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T.V. Commercials in the Cinema


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Okay here is a pet peeve of mine that has been bugging me for some time. Okay I know what your thinking guys and gals 'not again,' but I would be remiss if I did not put this out there.

A dark and evil shadow has crept on to the Big screen.

T.V. commercials thats right the commercials you see on your t.v. set are in the theaters. Ohhhh I am sooo mad. I know this has been going on for the better part of four years, but I can't take it anymore if I see another Pop star commercial I am gonna scream. That is why I am posting this so I don't scream.

Is anyone else bothered by this.

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Maybe i'm missing the point but why don't you just go in after the commercials?

I don't know if your cinemas are the same as uk cinemas but they are usually a set time in my local odeon. I always go in 5 mins after the start time and i have no problem. 8)

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Maybe i'm missing the point but why don't you just go in after the commercials?

I don't know if your cinemas are the same as uk cinemas but they are usually a set time in my local odeon. I always go in 5 mins after the start time and i have no problem. 8)

For new movies, they is usually impossible here. You do that, ans you'll be standing for the whole movie. Where I live, you need to arrive at the very least, 30 min before the movie starts, and even then, finding a seat my be tough.

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Right on Matt! Same thing where I live.

Including comercials and previews, when I went to Return of the King, I had to sit an uncomfortable seat for just over four hours :roll: Thankfully, my city just got a new set of theaters with stadium seating and comfortable seats, but I would still rather not have my movies last that long just because of comercials. This is the specific reason why I don't go to movies in the theater anymore :evil:

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Right on Matt! Same thing where I live.

Including comercials and previews, when I went to Return of the King, I had to sit an uncomfortable seat for just over four hours :roll: Thankfully, my city just got a new set of theaters with stadium seating and comfortable seats, but I would still rather not have my movies last that long just because of comercials. This is the specific reason why I don't go to movies in the theater anymore :evil:

Same here. Only, sometimes, if it's a really good movie, I'll stand sitting through the commercials, although I haven't seen any lately for some odd reason. Oh, duh, I haven't seen a new movi in like, the better part of 6 months. :oops:

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Yes you are Drag. Though iin the defence of the Cinima's I would say the ticket sales barely cover the cost of the Movie, and since the conccesion stands are the only place they can make money the T.V. commercials are nessasary. Though I wish they weren't.

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