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ウォータータイガー / Water Tiger

ウォータータイガー / Water Tiger (10/20)



  1. I was looking at the above picture today when it suddenly struck me what a stupid battle design this was. I mean it looks awesome and it's Aptom so it's cool but he can't lift his arms up! If he does he will impale his shoulders on his own spikes. Even if they are angled forward at the best he'll still be rubbing against them. I don't see any point in having retractable spikes and to be honest the point of having spikes there is rather odd anyway. Not many attacks come in from between the shoulder and the head! Has anyone else noticed anything similarly silly in guyver?
  2. Oberon

    aptom and guyver

    No control medallion, no guyver in my opinion. I think he could absorb the bioboost creature, it's just organic material after all, but without the control, I don't think he'd get to be a Guyver out of it though he might be able to get some honing of ability.
  3. While that's quite true Kenji-chan that there have been groups of people who view other groups of people as not human, Ryuki has kind of hit on what I was getting at. None of the fics I have read have made Chronos out to be as amoral as they are shown to be in the manga. They might have started off human but for most of them in the intervening centuries they stopped being human because for a lot of them they stopped caring. This happens really fast for Guyot or however you spell his name. He is one sadistic, manipulative bastard who cares about nothing except his own promotion. Even Alkanphel is similar. He doesn't care much for anything, except to get what he wants. Obviously we know they are very powerful individuals, but think about the bad guys you get in some movies. Not the ones that are action bad guys, the ones who are business bad guys.The ones who will manipulate anything, kill anyone, so long as their company gets a profit and they get the promotion. The CEO who sits at the top and considers the customers to be nothing more than faceless minions who will buy their product because they have no choice. To me I haven't really seen that cold edge of ruthlessness. Zoalords and Chronos do not have children, they do not have limitations or restrictions or laws they care much about, they only have what they can conceive of and do without restraint or consideration of the pain it can give to others. On the other bit, the bit about people being afraid and perhaps not using the cannon characters, I think you are missing part of my suggestion Kenji-chan. In many cases, I don't think it's a lack of study. People aren't writing fanfic for a fandom they don't like after all, but it could be simply that there was nothing to study. However in some cases I think it could be because people are afraid that their portrayal of the more displayed character will not level up is at least part of the reason that people do not write them, especially in a smaller fanfic fandom. Where there's heaps of fics, such as the previously mentioned Naruto, it's easier to get Naruto wrong and still be okay because there are a lot of readers and people will either like your plot or not, but for a small fandom, if you get Sho wrong for example, no one's going to read since he's not the character they expect. We all have preconceived notions in our heads about what the characters we read about are like, if the writer doesn't match that up, then people won't enjoy the fic. Hence it's easier, sometimes, to go with the characters that have less information about them given in the cannon. And that's not a lack of research, but it could be a lack of something else.
  4. I don't wish to waste my time watching them but the only real way of stopping stuff like that is to make sure you do not visit their website and if they are affiliated with any forum is to sign up and tell their "editor" that they did a bad job. But since I'm speaking without even looking at it, I have no idea if it's affiliated with anything let alone is making money off it. I didn't like Guyver 2005 as the best ever, the backgrounds were odd but it wasn't that bad either.
  5. I'm sorry Kenji-chan, which bit do you mean? People screwing up the characters? That bit's easy. The cannon characters we see mostly in any manga are defined and as the story progresses and we get further into it, providing they are a semi-main character, their reactions, their personality becomes more defined. So take the main characters of Guyver, Sho, Mizuki, Tetsuro, Agito etc, as the story has progressed they have become deeper, and I'd almost say less stereotyped. But with that extra definition for a fanfic writer comes extra controls and extra limitations on the characters in terms of their personality. By definition, a fanfic is going to take them out of their cannon setting, but the idea, at least in my opinion, is to try to keep the personality, the character the same but with the really well defined characters this can provide more of a challenge and on some levels, perhaps people are afraid of screwing that up. Especially if you write a fic that say is AU from a particular point in time. For example, imagine writing a Naruto fic, just after they've come back from that initial mission in Wave Country. You've got the main characters basic personality down, but not completely defined so you can conceivably have your Naruto being very different from the one we currently have in the manga. Which then if people read your fic, they may not like because they feel you haven't captured his character properly. Now people can be afraid of that. As for the second bit, I just really haven't seen a good portrayal of Chronos, not one that I would agree with and makes me shiver going 'you bastards' the way I did when I watched the 12 part OAV and to some degree the new anime and read the manga for the first time (From the English VIZ publications ) There's always an aspect that makes them too human for me. But I'm not claiming to have read every fic out there.
