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The Flash


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  • 1 year later...

I get that they are going with the Flashpoint storyline, but they brought back Michael Shannon to play Zod, couldn't they have brought Henry Cavill back as well?  Kara being there doesn't make sense.

I still haven't warmed up to the Ezra Miller flash.  His goofiness is more suited for Wally West, not Barry Allen.  I also don't get why Ezra Miller needs to play 2 Flash, when Grant Gustin is available.

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I do agree there. it would be nice to see Grant Gustin again. I didn't like the tv series past season 2, but I liked that version of Barry.

Also, it's possible that Henry Cavill is in it but they keeping it as a surprise... or maybe this is a case of superheroes disappearing, sort of like he says in the trailer "I made a world without metahumans".

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I've learned not to follow the hype train for DC movies, so I'll keep my expectations low on this.  I am curious to see how this will lead to the new DC universe.  I do find it logical why this would be a good point to start the new DC Universe since Flash doing something stupid could reset the whole multiverse, thus giving way to a clean slate for the new DCU that James Gunn envisions.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Okay, I am a little embarrassed to say that I was only able to watch this the other day.  I did enjoy the film, but there are certain nitpicks that I wanted to point out.  They certainly goofed up that Batfleck (lots and lots of things wrong with how he was portrayed), and certainly made Keaton Batman really cool.  I still don't like Ezra Miller as the Flash.  He really runs funny.  And I really found that they did Henry Cavill dirty here.  All of the original Justice league was in the film except Cavill (and of course Ray Fisher because of his harsh words).  They even included a Nick Cage Superman and didn't even have the decency to include Cavill?  and CGI Cameo, really?  And replacing Affleck with Clooney is the cherry on top.  Really?  The guy who literally killed the Franchise, and who openly admitted to playing Batman Gay?  Despite the film being quite passable as a stand alone movie, you can see that there are a lot of politics involved in the making of this film.   

I'm not happy with the way they made this, but I will give James Gunn the benefit of the doubt because he came in late on the game.  If Gunn caved to the management's pressure, Superman Legacy will also be doomed.

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