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Guyver Links thread


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I really miss finding the individual guyver sites out there on the net.

we set up a page in the wiki for linking to other sites but it doesn't seem to be very engaging and we haven't had any update to it in such a long time.

so perhaps a forum thread would work better?

we can post links to sites and talk about them.

I'll try and keep this first post updated with a list of links.


Nice thread! I have a collection:


http://warriorguyver.com/ - you know it :smallbiggrin:/>

http://cronos.japan-legend.com/ - Cronos World Government!

http://www.guyversolution.tk/ - by Guyver Four. Info and nice magazines scans collection.

http://www.bioweapons.com/ - by Evil FX. Now it is only about his epic cosplay.

http://zeus-thunderb...deviantart.com/ - Guyver community on Deviantart.








http://bio-booster.webs.com/ - © Bio-Boosted Dude :smallbiggrin:/>


English official:

http://www.funimatio...ioboosted-armor - official site by Funimation.

http://www.madman.co...ioboosted-armor - Australian company Madman Entertainment.


http://www.guyver.com.cn/ - main Chinese forum, where Chinese scanlates are come from.

http://tieba.baidu.c...u.com/f?kw=���� - another Chinese forum.


http://unit-g.sakura.ne.jp/ - by Alphard. Mainly news-blog about manga releases.

http://www.kuronosu.com/ - nice fanart.

http://gulfan.blog24.fc2.com/ - by Gulfan. News-blog.

http://www.usamimi.info/~guyverlabo/ - I think it is something like the main Japanese Guyver fan-site.

http://www10.atwiki.jp/guyverlabo/ - wiki database.

http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~geo/g.htm - very old fan-site.

http://guyver.seesaa.net/ - blog.

Japanese official:

http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/ - site of the Kadokawa - a company which is publishing Guyver manga.


http://chronos-guyver.new.fr/ - French scanlations and forum.




http://guyver-world.ru/ - dolan.gif (we have a really crazy forum there, we love Guyver and nonsense).

http://guyver-world.ru/wiki/ - wiki database.

http://cronos.guyver-world.ru/ - Cronos World Government!

http://oji-team.ru/ - Russian scanlators.

http://guyver-game.3dn.ru/ - team making a Guyver game (now the project is frozen).

http://theguyver.narod.ru/ - fan-site.


http://browse.devian...rder=5&q=guyver - Deviantart Guyver fanart stream.

http://www.pixiv.net...ode=s_tag&word=ガイãƒãƒ¼ - Pixiv Guyver fanart stream

The Guyver section of my Wiki:


I made a tumblr gallery where anyone can submit their fanarts: http://fanart.guyver-world.ru/ :neko:

You don't have to be registered tumblr user to add your works, just enter name and eMail (You can use nonexistent eMail e.g. a@aa.ru).

It's tumblr, so there is a chance that a wast amount of people will see your work.

Please go and submit!


Additionally I have an experimental Guyver tumblelog where I already have a lot of followers: http://guyverology.tumblr.com/ and later I can reblog best works there.

Guyver World's Google+ community page: https://plus.google.com/communities/109135611726366942360

New additions:


Some site from WebArchive:






http://web.archive.org/web/19970509042745/http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~bwardel/images/guyver1.html (New Links Page added 5/3/97)

http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.lava.net/~goodin/chris/guyver/guyver30.html (updated 18 April 1997)

http://web.archive.org/web/19970404044318/http://hollender.org/erik/guyvermain.html (updated 4 April 1997)

http://web.archive.org/web/19990117075048/www.slip.net/~hpleung/guyver.html ("You Are Visitor Number *** since 8/22/96"!)

http://web.archive.org/web/19990302023454/home.sprynet.com/sprynet/guyver/list.htm ("Last Update 4-25-96"!)