  6. Or could people be afraid of screwing up the personalities of the more defined cannon characters? I haven't seen a good display of Chronos that really makes me feel the same about them as I do from the manga. They are too nice.
  7. My silence was due to the fact that I didn't visit here for a while and then when I do the 'view new posts' doesn't always work how it should. I'll pass it on to the author.
  8. LOL that's evil, I think you may have made me have to go find the manga again. Anywy something more ... constructive I guess. Your writing is always good, even in posts and I know you take the time to check spelling and grammar and that sort of thing. But... while this scene was meant to be fluffy... It seemed to contain a bit too much sugar syrup. Though maybe that's because I don't know what went before.
  9. Read the entire thing. That's posted anyway. Cyblade was meant to have cleaned up the grammar and spelling errors... but oh well I guess one person can't get everything
  10. I think you are making the assumption that the review or critisicm's fall on deaf ears. Certainly for some things there is nothign that can be changed to make it better, but for other things, the author can probably improve. For example if you criticise grammar then they can make an effort in later chapters to make it better. If you question plot, that actually may be a good thing for them because then they will be able to see which bit of their plots made sense. As you say, readers and writers can make assumptions so leaving critisicm on the plot helps the author see what assumptiosn they have made that they shouldn't have. In general if it's a decent fic, then there shouldn't be too many plot holes, except the ones the author wants. Some authors also find the questions to be good in guiding them, so I don't see that a full review would be too much falling on deaf ears. It may not change something this time, but it is something that may give them guidance for the next time. By NOT reviewing, they just assume that everything is fine, and won't improve. That's why I think it's more useful to put up a review - good or bad, rather than just walking away either with expressing your like or your dislike. I think this probably comes from the belief that while yes, Authors generally write for their own entertainment, they ALL want feed back - usually they want the mindless 'oh I liked that' feed back but some of them will genuinely want to hear that things were good or bad. After all, if you are really ONLY writing for yourself, why bother to post it somewhere if you don't want to have some feedback from others.
  11. Shigure and Tohru.... - not really my type of thing since it's pretty obvious she wasn't meant to end up with him. I guess... with some animes/manga's I made the assumption about who X and Y should end up with and therefore fics that don't have them together just seem wrong. ...
  12. LOL Lahz, I was being facetious with the comment about the time. I can understand what you mean about not wanting to be 'cheap' with a comment or review but isn't posting something better than just silence? At least that way the author knows that there is some appreciation of their work rather than not knowing. I guess that will come down to each author though and if you are writing for yourself, in which case you probably don't need to write everything down as you already know the story you want to tell or if you are writing because you want to get your idea out there to generate enjoyment from/for others. You can take it how you want Steel, it's still the truth but you've assumed that a 'Things you like' thread won't be started in due course. The sentiment to make this thread more to help the people posting here is a noble one, but I can see the threads, and the replies, just as well as you can and I can see that on the whole there isn't a lot of comment or critic or praise that is worth much. While if you liked a fic I think that you should write that you liked it, you are correct, it is difficult to then to sometimes write a critique that is balanced and useful to the author. But by that statement Steel, not every thread here has even much in the way of praise and recently it's tapered off and just because you don't think you can do better, in my opinion isn't something that should hold you back on having an opinion. It's exactly like Art. I can't paint but some of the classic works of art that are considered absolute master pieces by society I don't like and I'm prepared to say that. This is no different, just on a far less grand scale. And okay sure, criticizing the work will bring your own under scrutiny, but won't that, in the end, make yours better too?
  13. Thanks, I'll have a look in a little while. I'm on a computer that doesn't like FFnet. I did notice that two of the fics here have been updated yet neither author has seen fit to grace us with their opinion, which is their right but is disappointing when wanting to spark discussion and some liveliness into the community here. Perhaps I should put another pet hate up then? Authors who don't comment on other work yet want feed back themselves?
  14. Double post sorry. ErutanXiku, I'm not familiar with your work so can't really comment much on it? Do you have a link?
  15. Larz Zahn - 2006 is a bit of a break.
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