gelionlegends Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 I hope i got everthing right and it doesn't look like a chaotic mess to everyone and hard to understand what i am asking? Well i was thinking about aptom and his abilities and then what if he gained a guyver or a being with the same abilities as aptom getting a g-unit. That and gaster with a guyver unit and a gaster with enzynes enzyne a part of his missles? Though i can't find much on aptom not even a data file for him in WG universe, is there one coming out for him there at some point? But then i thought what is or are aptoms abilities. As in canon aptom before being reprocessed from what i understand could only take on the form of one being and have their powers and abilities but be weaker than the original being. After being reprocessed i think he retained that ability be by absorbing or consuming a zoaform he would be able to use that and other zorforms abilties either all in one form or just take on one zoaform. Like vamore and have all the strengths and also weakness of that form unless he used gregore strength to boost that form or ramotiths agility and strangth. Though on this i want to know as we don't have much on his power levels does he have to absorb/consume the zoaform fully or just either a small part or a large part to gain access to some or all of the zoaforms powers and abilties? Next his powers and abilites i remember that in human form he was able to use gasters missles while in human form? Does this mean that his physical abilities are in human the same as whatever zoaform he has like strength of derzerb and fast as thancrus? Does absorbing/consuming different levels of power of zoaforms like in strength derzerb and gregore stack, so this gives him a strength level of 75 men. or the more bio-mass he has the more powerful he is? Or does he only have the option of the strongest form in strength he has take being the limit he has at the present until he gets something stronger same with other abilities and powers he has gained. Now with a guyver the question i have would the bio-armour stop the use of his absorbing/consuming ability/power or allow it or enhance it? Though this next part goes with the old question of if the person can shapeshift or transfrom into a battle form that grants improvements, does the guyver stop this transformation when its active or allow it? As if he was using ramotith form and power and used the guyver he would be more powerful but if he used vamore he would be weaker than ramotith-guyver but his bio-lasers would be more powerful unless they combined with the mega-smasher and increased that or it in power? But then in either case if he were to change forms while as a guyver would the guyver alter to accept the changes or if he used a combination of all forms the best from each would the unit still allow the full enhanced use of this forms powers and abilities? Though this is going by what he, aptom has gained in canon and not in WG universe. With guyver-gaster would his missles and explosive liquid be enhanced/improved and how much and what would they be able to do. Like would the range be increased for both and also the missles be faster though i can guess that both would be more powerful though would he be able to control the power in each or would they be set at the maximum possible. Heck would they be enhanced by the mega-smasher like g-vamore keeps the chest plates closed but charges it up and then boots it through to the missles and increase their power but must fire all 18 missles at his target/s. And it would be the same as if he was a normal guyver after woulds needing time to recharge before he could use such an attack like that though he would be faster as he isn't a base human. The next would be if any idea on combining gasters missles with the enzyne blood to become even more dangerous to a guyver if one missle explodes near him he gets not only blast damage but also the spray of enzynes onto his armour. Damaging him and worse if more missles explode near him so an inderect hit and a direct hit would be even worse with just one or more than normal missles? Though i wonder what a gaster guyver would look like even aptom in his most powrful form in either canon or WGU would look like? Quote
McAvoy Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 We are not entirely sure what would happen if a Enzyme became a Guyver, whether his armor would be immune to his own acid or just develop certain traits to prevent his own acid from eating him from the inside out or would the Guyver unit just nullify it. Generally, it is accepted that he would be become immune to his own acid. A Guyver Aptom depending on which form he has would be extremely powerful. His current form he has in the manga might even bring him to near Guyver Zoalord levels. Though whether or not he would retain his abilites while armored or his abilities are more limited or have no abilities, but be a over powered Guyver is up for you to decide I think. One thing we know is that Aptom unlike a Guyver or any other zoanoid is that he doesn't rely on internal organs which is probably why he can transform so fast and take obviously fatal injuries without dying. We know that the Guyvers become a totally new organism when armored, human internal organs that are needed are discarded or shriveled up to save space. Guyvers do have their own organs which they need for the host to stay in conscious. Aptom converts his body to produce his missiles which as a Guyver would be no problem since his own regneration and the Guyver's would become practically instanteous. His missiles might be durable enough (because they are now Bio Boosted missiles with bio booster armor) that they can easily become near nuclear weapons themselves. Quote