As my first Guyver Web site (guyverfour.1weblord.com) has been mentioned, you may find additional iterations of the site archived below:

http://web.archive.org/web/20031018113546/http://guyverfour.t35.com/ (guyverfour.t35.com)

http://web.archive.org/web/20130413173416/http://www.guyversolution.tk/ (www.guyversolution.tk - First version)

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Nice thread! I have a collection:


http://warriorguyver.com/ - you know it :smallbiggrin:

http://cronos.japan-legend.com/ - Cronos World Government!

http://www.guyversolution.tk/ - by Guyver Four. Info and nice magazines scans collection.

http://www.bioweapons.com/ - by Evil FX. Now it is only about his epic cosplay.

http://zeus-thunderb...deviantart.com/ - Guyver community on Deviantart.








http://bio-booster.webs.com/ - © Bio-Boosted Dude :smallbiggrin:


English official:

http://www.funimatio...ioboosted-armor - official site by Funimation.

http://www.madman.co...ioboosted-armor - Australian company Madman Entertainment.


http://www.guyver.com.cn/ - main Chinese forum, where Chinese scanlates are come from.

http://tieba.baidu.c...u.com/f?kw=���� - another Chinese forum.


http://unit-g.sakura.ne.jp/ - by Alphard. Mainly news-blog about manga releases.

http://www.kuronosu.com/ - nice fanart.

http://gulfan.blog24.fc2.com/ - by Gulfan. News-blog.

http://www.usamimi.info/~guyverlabo/ - I think it is something like the main Japanese Guyver fan-site.

http://www10.atwiki.jp/guyverlabo/ - wiki database.

http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~geo/g.htm - very old fan-site.

http://guyver.seesaa.net/ - blog.

Japanese official:

http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/ - site of the Kadokawa - a company which is publishing Guyver manga.


http://chronos-guyver.new.fr/ - French scanlations and forum.




http://guyver-world.ru/ - dolan.gif (we have a really crazy forum there, we love Guyver and nonsense).

http://guyver-world.ru/wiki/ - wiki database.

http://cronos.guyver-world.ru/ - Cronos World Government!

http://oji-team.ru/ - Russian scanlators.

http://guyver-game.3dn.ru/ - team making a Guyver game (now the project is frozen).

http://theguyver.narod.ru/ - fan-site.


http://browse.devian...rder=5&q=guyver - Deviantart Guyver fanart stream.

http://www.pixiv.net...ode=s_tag&word=ガイãƒãƒ¼ - Pixiv Guyver fanart stream

Edited by Cannibal
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Cannibal!! some of those website are so nostalgic!! i can't believe they still exist. i even forgot about 'guyver.com'. anyone know what that guyver image by the logo is? a custom figure?

it's hilarious to see updates from, what, 1998? one of them had a gap of 3 years, the final update in 2001 saying "i don't plan to update this site again ever". pretty funny if not a lil depressing

and also thanks for embarrassing me by putting up my crummy freewebs site hahaha. i completely forgot about it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I made a tumblr gallery where anyone can submit their fanarts: http://fanart.guyver-world.ru/ :neko:


You don't have to be registered tumblr user to add your works, just enter name and eMail (You can use nonexistent eMail e.g. a@aa.ru).


It's tumblr, so there is a chance that a wast amount of people will see your work.


Please go and submit!



Additionally I have an experimental Guyver tumblelog where I already have a lot of followers: http://guyverology.tumblr.com/ and later I can reblog best works there.



EDIT: Guyver World's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/guyverworld

Edited by Cannibal
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  • 5 months later...


As my first Guyver Web site (guyverfour.1weblord.com) has been mentioned, you may find additional iterations of the site archived below:

http://web.archive.org/web/20031018113546/http://guyverfour.t35.com/ (guyverfour.t35.com)

http://web.archive.org/web/20130413173416/http://www.guyversolution.tk/ (www.guyversolution.tk - First version)


An archive of the Kronos Japan Branch Web site can be found below:


Edited by Guyver Four
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