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Found 3 results

  1. I thought this time, it would seem to you, that extra chapter of the manga will be drawn taking into account some persosnjes elpasado to see more of some characters who have died I personally would like to see more of,
  2. What would be a fitting theme for Zoalord Guyot? The Anime never really gave him a theme, neither did the OVA's nor even the image soundtrack. I've played several songs over the years, but recently, when going back into the manga, i start to play Majin from Ken's Rage 2. Seems the most badass terrifying song I can see him villainizing while as a Zoalord. So thinking over it. What else would be a fitting theme for him? He's one of the few villains I don't have a tune to remember to. XD
  3. itself is that this is not a question of the guyver manga, even so since both sleeves have a slight relationship at least in its origin to be the same mangaka,But I think the current Zeorymer sleeve, san takaya is not, even so, I would like to know if anyone knows the name of this character, Meiou Keikaku manga Zeorymer Omega since according as I see it is very similar to alkanphel
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