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Where's my Toonami?

Guest Sith Guyver

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As I have said before this is a sweeps month. So this may, and I stress MAY be just for this month. To be honest I doubt that the WB would destroy a subsidiary of theirs that makes sooo much frekkin money for them. That my friends is bad buisiness. This is probably the WB's way of pulling up a few ranks in the Neilson Ratings.

Any way we still have like a week and a half left in this month let us not panic yet if this continues a week or two after this month then we should start panicing. Until then remain calm, and put your seat backs and trays in their full up right position.

Uhhh I think its been nearly a month since this statement has been made so feel free to panic now :o

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The new Turtles series is based off the 'Origional' comic series. April O'Neil actually was a scientist assistant in the origional, not a Reporter. strange.

I hate the 'groove' the turtles have going. The way they say'what out for Shredder' in the opening intro just irks me. The series isn't bad though; maybe if they just tweak the music. And I love how Michelangelo is ADD, it's just hilarious to see him get distracted.

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The new Turtles series is based off the 'Origional' comic series. April O'Neil actually was a scientist assistant in the origional, not a Reporter. strange.

I hate the 'groove' the turtles have going. The way they say'what out for Shredder' in the opening intro just irks me. The series isn't bad though; maybe if they just tweak the music. And I love how Michelangelo is ADD, it's just hilarious to see him get distracted.

I don't know, I think this serise is crap compared to the original, which I have most of the episodes of. I think they should have just let the serise go, because they didn't do any favors with the Live Action serise, which only had one good thing and that was the female turtle, she was funny.

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Here is the real problem and it is this. Most of us on the board age 18 and older remember the golden days when shows were good. There were cirtain standards that were expected of them (the developers) because they didn't have computers to do the work for them, as technology and time progressed it became cheaper to make cartoons so the creators got lazy and instituted a trial and error philosephy. Translation: Few were afraid of failure because they could always fix it easily. And hey who was gonna complain US not likely we don't tend to complain until it costs us a lot of money then we are hoppin mad.

So, in reality the producers are not the only ones to blame we carry an equal burden for not voicing our grivences sooner. I personally can only tolerate shows slightly above the intelectuall level of Barney that is the minimum I would gnaw my own arm off rather than watch Barney.

Which brings me to another point Barney is far worse than Miguzi. Just food for thought.

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Here is the real problem and it is this. Most of us on the board age 18 and older remember the golden days when shows were good. There were cirtain standards that were expected of them (the developers) because they didn't have computers to do the work for them, as technology and time progressed it became cheaper to make cartoons so the creators got lazy and instituted a trial and error philosephy. Translation: Few were afraid of failure because they could always fix it easily. And hey who was gonna complain 'US' not likely we don't tend to complain until it costs us a lot of money then we are hoppin mad.

So, in reality the producers are not the only ones to blame we carry an equal burden for not voicing our grivences sooner. I personally can only tolerate shows slightly above the intelectuall level of Barney that is the minimum I would gnaw my own arm off rather than watch Barney.

Which brings me to another point Barney is far worse than Miguzi. Just food for thought.

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