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Due to a request i am making this thread to discuss the spider-man movie coming 2012.

Well, where to Start....I guess i start to WHY it is being remade, from what i gathered they where pushing Sam Raimi to make a fourth movie a year after the 3rd which it would not give him enough time to film a decent story and i would have been rushed, so He quit, all the actors too and now i think sony is the one that is making the movie, Marc Web is the director now (500 days of summer) with Andrew Garfield (social network) playing as Spider-man. the story will be focused more like Ultimate spider-man where Spidey is still in High School, this time the Love focus is not going to be Mary Jane instead it will be Gwen Stacy who in the comics really is his first love (thank god they got this right) played by Emma Stone (Zombie Land :Runnykine: ) the villain will be at the moment from what i can tell is The lizard .

here is again a pick of how spider-man's costume looks like now:



then only concern i have right now is the fact that photo is at night time.

for some reason, these producers think something can't be good unless it is night time.

anyway, i am glad they are doing a reboot because i don't like sam raimi's style.

he didn't do spiderman like i remember from the comic.

I like colours as well. stylish colours.

well this is a bit dark but the suit looks stylish. it looks like a sports outfit, almost like a MMX bikers getup.

i would say typically more believable than that crazy thing in sam raimi's movie.

I really want to see him actually make his equipment.


yeah, the organic webbing was cool but I am really fond of the artificial webbing, supposedly this time spidey will use artificial webbing so I guess we will see him make it this time around, I like the raimi films but only cause of the Villains, they where the spotlight of each film, Spider-man? although Tobey is a good actor he did not fill the roll well, Here is hoping that Garfield can redeem Spider-man's Image, also i am really digging Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, bow-chika-bow-wow!!

Posted (edited)

Another reboot of a marvel comic book character movie... sigh...

Is this the third or the fourth one they've 'rebooted' the movies for?

there has only been 2 Reboots that i know of, Incredible Hulk and Punisher Warzone in which both were excellent in my opinion (although it was not necessary to reboot Punisher since the first one was great to begin with). giving the good that those two did for their respective franchises I will give the Spidey reboot the benefit of the doubt, it may turn out surprising us.

Edited by odin

Actually that's the point. Marvel is centralizing all the franchises to Marvel Studios. Iron Man is the first one to start leading up to The Avengers. The Incredible Hulk was the second one, but apparently they are rebooting it for a second time cause Edward Norton doesn't want to play Bruce Banner again. It's a shame too, since that was a really good movie. Thor will be the next one to hint at The Avengers. I wonder if Ant Man will be in The Avengers cause I know Edgar Wright is directing the film.


The only real known enemy of Ant Man, who can also become a giant, is his son Ultron. That makes The Vision Ant Man's Grandson. But Ant Man & his wife, The Wasp, are more like secondary heroes like some Kamen Riders are.


Since the Spidey reboot will deal with the early days of Spidey, I guess there's no way we can see the other big names in the movie. Unless of course they plan to introduce Spidey as a teenager in the present timeline of the cinematic universe. Recent marvel movies does seem to have a lot of easter eggs that we are not aware of.


I don't know much about the comics, but i think they rebooted the comics so that the big names appeared earlier?

and i think that reboot was done as a parallel storyline.

so the original story continued?

Posted (edited)

I don't know much about the comics, but i think they rebooted the comics so that the big names appeared earlier?

and i think that reboot was done as a parallel storyline.

so the original story continued?

yes, the Spider-man Reboot is in an entirely different universe from the Raimi films not a continuation, I would say Earth 199999 like the other recent marvel films (Iron man 1 and 2, Captain America, Incredible Hulk, Thor) since they are making the movies for so just to make the avengers but it has not been confirmed yet, I guess if this movie turns out successful it will be part of the same universe and maybe we will see Spidey in the Avengers movie, maybe the sequel if we are still alive. lol

I don't think we will be seen any of the actors from the last 3 movies but we may get cameos from the other superhero movies, Stan Lee will probably appear there tho, we will have to wait and see, once we get more info i'll let you guys know.

Edited by odin

As far as I know Stan Lee appears in every single Marvel movie as a cameo. It's always amusing going to watch them to spot him. :D

They 'rebooted' the comics a couple of years back with Onslaught (I think it was called) and that allowed them to go back to the basics for most of the super heroes and restart their stories but that wasn't for Spiderman or most of the Mutants (they reset the mutants in another way which memory is failing me at the moment as to what they called it but it cured a lot of them).

Was Spiderman part of the Avengers?


Yes. Spider-Man was. This image proves it.