gelionlegends Posted July 25, 2009 Author Posted July 25, 2009 We are not entirely sure what would happen if a Enzyme became a Guyver, whether his armor would be immune to his own acid or just develop certain traits to prevent his own acid from eating him from the inside out or would the Guyver unit just nullify it. Generally, it is accepted that he would be become immune to his own acid. sorry i didn't mean that having an enzyne with a guyver but i was thinking about the gaster with whatever the enzyne is used in the guyver killer being used in the gasters missles to increase the power as it were when used against a guyver? Generally, it is accepted that he would be become immune to his own acid. yeah i think that as well though i am not sure if the acid could become more potent and/or how it is delivered becomes more greater though it pends on the enzyne type. though i did have an idea s the guyver unit stops zoalord control what would happen with sho's father was given one when he tried to attack sho and co? i can guess what balcus would say and a lot of it may not be very flattering as he is old and know alot more than most people on language not counting he would be either annoyed or very angry at his puppet getting out from under his control, plus it would be embarrasing to him as well. His current form he has in the manga might even bring him to near Guyver Zoalord levels. then what would that make enzyne 3 then as i am not sure if one could be toe to toe with him but three of them were handing him his ass. so i would think more like either a proto-zoalord or near full zoalord level, as if aptom was to face a guyver zoalord i think he would lose and badly at that though thats the canon one not sure really on the WGU one as he's absorbed alot of different zoaforms even a proto-zoalord, so his power level would be that much greater. from a site i read it said that aptom basically can regenerate Aptom's form generation is decentralized, allowing him to regenerate from only a scrap of cellular tissue thats from the site though not sure if that canon or fanfiction.though i am not sure how fast but i think he needs to replace the lost mass and energy he uses up to regenerate himself, so he would be fairly weak regenerating from a finger. his regeneration boosted by the guyver i think would be very dangerous as from what i understand it would automatically replicate the lost biomass some how and he would have an enormous level of energy so he wouldn't need to hunt for the biomass and/or bioenergy. His missiles might be durable enough (because they are now Bio Boosted missiles with bio booster armor) that they can easily become near nuclear weapons themselves. i am not sure on that myself with how the explosive component in the missles are made and or if it is the liquid gaster carries with him. though i am sure that the power would increase but how much when a normal gaster missile could One missile has enough explosive force to blow apart a Guyvers vibrational sword and together all 18 could destroy a Guyver. i read somewhere that one missile could crack zx-toles armour and all of the together could kill him. but like i said i am not sure if the power could be regulated or not in his own form or in guyver form? though i was also looking at a guyver-gaster and how its missles and explosive liquid would be altered by being boosted, not a aptom gaster guyver just a bog standard gaster with the armour. One thing we know is that Aptom unlike a Guyver or any other zoanoid is that he doesn't rely on internal organs which is probably why he can transform so fast and take obviously fatal injuries without dying. then again i don't hinks anyones sure if he needs to breath or if every cell a draws and separate the oxygen from the enviroment, but then like i said not sure if he needs to breath. but i don't think he would have any problems with the different organs that come with the bio-boosting, sa with his and the unit regeneration working at such a high level would make replacing or healing the damaged organs. Quote
McAvoy Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 Aptom can regenerate from a very small part of his body. When he fought Guyver 1 the second time around right after Balcus messed around with his body, he was able to regenerate from his hand which was not destroyed by Guyver 1's mega smasher. That shows his regeneration is almost like Cell or Buu from DBZ. That and it's fast, much faster than a Guyver regenerates. So combine the two and you get someone with practically who can heal as fast as you can damage him. Also, in that same fight he took a pressure cannon to the chest which healed very rapidly, a hole by the way would have been fatal to any other zoanoid. The fact that he has been show that when he is severely damaged he can reform whatever is left into a head and a torso, which means he doesn't rely on internal organs. He may not breathe like humans or even Guyvers do, but it could be possible that he can absorb oxygen if he needs it. A Guyver unit also cannot be controlled so any zoanoid probably will not respond to any commands from a zoalord. Generally accepted the best way to control a Guyver Zoanoid without telepathy is a deep brain wash over the zoanoid. So Aptom or Enzyme II would be freed of any lingering zoalord telepathic controls. The latest on Aptom after he absorbed Khan's DNA may give zoalord level firepower. But like I said he could be any where between Gigantic Guyver level to Guyver Zoalord level as a Guyver depending on which form he is at. The Guyver bio boosts a human to 100x norm and among other things. We haven't seen what a Guyver can do with a zoanoid except in the second movie but all he was a zoanoid with enhanced strength. For all we know the Guyver unit will not boost the zoanoid weapons at all. I am more inclined to believe that any weapons Aptom has will be boosted. Hence the Gaster missiles will be near nuclear level and the explosive liquid will be very, very powerful. Quote
