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The Bourne Surpremacy


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Again am I the only one who sees this stuff. Alright I will cut you guys some slack as this is the opening day of the movie.

Anyway it is a very good movie, go see it if you have not already.

Signed your friendly neighborhood Weltall2. Oh wait that is a different movie. :D

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It was better than the first movie, and for those of you out there who have yet to see it do so soon the movie is worth your $5 or whatever obscene amount of money they charge now.

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I have saw the first one but the second one isnt out over yet but all of you are advising people to see it so i will take your words on that.

We always wait ages for films to come out over here I Robot, The Bourne Supremacy and Hellboy have still to be released where as yous have probably seen it already.

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