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Normally I'd post this in the website update thread but not everyone reads that section compared to the main section of the messageboard.

I'm approcing a crossroads that will in the end make big changes to Japan-Legend.com so am looking for input from people who visit the site no matter if they are new to the website or old timers.

Here's the problem, the Japan Legend Wiki does not work nor has it in a long time. I've being working on it a lot and there is a decent chance that the Wiki will never be recovered. That leaves me with some hard choices that need to be made as we're now approching a year since Jess♥ left the project and I simply can't have a website with broken links and non working areas on the front page that link to a non working wiki.

So heres the following that could / will happen in the next week / month.

I've a support thread open with Mediawiki. Between them and I get the wiki working. It's not looking good though as they think it's a problem with the database and the qestion is do I even have what is needed to get it fixed? So here are the choices as I see it going forward.

*) The wiki is fixed. Given the hassle it has caused I convert it into a HTML based archive wiki and fix up the forum and front page of the website. Never had to worry again about the DB.

*) The wiki isn't fixed - what do I do going forward.

1) The images that were contained in the wiki are still accessable while the data / posts are not. So option 1 is write it off and get to work on TheguyverNet and use was was left of the wiki we can recover to get the wesite started. Japan-Legend.com will basically become this forum which will take over the front page of the website.

2) Someone takes on the Wiki project of getting a new Guyver Add Free Wiki started. We start again from scratch writing off the old Wiki but restrict it so it's not connected to the forum stopping what happened to it in the past from happening again.


If someone is willing to take up the project, I think that would be great
. But if it's not working and is beyond salvaging, it might be worth just ditching it and forgetting about it. I have next to no knowledge of the Internet /computers, other than simply surfing the net, so I won't be of much help here.


9 hours ago, Sully said:

So heres the following that could / will happen in the next week / month.

I've a support thread open with Mediawiki. Between them and I get the wiki working. It's not looking good though as they think it's a problem with the database and the qestion is do I even have what is needed to get it fixed? So here are the choices as I see it going forward.

*) The wiki is fixed. Given the hassle it has caused I convert it into a HTML based archive wiki and fix up the forum and front page of the website. Never had to worry again about the DB.

*) The wiki isn't fixed - what do I do going forward.

1) The images that were contained in the wiki are still accessable while the data / posts are not. So option 1 is write it off and get to work on TheguyverNet and use was was left of the wiki we can recover to get the wesite started. Japan-Legend.com will basically become this forum which will take over the front page of the website.

2) Someone takes on the Wiki project of getting a new Guyver Add Free Wiki started. We start again from scratch writing off the old Wiki but restrict it so it's not connected to the forum stopping what happened to it in the past from happening again.

So... exactly how bad is the current wiki code? I mean is it a total mess and what version of, I'm assuming it was written in Html or html with some php was it, written with. if it just need to be written with the updated codes that could a while, but I wouldn't think it would be that much of a problem, unless it is a total mess. In which case would it be easier though really time consuming to just write it from the ground up or is there enough code the would be salvageable to use in building a new version?


As the database tables were separated out, it's possible that a lot of important data was lost. The wiki pages are likely saved as the proprietary media wiki markup. It's standard text with some embellishments. That's not difficult data to deal with. It can be transferred to html easily enough. The wiki was very good for lots of people working together though, before the user Base was compromised and it got vandalised beyond belief. I'm fairly adept at the backend of mysql databases. I've had a little practice in the past with various queries. I'm happy to put in a little bit of time to work with existing backups on my own server. If I can arrive at a usable version I can then hand that back to you guys to fix up.


I've gone through every backup I have and checked with Mediawiki. Basically any Mediawiki works from 3 sections of the database and simply, there is something missing from my backups. After restoring here's the important information:

Showing rows 0 - 29 (27718 total, Query took 0.0058 sec)

From `wiki_revision`

Showing rows 0 - 29 (21538 total, Query took 0.0058 sec)

From `wiki_page`

Showing rows 0 - 29 (2187 total, Query took 0.0011 sec)

FROM `wiki_text`

This is what they responded to that with:


The problem is not caused by missing rows in the text table (although your number there is suspiciously low as well). But the problem are missing rows in the revision table. The entries in your page table reference revisions up to rev_id 27940. At this point the complete revision table will have an entry with rev_id = 27940 as highest value. The number of rows in that table should be around 27940 - it might be a bit lower, because MediaWiki can be used to remove certain rows manually, but it should be around that number of rows.

Unless you've a backup SQL file somewhere Jess♥ from the time it was working (early 2015? / late 2014) it's not likely the Wiki will be recoverable.



3 hours ago, Matt Bellamy said:

Let's not jump the gun.

Jess said she MAY have something, but that isn't a confirmation of actually having what we need.

Yeah, I searched through all my folders, sorry can't find a lick of anything.  since the hosts I was using kept regular backups, I evidently didn't make any myself.

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