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Everything posted by Oberon

  1. Not bad, not bad. I think the red does look good. The black definitely has appeal but it's very similar to a lot of other signature images while the red adds that bit of difference to make the image stand out a bit more.
  2. All we know isn't that much, that's the point. We have a lot of speculation and what we think happened or is happening in the new world. On Kid and Law, I kind of view them as Luffy's Shiki and Whitebeard. Roger had Shiki as a rival with a completely opposite style and Whitebeard who while they competed were somewhat in tune with the other's ideals and goals. Kid and Law fit into those roles for Luffy rather well, in my opinion.
  3. While maybe not lilac, I do think another back ground colour may look good since the dark/black is very standard. Perhaps the red of his crystal?
  4. LOL, well in the end it's going to be a fishman who Luffy beats up The speculation on who it is, just leads back to the lack of information abotu what happened to the world in the two years.
  5. Arlong's dad perhaps? It's not Arlong, the nose is all wrong. I want to know more about what's happened in the new world in the two years. At the time that things were left off we had Brownbeard attacking a former Whitebeard protected island and stuff like that happening. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but since the manga hasn't gone into it, that's what I'd like to know. Also how the marines have developed under their new Admiral and of course, what is Blackbeard doing? PS, yes I'm new - hello.
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