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Guyver October 2015


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The orbs were only protruding when he was actually growing, or performing the black hole attack.


As soon as he reached full height ( on the same page we see him emerge from the building) they are already back to normal.


Agito seems to have already finished growing, thus the orbs are not protruding further out.

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Very interesting, I dont expect Agito to have a different coloured armour as he we haven't really seen to much growth from him. At best I think Cannibal's art is likely the most accurate if there is any change. A lighter colour to show that he's  gained a little humility and respect for others. Hopeful well get to see more of what Exceed can do since Agito is less likely to hold back in a fight.


This alien angel the zoalords have become is very interesting, very strong and it seems to have phasing powers. It doesn't seem like a full fusion though and they both seem to have their individualities intacks. Jabir seems to be the one who has changed most maybe Luggnagg is acting as a power source to to fuel Jabir's new form (although thats pure conjecture at this point). I look forward to seeing what they can do.


Who wants to bet Luggnagg's going to jump ship when things start looking bad and leaves Jabir to get annihilated? That being said however I dont think this fight will be an easy win for Agito. While Sho did have the power advantage Khan didn't go down without a fight and unlike him Luggnagg and Jabir aren't insane. 

Edited by Adolphus Strigoi
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I think that against Imakarum and Purgstall it was a combination of Sho's inexperience and the fact that while Gigantic he tends to hold back so as not to cause to much collateral damage (or kill his one time friend). Against Khan he was just holding back.


Agito on the other hand goes for the kill right from the start and never stops coming.  However when Agito was fighting Waferdanos and Yentsui he suffered more damage then Sho ever has in a fight with a Zoalord, even his fight with Purgstall. He also had his fair share of close calls in that fight and only won due to a combination of skill and luck.


Also am I the only one who noticed that the Gigantics have never killed a single enemy with the Giga-Smasher?

Edited by Adolphus Strigoi
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The problem with the Giga-Smasher is that it might do severe damage to the planet itself if it is not used with great care.


I wonder... will we see it take a chunk out of the moon by mistake? That's kind of tradition in disaster manga, isn't it - damaging the moon?

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I'm still reserving judgment of the new Zoalord forms till the fight actually gets started properly and we see what they can do.  I find it a little odd that two Zoalords would NEED to fuse to use their Zoa-forms so at the moment I'm guessing Luggnagg's Zoa-form has a second form like Khan's did or something that works as an independent battle form and his current form is an additional power course or something.  I really want to see the data file on these two.

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Personally I'm not a fan of this combination form. I don't know, I don't like it. It doesn't seem to "fit" in the Guyver world. It's almost like something I'd expect in Naruto or InuYasha. It looks more like a demon than a Zoalord battle form. I dunno, it may grow on me if they each are able to separate and have their own forms. But as of now...I'm not really feeling it.

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well this is my theory,

based, to what is, of zoalords in question,


Luggnagg of Krumeggnic not have enough data, the, to pass judgment so I assume that he is using a limited form as


and Cabraal Khan


so I assume that at this point, is only a booster to maintain that form, which must say that, knowing what I know of, Jabir ibn Hayyan


I assume that is not their true form, but a new think that it similar to what happened with Cabraal Khan, which makes a dragon with Zoanoids, Jabir ibn Hayyan could be making allusion, beings, legends of the Muslim faith,


and that huge body could just be a big ball of hair,

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I agree with the prevailing opinion.


I think that Jabir's original zoaform is the basis for this combined mode, but that the giant size comes from Kurumegnik's power. I suspect his power is probably a lot like this: projecting a spherical force field around his central, armored form, and attacking from a distance with energy spheres, like he did with Aptom back during the battle with Prukshutal.


...I also strongly suspect we're going to see their separate forms when Agito beats them. Unless they defeat him. That'd be a turn-up, wouldn't it?

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Since Valkyria's appearance and him finally having his big showdown with Sho I've been feeling that maybe the dark guyver may actually meet his end soon.


I think he will defeat this dark angel although not without some difficulty but after that when he's worn out from the battle tragedy may strike. Maybe Luggnagg will escape and stab him in the back or maybe it will involve Valkyria or Guyot.

Edited by Adolphus Strigoi
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It might be Guyot. He might risk using the Remover if he believes he has a good chance of obtaining Agito's unit.


...Kind of hoping for this now. When he was a full Zoalord, the Unit would have made him completely unstoppable, at the very least on par with Archanfel and probably way beyond. But now that he's a proto-Zoalord, it just might not be such an awesome boost.

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