Stan didn't appear in Ghost Rider or the Blade trilogy. He didn't create those guys. He created the other Marvel heroes like the Wall-Crawler.


Posted (edited)

He is still an Avenger till this day, his is part of the original avangers that has thor, Iron man and Captain America and Wolverine but is also now a member of the New Avengers with Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Spider-woman, wolverine (yeah wolverine is on both teams also, both of them are very invaluable members) and others. Stan lee only appears on the movies of characters that he made, just like bobby said.

Onslaught was not a reboot, just a way to change some things on some characters, the mutant thing was called House Of M where Scarlet Witch in the end made the majority of the mutant population powerless making the Mutant Race almost extinct, Spider-man suffered through the dreaded and stupid one more day arc but it did not really change anything in the continuity other than Harry being alive and Peter not being married to MJ.

Edited by odin

Scarlet Witch did that because she wanted to have children with fellow Avenger Vision because they were in love. Vision is a machine and the "grandson" of founding Avenger Ant Man.


Stan Lee did have a cameo in Blade, it just got cut :) Or he was meant to according to Wikipedia :) Doesn't matter, it still is fun to look for him.

As for Onslaught I call it a reboot. They went back to being noob people who didn't have powers and then got them again. Reboot! :)


Hmm... seems like there are a lot of things that I need to clarify on the posts above.

Warning, spoilers ahead!

Firstly, Spiderman was never an avenger. He was only a reserved member. That is until that whole Civil War thing. So in a sense, after more than 30 years in publication, he only became an official Avengers member a few years ago. Also, the House of M didn't happen because Scarlet witch wanted children, it was because she went insane when she found out that her children were not real, and it was her powers that created them. Our resident Marvel guru Jerrygoodman can vouch for these.


Hmm... seems like there are a lot of things that I need to clarify on the posts above.

Warning, spoilers ahead!

Firstly, Spiderman was never an avenger. He was only a reserved member. That is until that whole Civil War thing. So in a sense, after more than 30 years in publication, he only became an official Avengers member a few years ago. Also, the House of M didn't happen because Scarlet witch wanted children, it was because she went insane when she found out that her children were not real, and it was her powers that created them. Our resident Marvel guru Jerrygoodman can vouch for these.

yeah, i was going to clarify the House of M stuff but thanks for doing it, I was going to say also about what you said about spidey, forgot to mention that he was first a reserved avenger, but he is currently a full-time member of both the old and new avengers till this day, that's what i was going to say.

I am curious what other characters will appear on the avengers movie, probably the original guys and later the rest of the crew on the sequel (if it all turns out good)

Back on topic, do you guys think that there will be a second villain on the film or do you think that the lizard is enough for this one? I for one think the lizard is enough, he has always been more then a match for spidey

even more now with his recent evolution



I just hope they don't kill Lizard. I'm so sick of villains getting killed in these movies. Plus, Lizard is the one villain Spider-Man refuses to beat into a coma due to his friendship with Dr. Connors.

Posted (edited)

they where ok on my book but yeah, they need a reboot since the guy who was playing the human torch is now playing captain america.

Edited by odin

Reboot this, reboot that. You know, I've read this whole topic in under 3 minutes, taking it all in and I can't believe how many times the word Reboot is written. It makes me think back to the glory days of the mid 90's when that CGI show, REBOOT, used to play on weekday mornings on Fox Kids.

Funny joke, one day we'll see Spidey facing the Evolved Lizard and he'll slap-tap his spidey symbol and shout "Reboot!" and go from Amazing Spider-Man to possibly Spider-Man 2099, Scarlet Spider, Man-Spider, Spider-Man Noir and/or Spider-Man Unlimited. Heck, maybe even Black Costume Spider-Man.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself there.

As for the movie, I do hope they just stick to the Lizard. Now, if I'm correct, this 'REMAKE' is based around the Ultimate Series comics of Spider-Man, right?

Didn't Parker have the organic Web-Shooters in Ultimate Spider-Man? Can't remember as I haven't read the series for a long while. There's no close comic book store in my area and I'm not about to take a 30-45 minute drive to go to one. I know he had them in Amazing and Friendly Neighborhood series as well as those Web Spikes he used.

Also, if they make a sequel to this movie, who wants Carnage as the villain for its sequel?


Ultimate spidey still uses the artificial web shooters, just like the mainstream spidey is right now (since they downgraded his powers after the one more day story arc) in order for there to be carnage in the movies there has to be Venom first.


In order for Carnige to appear, there has to be Venom - IF you follow the traditional story line. Remember this is Hollywood. If they like something, they aren't going to let continuity get in the way.

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