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Crisis on Infinite Earths


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Red skies at night, Crisis delight.

It is brave of them to do the Crisis and I don't think it could be done better than this in a live action medium.

Bear in mind, however, that the original Crisis on Infinite Earths effectively was the last story of a fifty-year era (forty-seven, really, since Superman did not appear until 1938) and the first company-wide crossover, which created the entire concept. It wasn't just the main, twelve-issue maxi series, it involved and featured in every DC comic. There was a sense of doom, of armageddon, and it delivered. Not only was the Multiverse destroyed and/or transformed into one singular universe with elements of all universes it comprised (I wonder if they will do that to these series, too - it would be ballsy), it was the end of superhero comics as we had known them. DC comics was changed - every series was rebooted, the origin of every hero updated, the tone of comics was brought up to the new era. (There had been a gradual change already in the late seventies and early eighties in what is sometimes called the 'bronze age' of comics, but this was the difference between a gradually rising water level and a bursting dam).

There has never again been an event like this, nor could there ipso facto ever be, because you can only do something for the first time once. For decades, the comics age was divided into 'Pre-Crisis' and 'Post-Crisis' to indicate the watershed.

The story featured the ultimate threat - the purest villain that has ever been created: the Anti-Monitor. He was the perfect embodiment of the implacable, armored, masked super-villain mastermind archetype, and his goal was nothing less than the destruction of all positive matter that had ever existed. If he would succeed, there would be nothing to ever indicate these universes had ever existed, and all would be his native anti-matter universe of Qward, a universe where the polarity of good and evil was inverted - a cosmos of pure evil, ruled by his iron fist.

The story involved virtually any DC character that had ever been created. Many - many - people died. And nothing, as I said, would ever be the same.

I shall be following this series with interest.

(edit) Ha. Pretty much already made this post before.


Edited by Salkafar
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They pussied out.

This was the real, actual Flash who died. Yes, in a way the one in the show was the 'real' one, but he wasn't the star of the show - not the main character. He should have died in the Crisis, and it should have been the end of this iteration of the franchise, because otherwise why bother. Some of the greatest heroes in the DC multiverse died in the Crisis and it had impact; what's more, they remained dead for decades. This is a different time and I feel like Homer, lamenting that the age of great heroes is past and the present is but a pale shadow.

I watched the three episodes that are out now and it's a highschool production. The best part was Tom Welling's bit, by a mile.


Flash  COIE.jpeg

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Well, I finally watched all of it and I have to say it was wretched.

You can't do this on a low budget. And the acting was... awful.

At least there was a consequence, of sorts... several Earths were fused into one, although there are still several other universes, including the Titans one, the Swamp Thing one, the Doom Patrol one and the upcoming Stargirl one and Green Lantern one. Oh, and Arrow is over since its protagonist is well and truly dead.

What with Disney+ moving into Marvel TV features this year I wonder how much time this franchise has left.

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