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What template will we us for TheGuyver.Net


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This is a question for the web developers out there or people who are interested in getting this site up and running. Basically what do we want it to look like. If you've a favorite info page what site would you like me to take for inspiration on how we should present Guyver data.


Things to note though

1) The site is not just for manga, it is for all Guyver official stuff anything that has being published for made for fans by an official source. 

2) It's not a forum (Japan-Legend is our forum now) so chats / posts comments etc are here not there. Nor do I intend on closing Japan Legend down to use TheGuyver.Net. This is the home of our forum now (including the one that used to be hosted on WarriorGuyver.com). 

3) People who create content will be created to their forum account here in Japan-Legend.

4) Due to hacks in the past to the Wiki on Japan Legend access to theguyver.net will be extremely limited. 

5) Any new template needs to be compatible with Lightbox (the gallery software you see at http://www.warriorguyver.com/gwotg/fan-art/ ). I've had to change a template in the past so that images loaded when you clicked them). 


Eventually as we get closing to the current TheGuyver.Net site being deleted and the new wordpress version being put up we'll be closer to deciding what we want as Guyver fans. 

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I don't envy you the task.
The new page looks really nice.

Will all the old stuff from the old guyver net site be on there?  I remember there were a lot of detailed descriptions of something called ATP and bio energy?
Actually... I'm not sure if that is considered canon so I guess that might be different.
I get confused by all that web design stuff though so I'm not sure I can give any suggestions for layouts or page designs or creating the contents.

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All the old content from the old TheGuyver.Net will be added along with that of what was recovered from the Japan Legend Wiki. While it's an old site anything relevant from Stars Guyver Page will  also be added.

That will the starting core of the website and I'll go from there and we'll use this section of the messageboard for updating info if other people want to add stuff. 

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