gelionlegends Posted July 25, 2009 Author Posted July 25, 2009 i think he would need the regeneration part to help when he changes forms and grows the extra parts and such. though i am sure he need to either repalce the energy and bio mass he used to regenerate and thats why he was hunting zoanoids besides adding any ability he didn't have to his library. though i think am likely to go with the oxygen side that his entire body can do the same work as his lungs and better when he needs the oxygen. so we have covered his regeneration but something i forgot and just remebered though i think its in the anime not sure on the manga is that he created clones of himself and used it when he fought zx-tole when he hunted down the hyper-zoanoid team 5 and kept himself from being killed. though in that scene he also got a hold of zx-toles arm or a limb i think that zx-tole then cut off so he didn't get eaten like the others. So Aptom or Enzyme II would be freed of any lingering zoalord telepathic controls. yeah i agree on that point i was just putting that in as an idea i was having as that would certainly change things for shos father though he would i think be very strong more than show or agito not sure when compared to a gigantic though. same with aptom in the guyver state but like you said it would be down to me and also what form he is wearing at the time. The latest on Aptom after he absorbed Khan's DNA may give zoalord level firepower. But like I said he could be any where between Gigantic Guyver level to Guyver Zoalord level as a Guyver depending on which form he is at. i forgot he had done that so your right in that his power level is that much higher, how high i am not sure but would he be near the level like balcus, Imakarum and alkanphel in powers as they are the strongest of the zoalords with alk being the one in the lead, though its up in the air with the guyver zoalord though i think a better chance than before. The Guyver bio boosts a human to 100x norm and among other things. We haven't seen what a Guyver can do with a zoanoid except in the second movie but all he was a zoanoid with enhanced strength. For all we know the Guyver unit will not boost the zoanoid weapons at all. well i am not really keen on the movie as i don't think they really used the full potential a guyver has or a guyver zoanoid. as i think the guyver power level kept going up and down or all over the place during his fights but then you could say its down to the fighting style and how used to the armour you are vs the zoaforms. but it don't give me the right impression as one could say that the damage to the control medal kept the guyver zoanoid from reaching its full potential. I am more inclined to believe that any weapons Aptom has will be boosted. Hence the Gaster missiles will be near nuclear level and the explosive liquid will be very, very powerful. thats true i can believe that it would increase the power though i was just thinking each missle could be considered equal to one mega-smasher cell. as i said before that one missile could blow off a guyver sword blade in that quote so it could possible blow the arm off and/or take more than that off as well, or it could be equal to all 18 missiles being used at once on one target. and the liquid i would think just the same but the pressure it come out at would be even more dangerous as it would be like a fire hose or one of the fire trucks, slice and dice with one spray undercutting a wall or two and then hit with the other and boom Quote
gelionlegends Posted July 29, 2009 Author Posted July 29, 2009 why i wanted to know was to create a character who had something similar to aptoms zoapowers and abilites but mixed in with an x-gene. like the zoaform and powers, abilities were constructed around the x-gene thus taking advantage of some or all of its powers and such. thus i need to understand broudly some of or most of his powers and abilties, an after reading up on his canon file though not much which stated that his brain was encoded with his library of stolen zoaforms and such onto his dna or genes so he would be able to reform himself with out losing anything of himself. that was why he could create clone or duplicuts of himself as they would have everything he knows and he could reabsorb them gaining whatever new zoaforms or what they learned without risk to himself. though why he didn't use this when he was turned into chaos aptom i don't know as then he could have killed this one though he would have lost anything new it had? but this is a tall order to work on. though this would i think have to be done with the character having been in the WG universe as they would be more advanced or in some similar universe that or ending up in the past with the advent/creators. though which is the better name to use advent or creators, plus the name for this type of zoaform? Quote
McAvoy Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 thus i need to understand broudly some of or most of his powers and abilties, an after reading up on his canon file though not much which stated that his brain was encoded with his library of stolen zoaforms and such onto his dna or genes so he would be able to reform himself with out losing anything of himself.that was why he could create clone or duplicuts of himself as they would have everything he knows and he could reabsorb them gaining whatever new zoaforms or what they learned without risk to himself. though why he didn't use this when he was turned into chaos aptom i don't know as then he could have killed this one though he would have lost anything new it had? Well, I personally don't know why he doesn't do that, but if you really think about it, why would he have standard battle forms he takes on? Must be part of his own personality to be balanced and not haphazard like he was while under the control of Kahn. Aptom definitely has some sort of x-gene that allows him to control all those abilities without any side effect. No one knows for sure I am pretty sure neither does Chronos. All in all, if you are looking to create some sort of new Hyper Zoanoid, with that sort of ability, I think it would be up to you to create something original as the writer to explain it. Quote
