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Everything posted by PowerofGuyver

  1. This is pretty good news, happy to see two more figures are coming. While I would have preferred the original Guyver 2, I don't object to the female version. I bought 2 Figma Guyver 1s last August, very awesome figure. Hopefully in time we'll get Zoanoids too.
  2. Well the inactive form is just vast array of tendrils but they're very very small and thin. Given the alien nature, they occupy the body, but do not add noticeable increase mass. I'm not admittedly versed in biology mind you. But yeah, increase inass won't be an issue.
  3. I really hope Max Factory doesn't stop at Guyver 1.At the very least, I hope for Guyver 2 and 3. And maybe a Zoanoid. Zx-Tole or Enzyme maybe. Hell even Gregole will do.
  4. Thank you. Everyday I'm thinking and adding more. I do have some of it written out, mainly the intro. It's the test type zoanoid, whom I've named Victor, trying to escape and getting caught my Gregole and the other Chronos soldiers. No action yet, just some some talking and slight world building. But I'll get there. Thank you for the response.
  5. Hello Guyver fans, new guy here. Found this place recently, and wanted to discuss a Guyver story I've been playing around with for the past few days. Looking for constructive criticism and pointers. Mainly on two changes I've been thinking up. So first off, this is I guess what some could call "an American reboot/adaption". Following the story from the first view manga volumes/anime. But set in America with American characters, with some exceptions, still working out finer details. Now come my two changes. First we have storage of the Guyver unit. In this story, instead of being stored in the sub dimension, the armor is stored inside the users body, kinda like the movies, that's how I always saw it. With the tendrils going in and out of Sean's receivers. Inside their bodies, you'd see vast super thin tendrils from brain to toes, this is the inactive state. The user will still call upon it however. When activated, the armor erupts from the receiver ports on the back of the neck, or back, not sure which location I like better, though I am leaning towards back of the neck. Soon as the armor is called upon, it will instantly being "molting" and growing on the users body. And there ya have it. Thoughts on this? I'm going this route to dive in into Guyver's symbiotic nature and really explore it as a living thing. The second change is the Gigantic Guyver. Whereas in the manga, the Gigantic Guyver is an add on from a Creator ship. In my story, to once again explore the nature of the Guyver's organic being, the unit will "evolve" or "mature" into the Gigantic Guyver. So those are my two changes, well...besides being in America and what not. I am deciding on what to do with the "bio boosting" feature. The removal of organs and such. Personally I am leaning towards not using it, or putting a new spin on it. Changes that I've thought of for that might be things like, no longer needing to eat or sleep. Therefore the host has new faults and can always be alert and ready, at the behest of the unit. But I'm still deciding. It was never explored in the first OVA anime, nor movies. So it might just not bothered with. I've shares these changes with two other Guyver fans at another forum, and they were into it. So i thought I'd seek our more fans and gather more opinions and ideas. I hope some of you out there will like the ideas as aeell, and perhpss aid me in more development. Thank you for your time.
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