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Everything posted by Oberon
Wolverine though is one of teh top selling and most popular characters. He has a tragic unknown past and a very useful power so he's always going to be a nice popular character. The others... meh. Scott Summer's always annoyed the proverbial out of me with his whinging and some of the others just aren't as useful as characters, so to me it was always almost inevitable that Wolverine would be a focus. Plus he's been around in cannon for a very long time. There is or was Wolverine Comic, and I can't think of any of the others who were popular enough for their OWN series.
doesn't really matter though, as he now usually takes his shoes off for wall-crawling. perhaps the earlier versions didn't have all the details worked out properly. He takes his shoes off if he has time. In the middle of a battle, he usually conveniently runs up a wall so any quasi science explanation would usually go out the window at that point. It's all well and good to want the science explanations but they don't stick with them when it's convenient. Not usually anyway and let's face it, Marvel science is shot anyway as it's got too many people defining it. Steel, there is of course nothing wrong with wanting unity between cannon and movie. infact I'd go so far as to say that such a thing makes continuity easier to pursue, movie to movie, when you don't have to remember what you changed and didn't change and can just 'slot' a story into the existing cannon as it were. Unfortunately though some things that can be drawn are more easily drawn than made into a movie and with the removing of all the 'magic' to make it all scientifically plausible you take a step away from the comic itself. While the sales from fans add up and comic sales are still strong, they should perhaps go for more cannon but the general feeling in Hollywood about if it looks good it goes, is also VERY strong. That's what people who want cannon continuity are up against. As for that silver thing on the shoes. You don't know what it is. I don't know what it is but you appear to be making a set in stone judgment that it will look bad without knowing for sure. For all we know the silver comes from the trainers that the stunt man wears for luck!
No, you missed my point with the CGI reference. When you do it, if you want to put in other back grounds or stuff like that and let's face it they are going to need to 'touch up' that shot a lot, you need reference points on the body to make sure that everything slots in okay. Hence the silver of the bottom could be part of reference system so that they get the feet right. That shot wasn't meant to be a great one or a publicity one anyway so I wouldn't make too much out of it. It's almost like you are trying to ruin the movie for yourself before you even get there by pick apart stuff that really isn't going to be important in Hollywood where really they aren't making a movie for you, a fan of spiderman, they are making a movie for the masses, who frankly have more money to spend. They care about what looks good, not what is cannonly correct. Also, the point about sticking to walls may be valid but it is not valid to spiderman who DOES stick to walls through his shoes and originally just 'stuck' with no explanation as to how. It was the 2099 Spiderman that had the tiny barbs and the first movie one. Now if they are going to make spiderman then they can have him stick to walls through anything because if you want to go the barbs won't go through his shoes, well they weren't long enough to really effectively go through the gloves either but there you are. It's fiction. His sticking power works any way it wants and doesn't just follow physics to make fans feel better. And it's Hollywood, which quadruples the 'if it looks good, it works' factor.
In the second picture - the publicity one you can't see the boots so MAYBE the silvery appearance was for the stunt man and the camera effects. Remember if they are going to CGI stuff they have to have tie in points so maybe the silver colour on the soles of the stuntman image was to help the CGI crews fix up the image. The costume does look a bit different from the originals but obviously if they want to properly reboot then they have to make some changes. Though a reboot really just means they lost control of the original or had no real vision for a proper future with it. As far as I can remember the original Spiderman comic never explained HOW he stuck to things, he just stuck. I COULD be wrong on this though or it could be something they put in later. Spiderman 2099 DID explain how he stuck to things and that was via the tiny barbs on hands and feet. I remember watching the movie thinking 'Oh nice touch from 2099' to modernize and explain stuff so to me it was always a bit odd that the first Spiderman movie didn't have the webshooters but went with Spiderman 2099 powers.
Script writers don't have minds. They just put what they can get away with together and try to sell it to someone. In that way they don't have to care about continuity either. Only the fans care about continuity. Most people just care if it's a good story that entertained them for a few hours and thus only blatant continuity errors will even register on their minds.
It won't load fast for long. They never do
I honestly didn't think the White Queen was that old but oh well. If it's a reboot it sucks on principle. If it's a pre-quel so be it.
15 views, of which a couple were me and no one has any comments? Or is it just so awesome that there is nothing to say?
Yeah but the Admirals could do it easily - magma or even cold would destroy a swamp. But he's a coward so he'll probably hide when things get tough or be beaten up Or poetically it would be great to see the Mer-people beat him up.