gelionlegends Posted July 16, 2010 Author Posted July 16, 2010 Well back again and now let see what people think? Well i am going to re ask about the strength and other physical abilities of aptom like when he absorbs say a gregore he gains the strength of 15 men so then if he then absorbs a ramanoth which has the strength of 10 men but this also effect the speed/agility making it 10 men as well. So then he has abosorbed 2 zoanoids with different strength levels one at 15 and the other at 10 would he then add the two together giving him the strength of 25 men? Then on the speed/agility side gregore while stronger its is slower than ramanoth who is balanced between speed and strength. Would the same thing happen with the strength making his speed of 25 men balancing out the speed with strength this thanks to ramanoth? Then would he grow stronger with each more powerful zoanod type like in strength? Say he absorbed a dozen gregore types would that mean he would have the strength of 15x12=180 men? Or would his strength remain the same, say he had absorbed a gregore, ramanoth and vamore so a strenght of 30 men and then absorbed the dozen gregores would his strength go up to 210 or would it remain the same staying at 30 men because he already absorbed a gregore type and the only use the extra gregores are for are used as biomass/energy. So then if he had say a limit to each zoanoid types special power or ability he could absorb then each zoanoid with more power like in strength he absorbed he could increase his natural strength while adding another of the same type wouldn't increase his strength or such unless it had something new added to it? As aptom in canon should that he could in human form use gasters missiles would that mean he could use all zoanoid forms powers and abilities while as a human though some if not most would be limited unless he took on a zoaform? Maybe some need the full transformation to use fully? Though i know that someone will at somepoint say that in canon aptom stage one the stage he was at before balkus the head scientist upgraded him go take on the forms of other zoaforms though weaker could he not still do that without absorbing them? I would say unless the he absorbed that zoaform he would not be as strong pending on what that zoaform is capable of doing like say vamores lasers he could copy but wouldn't be as powerful though absorbing them they would then be the same as. Though that then brings up another point as it was limiting to the natural strength level aka power level as i am sure he could now channel the extra biomass/energy he has gained into such abilities/powers/weapons so the laser would be say five times as powerful i think its just a guess. Why all these questions well i am trying to get some idea on what aptoms abilties can do so that i can create a zoaform that would be similar to his though it would have the x-gene in. This is for a story idea i have where the x-gene is similar to rogue of the x-men and so chronos created a form that takes advantage of the gene though also not relient on it. So say pending on the how i spin it the alteration of himself into zoanoid now either requires him to take some blood and or flesh form a person in essence their dna thus granting them access to the persons powers and or abilties, also likely their knowledge and so on. Though his mutant power would likely either do a temperay copy of the power, ability and memories before fading after some time like an hour or two. that would either mean he could copy anything or ones powers/abilites for a time that i would thnk would mean even zoanoids or the other option would be that he can only copy energy based poewrs and abilites leaving the physical transformations like colossus out or wolverine or a zoanoid out. Quote
McAvoy Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I think generally, he takes on the best aspects of each zoanoid. For example, a Ramotith and a Gregole have nothing beyond physical strength. If Aptom absorbs let's say a Gregole first and then a Ramotith. The Ramotith's own physical strength of 10 men is inferior to the Gregole's physical strength of 15 men. So basically Aptom will retain the strength of 15 men and the more agile aspect of Ramotith as well. Now that he absorbed Darzerb, he now has the physical strength of 60 men. Also it has been shown that he can boost the original's own abilities. Take for example when he fired off his Vamore bio blasters, it was in far excess of the original Vamore's. It compared to a Mega Smasher. So chances are, I think Aptom for awhile now had comparable physical strength to a Guyver. If it was simple as adding power to his own base power, then he could absorb 1,000 Gregoles to gain the physical strength of 15,000 men. It doesn't work that way. If he absorbs a zoanoid he already has, usually it's to 'feed' him. Recharging him or adding to his bio mass or creating a new clone. Quote
gelionlegends Posted July 17, 2010 Author Posted July 17, 2010 I think generally, he takes on the best aspects of each zoanoid. For example, a Ramotith and a Gregole have nothing beyond physical strength. If Aptom absorbs let's say a Gregole first and then a Ramotith. The Ramotith's own physical strength of 10 men is inferior to the Gregole's physical strength of 15 men. So basically Aptom will retain the strength of 15 men and the more agile aspect of Ramotith as well. Now that he absorbed Darzerb, he now has the physical strength of 60 men. I was thinking of it being something like that though with what i said about making things more stream lined, like i said with ramothith being balanced between strength and speed, i was thinking that what balanced this out aptom would use the same so that he would have the speed of 15 men instead of 10 men. Though i was also thinking that he could add each type strength, speed, reflex and outh