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A most distressing event has happened in my life.

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I know I have talked about my older brother Joe a little on here and on my deviant art account, he was a big fan of warriorguyver.com and great war of the guyver back during its early years and it was that inspired him to create his warrior wizard guyvers. I have been working with him for several years now (as some of you may remember I had wrote a fanfic based on his characters, that I need to continue now more than ever) discussing what his ideas where and sharing my thoughts. You know trying to prepare myself to write his main character Seph Star and his organization the MBS in a way that he would like. Well...

Something horrible has happened to Joe, on Wednesday (7/6/2016) he was walking on the side of the road trying to walk home when he was hit by a car at 4:30 A.M. He died on the scene, we don't have money for a funeral so we are having him cremated. I thought that, since he was a fan it would be a good idea to let you guys know. I know you guys never got to talk to him...but... you know. I want as many people to remember him as possible.

If you would like to read to article on the news papers website here is the link: http://www.houstonherald.com/news/licking-man-killed-while-walking-along-highway-early-wednesday-morning/article_c7001188-439b-11e6-9f88-6b17ef34fd04.html

I thank all of you who read this thread.

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I am not sure how comforting a few words a stranger on an obscure anime forum on the Internet can be, but you and your family have my most earnest of condolences, Ultimate W'kar. Be strong if you can be and seek help if you can't.

I know this kind of sounds weird, but I view you guys as my friends, granted I haven't been on this forum in a while between college and my RPG project I've been working on. I am honored to have met everyone here. Thank you jedi-guyver, Zeo1234, and Zeus Thunderbolt for the comfort it means a lot to me.

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