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Guyver Wiki


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Hey guys,

I started a Guyver wiki, but I know next to nothing about wikis so its pretty much nothing.

With the blessing of the writers here i would like to use some of the information from the various Guyver websites in our small community, to make the wiki better.

Anyone can help edit the wiki and i defientely need the the help so feel free to edit.


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Sure, just make sure you make it clear what information comes from fan fics and what is official. Best not to confuse people and some fans I know would actually get very mad mixing the two up.

Also mind you there may be other Guyver wiki's already up and running, better do a wiki search to make sure.

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There really isn't much to go by to create a WikiGuyver site honestly. The pages for the wikipedia.net could be expanded on, but not by that much.

I guess, you could create two Guyver wiki's linked together, one for the official stuff and one for all Guyver fanfics.

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  • 1 month later...

That is true, but then you have to find all the official guyver data one each character, zaoform and guyver which will be a bit of a pain unless you are going to put a guesstimest unofficial guess on something or just leave what info you are unsure about out or put it in and say so.

Uofficial fanfic of guyver wiki

Though the next could be harder as i think you may have to ask those people, site owner and such if you can put up the fanfictional of data files these people have created on each site has, though giving the web address to those sites will probably draw more people to those site to see what else is there.

but either way it is a great idea and something i would enjoy looking through both sites and what you have to say in each about data file and possible facts and fictions. :wink:

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Well wikipedia isn't an incredibly detailed site with all of their articles. It gives you enough information is tell you what you need to know, but that is about it.

The best way would be for official Guyver wiki only, would be to break down each of the incarnations like the OVA, the Guyver series, manga and so forth into their own categories and detail every aspect of each one.

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