such to improve his own, so like combining the three most common and basic zoanoids gregore, ramonith and vamore brings it to 30 men and the speed of 30 men. While like you said absorbing more of the same type that he has done already would do nothing else beyond giving him more energy and biomatireal for him to use either then or later. This way if the character was to face say the hyper zoanoid team 5 he could then add through munching on some of their flesh their physical abilities besides their special abilities like Darzerb strength besides ZX-Tole who was i think near equal to darzerbs own. so that would mean st-60 + st-30 = st-90 men. though that would mean that absorbing the different zoanoid types would make the character nearly equal to the zoalord class and maybe exceding them in different areas in physical abilities. Also it has been shown that he can boost the original's own abilities. Take for example when he fired off his Vamore bio blasters, it was in far excess of the original Vamore's. It compared to a Mega Smasher. So basically he is using his bio-energy to boost either the energy weapons or all such weapons like Vamores bio blasters and could possibly do the same to gasters missles? Hell i don't see why he doesn't take the toxic chemicals created from vamores bio blasters and put them into the missles making them even more dangerous as besides the explosion if that doesn't get you then the toxins that would be sprayed about would. Quote
McAvoy Posted July 28, 2010 Posted July 28, 2010 You didn't understand what I said before. It's not a matter of adding each zoanoid types to his base power. I mean if you think about it if he absorbed the four of the five hyper zoanoids powers his base strength alone would exceed even a Guyver. Combined with the countless new zoanoid types, he would even match a Gigantic. Obviously this is not possible. Basically he adds new abilities that he doesn't have. Example if he absorbed a Gregole he now more or less the strength of 15 men. But if he absorbed a Darzerb the lesser strength of the Gregole would be obsolete in favor of the Darzerbs strength of 60 men. It wouldn't add to his strength to 75 men. However since he could in theory increase base abilities with other abilities or his own. So he could be 75 men because of this though. Quote
gelionlegends Posted March 27, 2012 Author Posted March 27, 2012 Rereading this i wonder about a few things. With aptom gains the new abilities and uses the best or more powerful ones, like gregore 15 and derzerb is 60 so anything that is an improvement is used. But does this also mean that if he was possing as gregore he would be limited to gregore's strength or would he have access to derzerb's strength? So with feeding or with the more advanced zoaforms having greater bio-energy levels and increasing his own levels, he could boost the power out-put of the energy weapons like vamores bio-lasers. Would that include the bio-missles of gaster as well? using the bio-energy or is the bio-missles dependent on the chemicals gaster creates and i think places/injects into the missles? That and does aptoms bio-missles go further than gasters because of the greater bio-energy levels he has. Though with gaster if he was to gain a standard guyver unit his bio-missles would increase in power as i am not sure how powerful a single bio-missle is though i know that one missle is powerful enough to destroy a guyvers v-sword though isn't that because it hit the area that the sword comes out from? That and as the guyver regeneration rate is much greater than most zoanoids so a guyver gaster regeneration rate would be even greater plus GG would i think gain the ability to replace his bio-missles much faster than normal (this isn't including enhanced gaster of WG with this improvement it now has). GG i think could have a greater range for its bio-missles likely thanks to the guyvers sensors having a greater range and as a Guyver Gaster would be greater. So it would be able to target beings further away plus i think if the original gaster doesn't or can only do it limitedly target more people like 3-4 at a time with the unit and its CM allow it to target more like double or triple that at a time. And as gaster missle all 18 of them would be needed to kill a guyver so its likely just 3-6 could be enough to kill a standard guyver and all 18 would be just overkill as it would likely destroy a large amount of the area when used. Quote
*zeo Posted March 27, 2012 Posted March 27, 2012 But does this also mean that if he was possing as gregore he would be limited to gregore's strength or would he have access to derzerb's strength? It's not the physical appearance but how biology is designed that achieves the abilities and level of power. So it's more a matter of mass as to how that scales. So with feeding or with the more advanced zoaforms having greater bio-energy levels and increasing his own levels, he could boost the power out-put of the energy weapons like vamores bio-lasers. Depends, if the zoaform has something that can augment the design of another then it could be used that way. Basically Aptom has the option to mix and match to create a superior version but like building a gun, he's limited to what he has to work with... Would that include the bio-missles of gaster as well? using the bio-energy or is the bio-missles dependent on the chemicals gaster creates and i think places/injects into the missles?That and does aptoms bio-missles go further than gasters because of the greater bio-energy levels he has. It would include all abilities but limited to the sum of the parts essentially. Aptom can alter the default designs but he can't change physics or work with something he doesn't have. Like he couldn't create Darzerb strength before he first absorbed Darzerb, etc. Though with gaster if he was to gain a standard guyver unit his bio-missles would increase in power as i am not sure how powerful a single bio-missle is though i