I thought it was a bit of a boring chapter. Necessary of course, but a bit boring oh well. Hopefully they feed Coribu to Hodi Jones
Tetsuro started at the noise. He wasn't the only one. Their entire group had jumped and drew in towards each other as a chill ran through them. "That wasn't an animal," Mizuki said, the quaver in her voice barely hidden. Sho stood before her, his focus fully on the jungle. Tetsuro agreed, but couldn't bring himself to voice his agreement as he looked around, human eyes scanning the dense vegetation around them. There had been something inhuman in the noise that had reverberated across their senses and it didn't help that they'd been jittery since they'd gotten here about a week ago. They were hunting the past, and that meant going to the ancient places of the world, looking for evidence, looking for history. But the jungle was not a friendly place, not when you were used to cars and traffic and buildings and people. The noises were different. The presence was different and the entire feel was wrong. The guides were adding to their edginess. Something was spooking the natives and it wasn't the jungle because they treated the plants and animals almost with a respectful affection. It was something else but language was proving to be a problem there. It wasn't enough to hinder their search for the past but the language barrier was great enough that they couldn't understand what the local guides were afraid of, only that they were afraid and that showed even now as they were huddled on the ground, hands out, almost on display, as if they were seeking to prove that they were unarmed, that they were harmless. About all that had been clear, was that their guides insisted that they not be armed and they'd been ostentatious in leaving behind their machetes back at their village. Something about the heat, and the hunter... Agito rolled his eyes at the nervous tension he could feel. "I'll go," he said curtly before stalking off. As soon as he was out of sight he would bioboost and go exploring and find what had screamed. For him, it would be a nice diversion from the tedium of excavation. With Agito gone the group tried to calm down. Tetsuro turned back to the stone they were excavating in their search for answers. They knew the recent history of Chronos, what they were looking for was the evidence of its existence in the past and for evidence of Alkanphel and from that evidence, hopefully information about his abilities. There was evidence. Chronos hadn't always been as secretive as they were now and in primitive societies the abilities of Alkanphel and Chronos were probably looked upon as godlike. For example, the stone they had just uncovered showed a type of Zoanoid they'd never seen before. It had spindly limbs and what looked to be four bones protruding from its back as well as a very long tail that was surmounted by a sharp looking blade. It looked almost human but had a vastly elongated head and the representation showed teeth, very sharp teeth. The artisan who had carved this relief had paid particular attention to the set of the mouth and the way the teeth could protrude. It was obviously a Zoanoid, but of a type that they had not seen. Tetsuro passed a sweaty cloth over his forehead, before he re-tied it as best he could around his neck, seeking what small comfort there was through evaporation. It was so hot! He'd thought Tokyo was hot but it had nothing on the oppressive heat and humidity of this jungle. They were all soaked in perspiration that did little to cool them since the jungle itself was so wet. It helped though when the infrequent breeze found them but apart from that there was little relief from the heat and they all laboured under its oppression, panting with both altitude and the temperature. The Zoanoid was interesting but it was not Alkanphel, though the presence of a Zoanoid carving was an indication that they may find something about the Supreme Zoalord in these ruins. They just had to find it. ----- Was asked to post this for some comments - not mine, though I do hope the author will finish though thoughts are appreciated.
In order for Carnige to appear, there has to be Venom - IF you follow the traditional story line. Remember this is Hollywood. If they like something, they aren't going to let continuity get in the way.
Stan Lee did have a cameo in Blade, it just got cut Or he was meant to according to Wikipedia Doesn't matter, it still is fun to look for him. As for Onslaught I call it a reboot. They went back to being noob people who didn't have powers and then got them again. Reboot!
Well I figured it was only a matter of time before we hit 'performance enhancing drugs' in OP. We've had almost everything else in some form or another but it's interesting to see that Neptune is happy to invite the Straw Hats to come with him. Why is he happy wtih them?
As far as I know Stan Lee appears in every single Marvel movie as a cameo. It's always amusing going to watch them to spot him. They 'rebooted' the comics a couple of years back with Onslaught (I think it was called) and that allowed them to go back to the basics for most of the super heroes and restart their stories but that wasn't for Spiderman or most of the Mutants (they reset the mutants in another way which memory is failing me at the moment as to what they called it but it cured a lot of them). Was Spiderman part of the Avengers?
If they just made the models simple and smooth for example, or like the animated (drawn animation) ones then people these days would be going 'what a cop out' and would not watch. There may be some cheating, there may not be some cheating, go ask a mechanical eng or a modeller to work through the 3D application of the transformation but never forget: 1. This is a movie, they are after something that looks good and 2. Hollywood IS an illusion.
Another reboot of a marvel comic book character movie... sigh... Is this the third or the fourth one they've 'rebooted' the movies for?
LOL I can very easily see Luffy destroying Fisherman Island both in a physical sense or a metaphysical sense.
Drat those sands of time!
LOL, I'm going to assume the Drag-5 is your protective water mark but I'm sorry Ryuki, the words just put me even further into FFVII mode, the No XIII and I was going - wait, that's the wrong picture, where is Red XIII! (I think I'm obsessed!) It is a beautiful picture, it's just that I don't associate those colours with Imakarum and that's where my problems is (and it IS only my problems with the colours) That and I'm probably feeling obsessed with FFVII this morning. PS early Happy New Year.
It's brighter! And Imakarum looks great but for some reason I don't really like the yellow and reds of the flames with him. Sephiroth anyone? I think it's just the colours.
Sanji has gotten stronger though. Remember his character is essentially - love's the ladies - and this is the aspect of his character that has gotten stronger, so I think what you will find is that around the ladies he will be the same - his usual gentlemany self but when he gets into a serious fight, THEN we will see how much he's changed. The big question would be of course what happens if he has to fight a lady with this new Sanji.... getting blood all over her is very uncouth after all.
One night 4 college students were partying until late and did not study for a test which was scheduled for the next day. In the morning, they thought of a plan. They made themselves look as dirty as possible, with grease and dirt. They then went to the teacher and said that they had gone to a wedding last night and on their return, a tyre burst on their car and they had to push the car all the way back home and that they were in no condition to do the test. The teacher kindly allowed them to do a re-test after 3 days. They thanked him and said they would be ready by that time. On the third day, they went for their test. The teacher said that as this was a Special Condition Test, all four were required to sit in separate classrooms. They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last 3 days... The test consisted of 1 single question, worth a total of 100 Marks........ ? ? ? ? ? Q. 1. Which tyre? a) Front Left b) Front Right c) Back Left d) Back Right
Photo of the mushroom patch?