charge of candy duty again this year, wearing my slinky sorceress costume. Not that I mind, per sae. Some of the little trick-or-treaters are too cute. But when we get bored with that, or the older, obnoxios trick-or-treaters come around, we'll probably end up scaring them with the fog machine again. Or my boyfriend will leap off the roof in his ninja costume to scare them all away >D


a Slinky sorceress and a Ninja? heh, how'd you two hook up? you cast a love spell on him? anyway, yeah, I ogtta work, and since I work security, I wont beable to get the day off. (evil rule stating we cant take personal days off due to the holiday season.)


An old freind actually did this...

You dress up as a scar crow (a real one), complete with straw sticking out. Then you stand in the front yard, perfectly still.

The kids walk up and look at you, and while their head is turned, you change positions slightly... when they walk out from the house, you suddenly come to life! hehe.

You would be surprised how many older kids try to vandelize you. when a guy comes over to light you on fire, you let him get all the way up to your arm before you blow out the lighter. I don't know what's worse, the dumbfounded look on his face, or the terror when you start chasing after him like a crazed demon

You would be surprised how many older kids try to vandelize you. when a guy comes over to light you on fire, you let him get all the way up to your arm before you blow out the lighter. I don't know what's worse, the dumbfounded look on his face, or the terror when you start chasing after him like a crazed demon

LOL!!!! That's seriously one of the best things I've ever heard! I would SO pay money to see that!


I second that omega weapon, young guyver that is an awesome idea!

As for me, ,my workplace is throwing a halloween party, which believe it or not I think will be quite entertaining. The question, as always, is what to go dressed up as! I am very tempted to spend a small fortune on a decent costume for once!

You would be surprised how many older kids try to vandelize you. when a guy comes over to light you on fire, you let him get all the way up to your arm before you blow out the lighter. I don't know what's worse, the dumbfounded look on his face, or the terror when you start chasing after him like a crazed demon

LOL!!!! That's seriously one of the best things I've ever heard! I would SO pay money to see that!

:twisted: I'm gonna borrow this Idea if y'all don't mind. Cause I know someone who can get away with it. I'll bring pics if it works. :twisted:


Me all I will be doing is sitting on my butt pullin'um back and watching my new Excel Saga Imperfect Collection. That is my lame halloween boring huu? Halloween the exictment that it brang is now over. This is due to me worring more about how I'll pay my rent then how will I scare a bunch of little children. To make matters worse the appartments where I live are right next to the college. So the only people living near me are college students. Tell me how am I going to scare little kids, when the closest thing to a kid is a miget striping for some college girls down the hall. :twisted: This is the horrible world we live in. The damn capitolestic government of ours has taken a simple anti-satanists, witch hunting hollow-day(sp?) and turned it in to some thing completly different. For now I end my rant.


Lets see, update the site on Sunday.... Before that get drunk on Saturday via lots of beer... play Down Of War a bit and look for any mods for it.

Apart from that look at horror movies.


One of two things for me

1~I might get calle dout to work,seeing as the club I work for is doing a cool halloween night

2~My friends are having a party so I'll go with my fianc? to that and have a good time

either option works well for me


Hmmm, schedule comes out on Friday, so I dunno if I work or not. If I do, hopefully not that late. :)

Oh yeah, my work (Safeway) is selling pumpkins for a $1 & $1.50 each, so I may get one to carve, even though we get like hardly any kids. :(

Hmmm, schedule comes out on Friday, so I dunno if I work or not. If I do, hopefully not that late. :)

Oh yeah, my work (Safeway) is selling pumpkins for a $1 & $1.50 each, so I may get one to carve, even though we get like hardly any kids. :(

Did you know you can eat pumpkin seeds? just put some salt on them and bake them, and you get a nice and crispy snack, I had them once, they are pretty good.

Hmmm, schedule comes out on Friday, so I dunno if I work or not. If I do, hopefully not that late. :)

Oh yeah, my work (Safeway) is selling pumpkins for a $1 & $1.50 each, so I may get one to carve, even though we get like hardly any kids. :(

Did you know you can eat pumpkin seeds? just put some salt on them and bake them, and you get a nice and crispy snack, I had them once, they are pretty good.

Oh yeah, haven't had those for awhile. I guess I'll get myself a pumpkin on Wednesday. :)

Halloween is coming up soon. So what are you guys and gals going to do? Most tricker-treaters I've ever had was 3. -_-;;; I think I'll get a 6 pack of beer (I turn 21 on 10/25) and play video games to entertain my self. ^_^

Happy Birthday, GuyverFanatic! My family celebrates a birthday tomorrow.

As for my Halloween plans, i'm gonna eat a load of candy, get a horribly big sugar high and go crazy with my video games, and maybe pull a few of my horror movies out the closet.

Happy Halloween Ya'll!


I'll probably be at another hockey game, only in Canada 8)

And I thought you'd be dressing up as Jehuty and frightening men, women, and children alike. :lol:

I'll probably be at another hockey game, only in Canada 8)

And I thought you'd be dressing up as Jehuty and frightening men, women, and children alike. :lol:

Now that would be interesting to see. That reminds me of the pictures of the Guyver suit Dave of BioWeapons.com made once. I'd really love to see a costume of Jehuty's armor actually made.

Scary :twisted:


Hope and pray that the kids in my neighborhood don't egg my house for not having candy. Rotten little punks they are. Oh god I sound like someones Grandfather. Must think young thoughts.

In all honesty I am probably going to be bored out of my mind. In other words I will be doing Jack squat.


Tommorow I will dress up as Snake Plisken from Escape from New York. It's an easy costume and sort of my emegency costume. I was going to try and go as Guts from Berserk but I kinda had a lot of homework this week so I couldn't make a Giant HUGE sword nor a mechaincal like looking hand. Snake Plisken is still cool!

Hope and pray that the kids in my neighborhood don't egg my house for not having candy. Rotten little punks they are. Oh god I sound like someones Grandfather. Must think young thoughts.

In all honesty I am probably going to be bored out of my mind. In other words I will be doing Jack squat.

There is a VERY simple solution for you there Weltall. First, make sure that your front yard is covered in leaves. Laziness during the fall season is usually an asset for this.

next, find a zombie mask and tattered clothes. You can listen to a headset underneath, as that will help cure boredom.

Lay on the ground, and hide in a pile of leaves. When kids start to throw eggs... rise.

It works best if you can grab a nearby legs. As they run off screaming, throwing a fake severed hand at them is also very effective.

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