know that one missle is powerful enough to destroy a guyvers v-sword though isn't that because it hit the area that the sword comes out from? The missiles are chemical based, so are limited to chemical energy. If he absorbs a Zoaform that used some form of energy warhead missiles then he could augment the Gaster type but aside from mass he can't do much to the chemistry. That and as the guyver regeneration rate is much greater than most zoanoids so a guyver gaster regeneration rate would be even greater plus GG would i think gain the ability to replace his bio-missles much faster than normal (this isn't including enhanced gaster of WG with this improvement it now has).GG i think could have a greater range for its bio-missles likely thanks to the guyvers sensors having a greater range and as a Guyver Gaster would be greater. So it would be able to target beings further away plus i think if the original gaster doesn't or can only do it limitedly target more people like 3-4 at a time with the unit and its CM allow it to target more like double or triple that at a time. And as gaster missle all 18 of them would be needed to kill a guyver so its likely just 3-6 could be enough to kill a standard guyver and all 18 would be just overkill as it would likely destroy a large amount of the area when used. Again, Aptom can't change the laws of physics or chemistry. Only the weapon design and what it uses can be changed and that depends on Aptom's library of zoaforms. While Aptom is not capable of absorbing a Guyver because of the CM... He's already tried and failed... While it's unknown if he would even still have his ability to alter his form if he was bonded to a Guyver Unit. Quote
gelionlegends Posted March 27, 2012 Author Posted March 27, 2012 Bit iffy really on the aptom vs strength form really and by that i am looking at aptoms current form i think bases on all physical abilites like strength and speed while keeping himself open for his flight ability. As i am not sure if he surprised someone or a zoanoid while in human form with being more stronger than he should have been? If that did happen then wouldn't that sort of though out some of the mass or form limitation in that regard. As it could mean that he is making his mass, the muscle mass smaller and more tightly packed to make him look like a human and still have access to the greater strength of a hyper zoanoid, if thats the way it goes then if he looked like gregore he would still beable to use the derzerb strength Sort of like how the giver compacts the muscle mass, or how enzyne 3 has a slimer body but still has great strength even though it isn't as bulky. It would include all abilities but limited to the sum of the parts essentially. Aptom can alter the default designs but he can't change physics or work with something he doesn't have. Like he couldn't create Darzerb strength before he first absorbed Darzerb, etc. Nor could he do derzerb's napalm trick either. The missiles are chemical based, so are limited to chemical energy. So if he was to absorb panadyna who is supposed to be a chemical master or such he could possibly enhance the missles that way. When i talk about a guyver gaster i don't mean aptom having already absorbed gaster i mean a normal gaster getting a guyver unit would it not boost the potency of the chemicals of his so that the missles would gain greater explosive power than before. While Aptom is not capable of absorbing a Guyver because of the CM... He's already tried and failed So say something like one of the guyvers arms or a body part regenerating without the control medal which would be i bio-boosted monster/creature, what would be the chance that aptom would be able to absorb that and not be taken over by the parasite? then would he gain some of the abilities that are granted to those with a CM. Though i understand that most of these are likely given thanks to the CM, but he could gain some of its powers like say the bio-armour? While it's unknown if he would even still have his ability to alter his form if he was bonded to a Guyver Unit. Well i assume that if he was already transformed into his battle form his current one then he would have access to those abilities in that form when boosting. Though being a guyver then i think he would be limited to 1-3 different power/abilities he could access like the missles as he showed that he could use them while he was human though he created them in his fore arm which doesn't mean that he couldn't create them else were on his body. Quote
*zeo Posted March 29, 2012 Posted March 29, 2012 Bit iffy really on the aptom vs strength form really and by that i am looking at aptoms current form i think bases on all physical abilites like strength and speed while keeping himself open for his flight ability.As i am not sure if he surprised someone or a zoanoid while in human form with being more stronger than he should have been? If that did happen then wouldn't that sort of though out some of the mass or form limitation in that regard. As it could mean that he is making his mass, the muscle mass smaller and more tightly packed to make him look like a human and still have access to the greater strength of a hyper zoanoid, if thats the way it goes then if he looked like gregore he would still beable to use the derzerb strength Sort of like how the giver compacts the muscle mass, or how enzyne 3 has a slimer body but still has great strength even though it isn't as bulky. No, it means he can use the enhanced muscles that make that form so powerful without having to fully take that form. Like how Murikami could tap his Zoalord strength without actually fully transforming. So he would be as strong as the equivalent muscle mass allows. Though, since getting Zektol'es DNA he has managed to create a more compact form and doesn't need to be as bulky as Darzerk, while also optimizing himself with other abilities at the same time. So if he was to absorb panadyna who is supposed to be a chemical master or such he could possibly enhance the missles that way. Only if it provided a way to improve the chemical When i talk about a guyver gaster i don't mean aptom having already absorbed gaster i mean a normal gaster getting a guyver unit would it not boost the potency of the chemicals of his so that the missles would gain greater explosive power than before. Even the Guyver can't change the laws of physics and chemical reactions, however it could possibly augment them and do something like super charge the chemicals with the Bio-Boost energy... Kinda like how X-Men Gambit can make almost any object he touches explosive by charging them up with a kind of kinetic energy. So theoretically it could be possible that the Unit could augment the reactions to the point that they're either just much more energetic, like one missile equaling the normal full volley or if the reaction is boosted enough then it could go nuclear and then make each bio-missile powerful enough to take out a couple city blocks. So say something like one of the guyvers arms or a body part regenerating without the control medal which would be i bio-boosted monster/creature, what would be the chance that aptom would be able to absorb that and not be taken over by the parasite? then would he gain some of the abilities that are granted to those with a CM. Though i understand that most of these are likely given thanks to the CM, but he could gain some of its powers like say the bio-armour? Unless those features are a product of the CM and forcing the organism to take specific forms and function. While Aptom is very similar to the organism and it's a question of who would absorb who... much like how he almost lost to Khan while buying Sho enough time to fire the black hole attack. Though, btw, that incident also stated that Aptom couldn't absorb a Zoalord because the Crystal prevented it, as another similarity to the Guyver CM. Otherwise, yes, Aptom could theoretically gain some Guyver features if he ever managed to successfully absorb a part of the Guyver. Well i assume that if he was already transformed into his battle form his current one then he would have access to those abilities in that form when boosting.Though being a guyver then i think he would be limited to 1-3 different power/abilities he could access like the missles as he showed that he could use them while he was human though he created them in his fore arm which doesn't mean that he couldn't create them else were on his body. Entirely depends on how you think the unit would handle such a host... Quote
gelionlegends Posted March 30, 2012 Author Posted March 30, 2012 I am not sure how dangerous panadyna was or his type though i think he is or supposed to be a hyper zoanoid and explosive chemical reactions was one of the things that he could create. So theoretically he could have created other chemicals like posion, posion gas reactions as well as acids that could also be on the level of zerebubths own, enzynes 2-3? or greater as long as he had the ability to create those chemicals needed in such as well as possibly knowing what the formula needed to create such? Taking this into account then i think then the bio-missles of gaster combined with this in aptom could create much more dangerous bio-missles when used? Even the Guyver can't change the laws of physics and chemical reactions, however it could possibly augment them and do something like super charge the chemicals with the Bio-Boost energy... Kinda like how X-Men Gambit can make almost any object he touches explosive by charging them up with a kind of kinetic energy. So theoretically it could be possible that the Unit could augment the reactions to the point that they're either just much more energetic, like one missile equaling the normal full volley or if the reaction is boosted enough then it could go nuclear and then make each bio-missile powerful enough to take out a couple city blocks. I think that the bio-boost could super charge the reactions to greater levels and thus make the missles more powerful. Possibly taking all 18 bio-missles explosive power on the level of say a gigantics hyper smasher or as this is a zoanoid with a guyver unit maybe twice the level of the gigantics hyper smashers? Unless those features are a product of the CM and forcing the organism to take specific forms and function. While Aptom is very similar to the organism and it's a question of who would absorb who... much like how he almost lost to Khan while buying Sho enough time to fire the black hole attack. Though, btw, that incident also stated that Aptom couldn't absorb a Zoalord because the Crystal prevented it, as another similarity to the Guyver CM.Otherwise, yes, Aptom could theoretically gain some Guyver features if he ever managed to successfully absorb a part of the Guyver. I think most of the weapons and such besides the armour and regeneration are subject to the CM though its likely there is a more primative forms like the sonic buster but is located inside the mouth and maybe not as focused as the guyvers? That and maybe the guyvers vibrational swirds being claws and possibly less powerful? Really anything with an orb plus the mega smashers is likely something created via the CM and its either the CM, the parasite itself or a mixture of both that created the mega smashers as from what is said when the Gen wore the units they didn't have the MS or VS plus the level of energy the human or zoanoids do plus using what they did have as weapons though besides the head laser? gelionlegends wrote:Well i assume that if he was already transformed into his battle form his current one then he would have access to those abilities in that form when boosting. Though being a guyver then i think he would be limited to 1-3 different power/abilities he could access like the missles as he showed that he could use them while he was human though he created them in his fore arm which doesn't mean that he couldn't create them else were on his body. Entirely depends on how you think the unit would handle such a host... I think that limiting such once the bio-armour is on (guyver activated) the host would be limited to what he or she has already got so aptom could possibly do the missles but not the zx'toles lasers or vamores, elegans electric attacks at high levels unlike when in that form. Really i think basing it like how a Zoalord has access to some of his zoaforms powers when in human form is the sort of way to go. And then what form of zoanoid mix he is in like his first stage after taking in i think it was vamore, gregore and enzyne 2 form if he had a g-unit then would have locked him in that and the same wit heach form unless he deactivated the armour and changed and then activated it again? As in his last form or his current canon form he has the zx'toles kinetic armour so the bio-armour in his guyver zoanoid form would be even greater and likely near the level of the gigantics own armour and shields? So maybe it can withstand a guyvers full mega smasher attack and up to a full gigantics attack as well? (have to find the post dealing with zx'tole kinetic armour and guyvers) I don't think the zoaforms low to high class (hyper and zoalord) use their bio-energy for anything else besides stamina and for their weapons like the lasers and such do they. By that i mean boosting consciously their physical abilities right? So if aptom could or really anyone in canon it would provide greater levels as they would be able to focus it into different areas better? Quote
*zeo Posted March 30, 2012 Posted March 30, 2012 Taking this into account then i think then the bio-missles of gaster combined with this in aptom could create much more dangerous bio-missles when used? Maybe more lethal but IMO not more powerful, Gaster's design is already pushing the limits and Khan's were mainly just a lot bigger. I think that the bio-boost could super charge the reactions to greater levels and thus make the missles more powerful.Possibly taking all 18 bio-missles explosive power on the level of say a gigantics hyper smasher or as this is a zoanoid with a guyver unit maybe twice the level of the gigantics hyper smashers? May be pushing it, a Gigantic's Giga Smashers are 100 times the power of a normal Mega Smasher. So can easily take out entire cities or even small states. But might reach similar scale of damage... Quote
gelionlegends Posted March 31, 2012 Author Posted March 31, 2012 Yeah i think the word i was looking for was "lethal" though dangerous can mean the same thing, but it tends to be taken as more powerful more often. So instead of a power explosion that will blow parts off or things up it sprays a cloud of liquid around the target area thats either a deadly poison, a napalm like attack or acid. so say for the napalm it could be two missles one carrying the liquid that would stick to the target and the second with the chemical that would ignith the napalm, though i am sure some will say in gasters and panadyne could just spray it and hit the target but this idea is more on that fact the person could be at range, plus could get the missle so a air spread is likely better. That and it makes me suddenly think of a FAB a fual air bomb with it exploding in air type attack. With zx'toles kinetic armour it took three pressure cannon blasts to damage/wound zx'tole, so with the guyver's bio-armour it should then be able to withstand a gigantics pressure cannon? So then its possible that it could withstand a normal guyvers full mega smasher, then maybe just one cell from the gigantics? With the bio missles then maybe they could take out half a city or quarter though i think that would depend on how large a city we are talking about? I was watching the guyver tv series and the scene where atpom absorbs elegan he is talking about how he is doing it and he says that he basically does a matter to energy conversion allowing him to gain both the needed energy to regenerate himself but also gain the zoanoids abilities? I am not sure if thats right? As i originally thought that he consummed the biomass of the being and through that gained the dna/genetics need for say vamores lasers or zx'toles lasers and kinetic armour same with elegan. But then in the base after forcing zx'tole away goes and absorbs the leg that was left behind? Still in the english dialog made me think of rogues ability from the xmen though unlike her until later in the comics she was able to control it and i think then later lost it. So maybe if i went with the idea of some mutant/zoanoid fusion then maybe restricting some of this to him having mouths in the hands that could take chunks out of the person. This way it would also in some ways stop him from having to do the merge though that could still be done just may take longer and could be risky ? Well i was thinking after watching nearly the entire series and when looking at atpom new form and later the enzyne 3's i thought why didn't barcus (sorry forgot his name and spelling but you know who i mean) use the fact that you could combine the 5 hyper zoanoid of tem five (besides what he did to zx'tole) and with enzyne 3 series to make a more powerful new hyper zoanoid. That i admit would look a lot like aptoms current form as having the whips from elegan makes them a lot more dangerous plus if possible to combine the qualities of the vibrational swords with the whips would make them similar to the gigantics own whip like swords and thus making the hyper zoanoid more dangerous. That and aptoms current form looks a lot more cooler than what zx'toles does even after processing? The guyver element i not sure if just using a normal unit or maybe getting the supreme unit with maybe a few minor upgrades? May end up doing two stories with one with the fusion xgene/zoanoid and the other with just an xgene both with guyvers but with the latter one being the more advanced unit? Quote
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